Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by denverairforce

man it's pathetic reading through some of this thread. the jealousy, the hatred, the envy, it's really pretty sad. hope some of you guys can get over it and get your life back on track, lol.
word...yehh its really ridiculous with the stuff said on here but with that said its all in fun you know i mean its just the internet
true, true, and there's plenty of you guys who are reasonable and realistic fans, but some of these cats are acting so hateful and it'sjust funny cuz it's very obvious that they are overcompensating for their own anger and jealousy. saying stuff like Melo's not that good because thisis the first time he's gotten deep in the playoffs, etc. people are funny. and people saying stuff like Kobe's career is done, I mean, give me abreak. you should have to earn the right to talk about sports, you shouldn't be able to just post stupid crap because you're on your period. lol.
Nuggets got the win they needed...

Gonna be a tough game for LA tomorrow they haven't been doing to well on the road...and if they let Denver jump out on them it'll be over prettyquickly...

But I'd rather see another good game though...can't wait!
Originally Posted by rocshoes24

Hard to do that w/ a jacked up elbow, bro
Plain and simple, that was a good play out of the timeout. Fisher was pretty much open he just missed, horribly. Yes I would have loved to have Kobe shoot it, but you don't the Nuggets expected that? Now if you would rather have Brown shooting that or Sasha or Farmar instead of Fisher, that can be debated. However, Phil Jackson does a lot of dumb things, IMO this wasn't one of them.
Cue Eff Tee.
Melo is barely the best player on his team

Loving all the melo love... where was he before they got billups as a PG. Sitting at home after getting swept twice. One year dont mean #$#@
Obviously you're infuriated.
Were was Kobe after Shaq and before Gasol?


This _ Haze was going in.
so you mean to tell me that you stay up this late and go into threads on a thursday night to bash and talk negative/hate on a player?

is that what you really do?. i mean tomorrow when you go to work/school and someone says, "hey, how was your night?" what do you tell them? "oh i was on this really cool message board called Niketalk and I was really giving it to kobe fans, giving them my 2 cents as to why kobe really sucks and how he is over rated. Yes i stayed on that message board for about 4 hours straight just taking shots at kobe and laker fans... i feel like i won the battle, man i feel so damn cool!"

GET A LIFE BRO, sorry.

I think it may be time to put Melo in that upper tier category.
Not just yet.
Originally Posted by maldonado

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

If you are going to call it lopsided then do us all a favor refs, call the bad calls for one team at the START of halves not at the end. ESPECIALLY (I like this word) at the end of games.

I know lakers fans aint complaining about the officiating..

Nope, Bill Simmons (the biggest Celtic fan/Laker Hater there is) is:

Just to mix it up, I will say something nice about my archenemies (speaking about the Lakers). They blew Game 2 Thursday night thanks to some typically brutalofficiating from a league that's slowly becoming defined by its typically brutal officiating. This is such a good series, such a perfect matchup betweentwo evenly matched teams -- and even better, a fiercely competitive Nuggets group that's forcing the finesse Lakers to get their hands dirty, or else --and just when the bodies were banging and Game 2 was turning into PLAYOFF BASKETBALL in all caps, the whistles started coming with about five minutes to play.God forbid two teams just played their +#%*@ off, brought the best out of each other and decided the outcomes themselves. Nobody would want to see that.

Bill Simmons thinks the game wasofficiated poorly.

You can't lie, the game was officiated poorly for both sides, however, at the end, when it counted the Lakers got the short end of the stick.

I am not blaming them for the loss, i am just pointing out it was bad. The Lakers lost that game by blowing the 14 point lead they had in the first half.
nothing's over with Kobe in the game. also, can I just say that Carmelo is playing defense like I've never seen before? I've never seen the dudehustle and lock down like this before. i've always known he had the skills, just needed the motivation. way to show 'em Melo, you got a few million newfans starting this week, lol.
same can be said for the officiating in game 1, which was beneficial to the Lakers, so what's your point? I think teams have to realize that if the game isclose enough to be decided by officiating, then the losing team did not play hard enough. also, there were plenty of plays in the last 5 minutes last nightwhere there was HEAVY contact against the Nuggets in the paint that we did not get calls on, and to me, it's OK, because that's playoff basketball.luckily, on most of those plays, it was Melo getting banged by 2 guys (pause) and still making the bucket, so we took the 2 points and hustled back down.that's part of the game now, like it or not. you cannot rely on officiating. you have to make solid plays and decisions at the end of a tight game and ifthe calls don't go your way, you gotta find an alternative to come out on top.

also, where's the pics of GK with Jack in the background looking pissed?
Originally Posted by denverairforce

nothing's over with Kobe in the game. also, can I just say that Carmelo is playing defense like I've never seen before? I've never seen the dude hustle and lock down like this before. i've always known he had the skills, just needed the motivation. way to show 'em Melo, you got a few million new fans starting this week, lol.

