Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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you sound him going to the heat is taking the easy way out, noone should disagree with this. Joining the Bulls would of created rivalry after rivalry between atleast 4 teams in the east. Lebron ruined great basketball for the next 4-5 years. This is horrible for true fans of the game. This offseason could of brought us back to the heyday of competitivness between the east.
You have personal issues against a guy you don't even know.
If I had personal issues with him I would have said something "personal", since I didn't I take it that you yourself are just reaching for attention.

so why cant he be mentioned in a kobe and mj convo after this? because he have wade and bosh to help him win? so kobe and mj won championship by themselves then?
You must be new to's okay we'll let this comment of yours pass for now. 

So people won't remember LeBron huh DK...

I never said he wouldn't be remembered, nice try though champ.  Make no mistake about it though Lebron James will definitely be remembered from this day on out, be it either NBA wise or in the state of Ohio, but after that cowardly display last night he'll be remembered for all the wrong reasons.
I wish i would of thought about buying Heat season tickets beforehand. Could of made some serious Ben's.
so popocatepl was actually not a cavaliers fan?

@ this clown posting the 2008 numbers. What about 2006 and 2004? when these dudes were putting up bricks together? including mike miller?

LEBRONS LEGACY IS RUINED...even if he wins titles...he will never surpass kobe or jordan or make it into the top 20 of all time


you mad?
I went to a Clippers game last year when they played Toronto, Bosh is wayyyy overhyped
All the hate the man is getting is crazy. He said its all about winning and for that he made the right choice. Honestly home town or not, I wouldnt have stayed in Cleveland either. I really hope !**+#+ didnt think Antwan Jamison was going to help win a championship.  IF yall think Jordan did it on his own....yall crazy. The 90's bulls was damn near an All Star team and Kobe had the most dominant Center in the NBA plus Shaq was in his Prime then...cant stop that.  If Bosh Wade and Bron can play together....itz Over.
Originally Posted by tvanterpool

so why cant he be mentioned in a kobe and mj convo after this? because he have wade and bosh to help him win? so kobe and mj won championship by themselves then? so the players that are/were around them wasn't great? fisher, kerr, pippen, gasol not good players? and for the record kobe aint and will never be able to win a championship on his own if it wasn't for shaq/gasol he would be ringless, same thing with mj no pippen/kerr he would be ringless. point im tyna  prove dont try to pull the lagacy tarnish card if a player had to leave his known city to win championship they all need help/team to win it all.
use your brain did kobe, jordan ever leave to another team as the help? do these player ever play second to anyone else? wade and bosh made their decision same day, lebron is there like a third wheel. wade won his ring with an old shaq dont you think he could have won another ring with bosh and money for role players? if you cant tell the difference between the other 2 greats u mentioned maybe you should do your homework. imo kobe's stocks went sky high after this move
lebron will always be remembered for this stupid move and its pretty sad cause he is a great player.
I understand Cleveland is upset and disappointed, but how in the world can they feel "betrayed?" LeBron gave them 7 seasons, a couple MVPs, the playoffs, etc...but they never won a title. Is that LeBron's fault?...IMO no it's not. He didn't have any Pippen, Rodman, Shaq, or Gasol type "sidekicks" in Cleveland. You can't blame him for leaving...he was offered a great opportunity in Miami, you really think he was going to pass it up?

By the way...Dan Gilbert made himself look like an idiot.
Originally Posted by TmAk15

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Kobe Bean Bryant will be one bad MF if he manages to beat these three dudes in the Finals. IMO he could be the GOAT, MJ never played against a big 3 like this

But damn Bron

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by tvanterpool

so why cant he be mentioned in a kobe and mj convo after this? because he have wade and bosh to help him win? so kobe and mj won championship by themselves then? so the players that are/were around them wasn't great? fisher, kerr, pippen, gasol not good players? and for the record kobe aint and will never be able to win a championship on his own if it wasn't for shaq/gasol he would be ringless, same thing with mj no pippen/kerr he would be ringless. point im tyna  prove dont try to pull the lagacy tarnish card if a player had to leave his known city to win championship they all need help/team to win it all.
use your brain did kobe, jordan ever leave to another team as the help? do these player ever play second to anyone else? wade and bosh made their decision same day, lebron is there like a third wheel. wade won his ring with an old shaq dont you think he could have won another ring with bosh and money for role players? if you cant tell the difference between the other 2 greats u mentioned maybe you should do your homework. imo kobe's stocks went sky high after this move
lebron will always be remembered for this stupid move and its pretty sad cause he is a great player.

You looking into this way to hard bro...

3rd wheel? so lets all call Kobe A cry - a - baby for acting the way he did a couple years ago..

