Official Lakers vs. Spurs 5/27 Game 4 9:00 ET on TNT

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Chauncey Billups won a game the exact same way for the Pistons earlier this year.

It's was a foul, it would have been a soft foul but still a foul.

No he didn't. Chauncy had Tony Allen airborne and jumped into him WHILE he was in the air. Barry remained on the ground and absorbed the contact, THEN went up. If he would have jumped into Fish while Fish was in the air, it'd be a totally different thing.
Barry tried to go around him but couldn't because bumped him. Call it what you want but it was a foul. I mean admit you wouldn't want the gamedecided like that but don't act like that wasn't a foul.
One more thing, as much as I like Kobe, dude seriously almost cost us that game, at least he admitted it though. But
@ Kobe only having 6 FTs this entireseries, plus Phil just made a great point, Fish's "airball" did in fact hit the rim cause the ball changed trajectory; therefore it would havereset the shot clock and forced the Spurs to foul.
it was a foul............but i think it was justice for how TERRIBLE the officiating was all game
Odom blocked parker anyways plus fisher's shot hit the rim and the clock should have been reseted
It was a foul. I have to give props to Barry for that interview after the game, dud said they are not going to call that. I would have talked so much trashabout the refs and crying conspiracy.
Phil Jackson brought up a great point.

Fisher's shot hit the rim but they didn't reset the shot clock.

Game should've been over.

Oh, and Brent Barry doesn't shoot 100% from the line.
BRENT BARRY WASN'T COMPLAINING in the locker room interview...

props to Pops for getting the team to move on from discussing the play....

on to game 5!!!
Originally Posted by thagreatj

pau gasol really needs to get stronger.


but good win for the Lakers

GOOD NO CALL! .. and I don't know if the Lakers had any fouls to give,but if they were going to call a foul it shouldn't have been a shooting foul.
All I know is....

Skip bayless is going to have a COW tomorrow.

Skip loves the spurs and I can't wait to see how PO'ed he is tomorrow.
Hell even Pop just said it wasn't a foul, so all the haters can shove it.
Phil said he "bumped" him. Think Kobe never got "bumped" the entire game, hell the entire series, in games played in San Antonio (he has 1free throw)?

Fish played it right. He didn't jump OD high or horizontally, and Barry's slow $$# wasn't fast enough to jump into the contact while Fisher wasairborne. He saw the contact, kind of put his shoulder down into it, absorbed it and readjusted his feet, then shot. That's not how "drawingfouls," which I hate anyways, is done.
Phil just basically said in the press conference 'He bumped him, but the refs are not going to call that in a game ending situation. And we shouldn'thave been in that situation anyways, because Fisher's shot hit the rim.'

Remember when we had the ball with 5 seconds left in the game but only 1 second left on the shot clock? Fisher's shot hit the rim, Pau almost got therebound, then Horry slapped it away and booted it out off of his own leg. Should have been our ball, with the ability to hold it.
grittyman20 (NOT... a Lakers fan; gritty's a Pistons fan):
That call is never made 99% of the time....

Remember Bowen on Lebron last year?

Yall dudes need to quit it.
I'm saying.
If anything this is evidence that the game should be called by other refs not named Joey Crawford

But the Fish shot hitting the rim, the possibility of LO getting a clean block, Manu's questionable three, the foul at the end, the reffing is all over theplace. If everything had been called correctly - not just one call - who knows what would've happened, or if anything had changed.
Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Please, tell me this, WHY do you have to SELL a foul call that was CLEARLY a foul? That wasn't even questionable, it wasnt a flop, Barry didnt cause the contact, Fisher got faked out by a ball fake, and jumped into Barry. Thats a foul, when a defensive player makes contact being faked out. Why you think offensive players use the ball fake? Its either a foul or not. Saying that Barry didnt sell it the foul is completely ******ed.


real talk that's why dudes flop in the NBA nowadays. Spurs dug them self a hole but thats a foul plain and simple
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