carmelos defenitly stepped it up. i remember all those past years he would be ghost in the playoffs.

i know both teams are thinking they should be up 2-0 now.

as long as the lakers split in denver ill be content. they've played better on the road when they have their backs against the wall (game 3 houston) andplayed like crap when they were in the drivers seat (games 4 and 6 against houston)

i'm confident they'll split but even if they split ill be a little mad if it goes something like this squeak out a win in game 3 get blown out ingame 4.
Originally Posted by The Fresh King

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by The Fresh King

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by Blazers21NTNP

Nuggets need this game.

and i need a million dollars

thats not going to happen and neither is the nuggets winning tomorrow

Get off NT and make it happen. Nuggets got this.
smh...get off NT if the nuggets lose

Thanks! I think I will stay tho
As I said, Nuggets got this!
have a field day!

denverairforce wrote:
true, true, and there's plenty of you guys who are reasonable and realistic fans, but some of these cats are acting so hateful and it's just funny cuz it's very obvious that they are overcompensating for their own anger and jealousy. saying stuff like Melo's not that good because this is the first time he's gotten deep in the playoffs, etc. people are funny. and people saying stuff like Kobe's career is done, I mean, give me a break. you should have to earn the right to talk about sports, you shouldn't be able to just post stupid crap because you're on your period. lol.

yehh we could have a 100 page essay about it but we learn to laugh it off...ppl get really hurt in the behind and such...i bet half of these guys who say kobesucks/Lebron sucks etc. have never even picked up a basketball
When in doubt, Blame the refs.

The refs make the Lakers blow that lead at the end of the 1st?

The refs let Melo go on that scoring tear?

The refs allowed Kleiza to his 3's and grab 7+ boards?


Just like I said after game 1, give credit where credit is due.

Nuggets TOOK game 2 just like the Lake show TOOK game 1.

Stop worrying about the refs.

And to those wondering why Bynum didn't get more PT....Who exact was he going to check? When they had Kleiza in?

Yeah, he may have done work somewhat on the inside, but Kleiza woulda MURDERED HIM FROM 3PT range.

3 > 2

They woulda had to take him out anyways.

Also, Melo is my man and all, but he's still a average defender.

He's just giving it more EFFORT than I have ever seen him do before.
Originally Posted by denverairforce

same can be said for the officiating in game 1, which was beneficial to the Lakers, so what's your point? I think teams have to realize that if the game is close enough to be decided by officiating, then the losing team did not play hard enough. also, there were plenty of plays in the last 5 minutes last night where there was HEAVY contact against the Nuggets in the paint that we did not get calls on, and to me, it's OK, because that's playoff basketball. luckily, on most of those plays, it was Melo getting banged by 2 guys (pause) and still making the bucket, so we took the 2 points and hustled back down. that's part of the game now, like it or not. you cannot rely on officiating. you have to make solid plays and decisions at the end of a tight game and if the calls don't go your way, you gotta find an alternative to come out on top.

also, where's the pics of GK with Jack in the background looking pissed?
Read my entire post, I said that the officiating was poor for both sides. I am not saying that is why the Lakers lost i am just pointing it outbud. my point is the refs need to do a better job officiating the game proper like. This whole Friends and Family business is not good for basketball. Call thegame right when a foul is a foul call it.

Some will argue "well if they called all the fouls they would be calling fouls all the time". My response to the NBA is change the rules so they arenot to harsh let the guys hand check, bang (pause), and bump you do already anyway (with the exception of Jones (btw that was brutal and inexcusable).

That's my point, not that the Lakers lost because of the refs because they didn't. Like I already said there were many reasons they lost, 99.9% of themhad to do with themselves.
--The refs have been letting them play. Neither team has benefitted greatly from the ref's play calling.
--Melo and the rest of the Nuggets have alot more offensive firepower than I thought. Outside of Kobe, we dont have squat.
--I see the Lakers winning only one more game TOPS.

--Denverairforce, your confidnce in your team was legit. Good stuff bro. A Melo/Bron Finals would be intriguing.
Shut the hell up about the damn refs. Who #$%^&* cares what Bill Simmons says?????

Refs had nothing to do with last night, leave it alone. Quit bringing it up, quit mentioning it, quit saying but but but, STOP.

We won game 1, we lost game 2.

Denver lost game 1, they won game 2.

Series tied 1 - 1. PERIOD.