I dont care for what KOBE did to make his team better, is he a cry-A-baby? yes, do i care about that? NO.. He did what he had to do. nothing more

your looking way to hard into this situation.

like someone said a page back

RINGS > legacy/stats

pretty sure if we were in the same shoes, i would have done the same thing..

Kiler team winning 55 + games with rest into playoffs > 82 games of getting beat up by myself (maybe winning 50 games with risk of injury ).
Originally Posted by Deuce King

You have personal issues against a guy you don't even know.

If I had personal issues with him I would have said something "personal", since I didn't I take it that you yourself are just reaching for attention.

so why cant he be mentioned in a kobe and mj convo after this? because he have wade and bosh to help him win? so kobe and mj won championship by themselves then?
You must be new to's okay we'll let this comment of yours pass for now. 

So people won't remember LeBron huh DK...

I never said he wouldn't be remembered, nice try though champ.  Make no mistake about it though Lebron James will definitely be remembered from this day on out, be it either NBA wise or in the state of Ohio, but after that cowardly display last night he'll be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

   Yea by losers, bitter ppl, and folks with no general knowledge of the game. Same as some ppl remember jordan for his on court legacy, others for his selfishness, him cussin and beating up players, his gambling and how it alledgedly lead to the murder of his father, his over-priced shoes and how so many ppl have and will die over them, and his non participation in the community and charitable orgs. You take the good with the bad.

He already cemeted his legacy because he set all these records for being the youngest player and with the nba upping the age in eligibility, his accolades and awards will never be achieved. Plus not to mention his impact and the buzz etc from aau to h.s. to pros will never happen again. Trust yrs from now when the highlight career rolls on espn classic, the twits/blogs etc will not be seen or even thought about.
Originally Posted by TmAk15

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Kobe Bean Bryant will be one bad MF if he manages to beat these three dudes in the Finals. IMO he could be the GOAT, MJ never played against a big 3 like this
lmao not really.. think please. think.
look at kobe's supporting cast...and look at mj's supporting cast.

also kobe's help is almost as much as lebrons.

bosh and gasol cancel out.

wade and rest of laker roster cancel out including phil jackson.

kobe has ALOT of help man. don't try to act like kobes done it like mj. 2 different genes. seriously
Durant is going to shatter most of the LeBron youngest to least in scoring
Legacies are CEMENTED through championships. Great teams of the 80's like the Celtics and Lakers ALL had incredible rosters...Bird, McHale, Chief, Worthy, Kareem, Magic, etc etc....Do we downplay Magic and Bird's greatness because of who they played with? No. Lebron has proven that he's in the discussion for the best player in the NBA right now. We know what he's capable of, and he took advantage of free agency to give himself the BEST chance to win a title. Lebron James is not Michael Jordan. No one is. That being said, can you name one NBA player aside from Hakeem who won a title with little-to-no help? Even Jordan couldn't do it alone. He had a top-50 player in Pip and one of the greatest defensive players of all time in Rodman to help him win more.

Lebron is his own player and is creating his own path. The Cavs had reached their plateau and Lebron did all that he could. The way the current roster was constructed there is little-to-no flexibility for them to make improvements. Hindsight is 20/20, but if you're Dan Gilbert and you're kissing Lebron's butt why not make the move for Amar'e when you had the chance? That's water under the bridge, but will still be one of the MANY questions people will have about "what could have been."

The Miami Heat have RIDICULOUS expectations to win multiple championships in the next 5 years. Like I said before, he (Lebron) has put himself in a wonderful position to win a championship. A position that wasn't a reality in Cleveland. There are now no excuses for Lebron. It's win a championship or have people questioning this move from the day you retire to when you eventually give your HOF speech in Springfield.

Also, let's remember...this is a DIFFERENT NBA in 2010 than it was when Mike was playing. The game has changed both on, and off the court.

Anyways, I can't see how ANY b-ball fan isn't excited about this move. I don't even like Lebron like that, but it's going to be fun as hell to watch. The 2010-11 season can't come soon enough. Let's get it!
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by tvanterpool

so why cant he be mentioned in a kobe and mj convo after this? because he have wade and bosh to help him win? so kobe and mj won championship by themselves then? so the players that are/were around them wasn't great? fisher, kerr, pippen, gasol not good players? and for the record kobe aint and will never be able to win a championship on his own if it wasn't for shaq/gasol he would be ringless, same thing with mj no pippen/kerr he would be ringless. point im tyna  prove dont try to pull the lagacy tarnish card if a player had to leave his known city to win championship they all need help/team to win it all.
use your brain did kobe, jordan ever leave to another team as the help? do these player ever play second to anyone else? wade and bosh made their decision same day, lebron is there like a third wheel. wade won his ring with an old shaq dont you think he could have won another ring with bosh and money for role players? if you cant tell the difference between the other 2 greats u mentioned maybe you should do your homework. imo kobe's stocks went sky high after this move
lebron will always be remembered for this stupid move and its pretty sad cause he is a great player.

