Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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new york, cleveland, and chicago all on suicide watch

and where is that lame animal thug???

lebron is about money, and not bball

LA for a three peat!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by My Toy Soldier

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

this was great lol
Originally Posted by malibusfinest310

new york, cleveland, and chicago all on suicide watch

and where is that lame animal thug???

lebron is about money, and not bball

LA for a three peat!!!!!!!!
ny aint been good for yrs, but they are still ny
chicago got drose and a quality team

funny how he is king one day and most hated the next
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

I'll save my response for tomorrow, I need to think about what I want to say because I want to be precise. I will say this to start out though, I love the Cavs owner, he's a str8 G, wish Bron had half of his heart and I can't wait for him to air his $*% out

at that letter being the first thing you see on the cavs website.

i can't believe i feel sorry for cleveland but they got shafted bad.

if lebron ever wins a title,   im gonna throw that lebron never won without wade and bosh card  time and time again the same way the lebron stanboys tried to discredit the real best player in the league,   and if they do win a title and it's not against the Lakers i'm gonna pull the Lebron never beat the Lakers card the same way a bunch of herbs threw the "title don't mean nothing if they don't beat the celtics" card that was pulled last month,   hell ill throw the can't beat the celtics card at lebron as well until he actually beats them.
American airlines arena is not that close to south beach...but have fun bron...worst arena ive ever been to.
Originally Posted by jbfsu9

American airlines arena is not that close to south beach...but have fun bron...worst arena ive ever been to.


...He's going to MIAMI for crying out loud.
I'm from Cleveland..but I went to high school at St. Thomas Aquinas in Fort Lauderdale and not once did I hear a word about the heat...everyone just asked me about lebron...I know there are true fans out there especially here on NT.. But I never saw it.
mo williams' reaction

@mogotti2 via twitter

I can't believe this is really real. This is surreal. So many emotions on one man decision. I wonder what is our next move.

The only thing, and I mean the only thing I disagree with is.... If he knew somewhere else was the destination. He should have spared cle

On national tv. But this was history so we might not understand the magnitude today. But when we look back on this, we might not

Never see this again.

Love u bron and always will. I knowu made your decision for the rt reason but we could have got it done here and u would have enjoyed

It in cle a whole lot more. But I have no idea what went on behind closed doors but I can sit here today and say that I am truly blessed

To have played with such a special player. We were so damn close. So damn close now we have taken leaps and bounds backwards. This will be

But we will make it thru. $*@!

I know we all angry, mad, disappointed. But remember that's a triple double walking. Let's pray he have a change of heart 2nite. It is the

The night of the unexpected. Who am I kidding

We got to step it up now that's all. We will be good next year. And hearing our owner keeps me convinced.

I'm still can't believe he gone y'all. 4real no bs. I think we all took it for granted and thought it was a nobrainer and he was resighning

But in all reality as we see he was really considering the possibilty of leaving if he felt was the rt situation. Wow, when u look back

On things u always see how the outcome of a situation happened. This is crazy wow. The big 3 in Boston were gettin old but they are young

Well, after I wake up in the morning its a new day and I can embark on the new journey in my life. Love all my fans. And that's 100

The person that i feel most sorry for is mike brown. He is a really good coach.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by jbfsu9

American airlines arena is not that close to south beach...but have fun bron...worst arena ive ever been to.


...He's going to MIAMI for crying out loud.
Off-topic, but why do you have the Dolphins in your sig three times?
Multiple Sources: Miami will have cocaine at the scorer's table for LeBron to do his pregame ritual
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Kobe Bean Bryant will be one bad MF if he manages to beat these three dudes in the Finals. IMO he could be the GOAT, MJ never played against a big 3 like this
He's been working out at my school UCSB this week 
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Kobe Bean Bryant will be one bad MF if he manages to beat these three dudes in the Finals. IMO he could be the GOAT, MJ never played against a big 3 like this
He's been working out at my school UCSB this week 
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