Leave the refs out of it.
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Originally Posted by denverairforce

same can be said for the officiating in game 1, which was beneficial to the Lakers, so what's your point? I think teams have to realize that if the game is close enough to be decided by officiating, then the losing team did not play hard enough. also, there were plenty of plays in the last 5 minutes last night where there was HEAVY contact against the Nuggets in the paint that we did not get calls on, and to me, it's OK, because that's playoff basketball. luckily, on most of those plays, it was Melo getting banged by 2 guys (pause) and still making the bucket, so we took the 2 points and hustled back down. that's part of the game now, like it or not. you cannot rely on officiating. you have to make solid plays and decisions at the end of a tight game and if the calls don't go your way, you gotta find an alternative to come out on top.

also, where's the pics of GK with Jack in the background looking pissed?
Read my entire post, I said that the officiating was poor for both sides. I am not saying that is why the Lakers lost i am just pointing it out bud. my point is the refs need to do a better job officiating the game proper like. This whole Friends and Family business is not good for basketball. Call the game right when a foul is a foul call it.

Some will argue "well if they called all the fouls they would be calling fouls all the time". My response to the NBA is change the rules so they are not to harsh let the guys hand check, bang (pause), and bump you do already anyway (with the exception of Jones (btw that was brutal and inexcusable).

That's my point, not that the Lakers lost because of the refs because they didn't. Like I already said there were many reasons they lost, 99.9% of them had to do with themselves.

dont wanna quote myself but...
westcoastsfinest wrote:
no one to blame here but ourselves we were up 13 and blew it...havent we learned from last year...guess not
I had a feeling the Nuggets would even the series.

Refs are letting them play, I'm sure they know how physical this Nuggets team is, so I'm glad they're not calling any of the flops.

As long as the Lakers can return the favor and split in Denver, then we are good.

This series has kept my nerves on pins and needles.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Shut the hell up about the damn refs. Who #$%^&* cares what Bill Simmons says?????

Refs had nothing to do with last night, leave it alone. Quit bringing it up, quit mentioning it, quit saying but but but, STOP.

We won game 1, we lost game 2.

Denver lost game 1, they won game 2.

Series tied 1 - 1. PERIOD.

Leave the refs out of it.
Wow, somebody's grouchy.

Hmm...First off you will get nowhere telling me to shut the hell up. Has that ever worked for you?

Second, many people read and care about what Bill Simmons says, he is a writer, that is how he earns a living. You may not care about what he says, if so justsay you don't like him.

Third, last I check the refs do officiate/monitor the game. they can alter the game drastically from calls/non-calls. So they do matter. (see Tim Donaghy).Before you say I am saying the refs cheat, I am not, I am just making the point the refs can alter games.

Fourth, the only factual statement you made in your post, the series is tied 1-1. Yes you can count!

I thought it was cute that you spelled out PERIOD between two actual periods.
-- ^ I doubt the Lakers can split in Denver. Our D has too many holes. And we cant box out if our lives depended on it.
--Lakers will not get blown out, they will be close hard fought games.... BUt they will take 2 L's in Denver. Bank on it.

--Nonetheless, go Lakers.
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

-- ^ I doubt the Lakers can split in Denver. Our D has too many holes. And we cant box out if our lives depended on it.
--Lakers will not get blown out, they will be close hard fought games.... BUt they will take 2 L's in Denver. Bank on it.

--Nonetheless, go Lakers.
I don't agree with that. Lakers will win game 3, bank on that.
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

-- ^ I doubt the Lakers can split in Denver. Our D has too many holes. And we cant box out if our lives depended on it.
--Lakers will not get blown out, they will be close hard fought games.... BUt they will take 2 L's in Denver. Bank on it.

--Nonetheless, go Lakers.
I don't agree with that. Lakers will win game 3, bank on that.

--I hope your right.
Then again, Bynum dared to question Jackson's entire defensive strategy, which is similar to the zone-based style Denver also plays, by saying: "Honestly, I think that we need to rethink how we are doing the defense. They are used to it; they play it every day in practice. They are just attacking it and swinging it to the other side. It is an easy 3-on-2 every time that they swing it to the other side."

That was from a Kevin Ding article in the LA Times.

It seems to me like he's referring to all the dunks and open jumpers Kenyon gets on the baseline. Hopefully the Lakers will adjust to take care of thoseplays and get the weakside defender to crash the boards so the Melo doesn't get them.
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

-- ^ I doubt the Lakers can split in Denver. Our D has too many holes. And we cant box out if our lives depended on it.
--Lakers will not get blown out, they will be close hard fought games.... BUt they will take 2 L's in Denver. Bank on it.

--Nonetheless, go Lakers.
I don't agree with that. Lakers will win game 3, bank on that.

--I hope your right.

Me too
i didn't really care about carmelo, but this game made me grow on him nh.

i might have to cop his autograph jersey.

this dude is filthy. i like to see him get mad though he's usually laid back...

i honestly think his offensive game is better than kobe because he makes it look so easy

while kobe seems like he has to try so hard to get his.

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