You looking into this way to hard bro...

3rd wheel? so lets all call Kobe A cry - a - baby for acting the way he did a couple years ago..

I dont care for what KOBE did to make his team better, is he a cry-A-baby? yes, do i care about that? NO.. He did what he had to do. nothing more

your looking way to hard into this situation.

like someone said a page back

RINGS > legacy/stats

pretty sure if we were in the same shoes, i would have done the same thing..

Kiler team winning 55 + games with rest into playoffs > 82 games of getting beat up by myself (maybe winning 50 games with risk of injury ).
any tru nba fan will always question lebron's move going to another mans city. wade already recruited bosh (who turned down lebron) so wade was already set. who was the desperate person in all this? lebron!
even with rings on this team wade will get the credit as far as legacy goes. because wade was the one that made that sacrifice and said ok lebron your welcomed here, ill step down to let you shine for the sake of winning.
since wade already has a ring any they win after all this wade will be the one who is glorified, who took lebron into his wing and taught him how to win a ring. you will see
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by TmAk15

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Kobe Bean Bryant will be one bad MF if he manages to beat these three dudes in the Finals. IMO he could be the GOAT, MJ never played against a big 3 like this
lmao not really.. think please. think.
look at kobe's supporting cast...and look at mj's supporting cast.

also kobe's help is almost as much as lebrons.

bosh and gasol cancel out.

wade and rest of laker roster cancel out including phil jackson.

kobe has ALOT of help man. don't try to act like kobes done it like mj. 2 different genes. seriously
pardon me I had to laugh at that
Both Kobe and Wade are better than LeBrick and always will be. I really hope he is a huge bust down in Miami and doesn't win a single ring.
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by tvanterpool

so why cant he be mentioned in a kobe and mj convo after this? because he have wade and bosh to help him win? so kobe and mj won championship by themselves then? so the players that are/were around them wasn't great? fisher, kerr, pippen, gasol not good players? and for the record kobe aint and will never be able to win a championship on his own if it wasn't for shaq/gasol he would be ringless, same thing with mj no pippen/kerr he would be ringless. point im tyna  prove dont try to pull the lagacy tarnish card if a player had to leave his known city to win championship they all need help/team to win it all.
use your brain did kobe, jordan ever leave to another team as the help? do these player ever play second to anyone else? wade and bosh made their decision same day, lebron is there like a third wheel. wade won his ring with an old shaq dont you think he could have won another ring with bosh and money for role players? if you cant tell the difference between the other 2 greats u mentioned maybe you should do your homework. imo kobe's stocks went sky high after this move
lebron will always be remembered for this stupid move and its pretty sad cause he is a great player.

You looking into this way to hard bro...

3rd wheel? so lets all call Kobe A cry - a - baby for acting the way he did a couple years ago..

I dont care for what KOBE did to make his team better, is he a cry-A-baby? yes, do i care about that? NO.. He did what he had to do. nothing more

your looking way to hard into this situation.

like someone said a page back

RINGS > legacy/stats

pretty sure if we were in the same shoes, i would have done the same thing..

Kiler team winning 55 + games with rest into playoffs > 82 games of getting beat up by myself (maybe winning 50 games with risk of injury ).
Thank you l Knicks Fresh Knick l, tim deucefel is obviously a clown who thinks he is some sports doctrine with his studies from espn, if you as a person working some where and you are the employee who makes the company the most money but you have a bunch of useless co workers around you and you ask the company for more productive workers to make the company the best and time after time and they keep giving you bums would you stay or would you go? this thread really delivers the x-ray to differentiate the people who want to be great from ones that want to be losing bums.
Lebron has proven that he's in the discussion for the best player in the NBA right now.
  After last nights actions.........NO SIR!!

Lebron James is not Michael Jordan.
This much we know for sure.

Also, let's remember...this is a DIFFERENT NBA in 2010 than it was when Mike was playing. The game has changed both on, and off the court.
Yeah, for the worse.

Anyways, I can't see how ANY b-ball fan isn't excited about this move
This was already answered earlier champ...............

"This is horrible for true fans of the game. This offseason could of brought us back to the heyday of competitiveness between the east.

any tru nba fan will always question lebron's move going to another mans city.
Now we're talking.
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