Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Both Kobe and Wade are better than LeBrick and always will be. I really hope he is a huge bust down in Miami and doesn't win a single ring.

Man, you really just hate this man.
Originally Posted by 1stand15th

John2st wrote:
This is horrible for true fans of the game. This offseason could of brought us back to the heyday of competitiveness between the east.
My sentiments exactly.

I'm a true fan but stop crying you still got the Hawks, Magic, Celtics, and Bobcats.
The best move for the NBA would've been bron and 2 other cavs like mo williams and hickson, would've gone to the knicks.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

 This offseason could of brought us back to the heyday of competitiveness between the east.
- big @*%#*$% deal. hell, the last 10 years in the West has been dominated by the Spurs and Lakers
- according to your logic everyone should have made an effort to split up evenly in the East to benefit to NBA
. last time i checked everything was about winning.

Deuce King wrote:
any tru nba fan will always question lebron's move going to another mans city.
Now we're talking.

- please do everyone a favor and SHUT UP!

Easy come, easy go for King James
Adrian Wojnarowski

They ended up with that split-screen of the King’s jersey burned liveon his infomercial, as this sad, lost robot sat in a leafy suburbangymnasium with children as props and the world watching, those emptyeyes masking a lost, dazed LeBron James(notes). This was the champagneshower for the Championship of Me, an exercise in self-aggrandizementand self-loathing that will have far-reaching implications for the NBAand James. What a spectacle, what a train wreck.

As the worst idea in the history of marketing unfolded, James lookedtrapped somewhere between despondence and defiance. His bumbling buddyMaverick Carter had walked him into the public execution of his legacy,his image, and there was a part of James that clearly wished he couldturn back through the doors and hide. Only, it was too late. No goingback now. James goes to the Miami Heat, Cleveland goes into abasketball Hades and LeBron’s legacy becomes that of a callouscarpetbagger.

“His brand is [bleep] now,
DID SOMEONE JUST MENTION THE HAWKS AND BOBCATS AND THE TERM COMPETITIVE IN THE SAME CONVO? you can't be serious. Lebron should of went to either his team(cavs). or better yet i can care less about clev. but he could of went to the bulls and teamed with boozer to go against wade and bosh. and against dwight and the magic, and against the original big3. that would of been competitive. Not going there, and take the easy route. That is why i pray for his failure, i'm not a hater. He is an amazing player in the regular season for the first 45 minutes of any game. The road to greatness is not supposed to be easy whatsoever, and by doing this it proves that he is a coward. No one is saying he had to stay with the cavs, he should of for legacy, but he could of started over and been the star on a different better team. Now he is exposed and proved to the world that he doesn't wanna put any team on his shoulders.
- according to your logic everyone should have made an effort to split up evenly in the East to benefit to NBA

You obviously missed my point or have no knowledge or concept of sports in general so there's no need for me to try to educate you anymore.

- please do everyone a favor and SHUT UP!
Nah that's okay, I'll keep posting just to piss you off.................and others if need be.  

The road to greatness is not supposed to be easy whatsoever, and by doing this it proves that he is a coward. No one is saying he had to stay with the cavs, he should of for legacy, but he could of started over and been the star on a different better team. Now he is exposed and proved to the world that he doesn't wanna put any team on his shoulders.
100% Truth.
sarcasm-does anyone have idea who they are going to surround this team with? lebron should call deron williams and dwight howard. so his legacy will forever be known as the greatest ever when he wins 10 straight-sarcasm
The part of the article that stuck out to me....

This was the train rolling down the tracks from miles and miles away, and James never saw it coming. He should lose his obsession to become the richest athlete ever, because the people surrounding LeBron James are much more likely to leave him broke than a billionaire. Someday, he will fire his business manager Maverick Carter for turning the two-time MVP’s free-agent moment into Geraldo and Al Capone’s vault. Carter used the cover of charity for a historically horrible event and completely destroyed the credibility of his client.

I've ALWAYS questioned Maverick Carter's role w. Lebron....does anyone think Lebron would have the balls to fire him? Lebron's image did take a huge hit....and Carter is to blame for a lot of this.
Originally Posted by John2st

DID SOMEONE JUST MENTION THE HAWKS AND BOBCATS AND THE TERM COMPETITIVE IN THE SAME CONVO? you can't be serious. Lebron should of went to either his team(cavs). or better yet i can care less about clev. but he could of went to the bulls and teamed with boozer to go against wade and bosh. and against dwight and the magic, and against the original big3. that would of been competitive. Not going there, and take the easy route. That is why i pray for his failure, i'm not a hater. He is an amazing player in the regular season for the first 45 minutes of any game. The road to greatness is not supposed to be easy whatsoever, and by doing this it proves that he is a coward. No one is saying he had to stay with the cavs, he should of for legacy, but he could of started over and been the star on a different better team. Now he is exposed and proved to the world that he doesn't wanna put any team on his shoulders.

Originally Posted by Physicx

what did spike say?
[h3]Spike Lee: LeBron will need National Guard protection in Cleveland[/h3]

Spike Lee
might be an interesting guy if he ever learns to open up and express himself. He made a fair attempt at that today, phoning in to ESPN, to give his thoughts on LeBron James going to Miami. The movie mogul and No. 1 Knicks fans had plenty to say about LBJ, and how he had better watch his back when he returns home to Cleveland:
On where he thinks LeBron goes from here:
"I don't know how he's going to live in Akron or Cleveland anymore. They're going to make his life miserable . . . The first time the Heat go into (Cleveland) they're going to need the National Guard. I'm not trying to blow this up, but they're going to need the National Guard."

On The Decision show:
"I really can't understand why they chose Greenwich, Conn. The show was kind of cheesy to me. LeBron, he was really on edge. He hardly smiled, and he's someone who smiles all the time."

On how LeBron reacted when ESPN showed that his jersey was being burned by some in Cleveland:
"That was a killer. Like Michael Jackson sang, 'It cuts like a knife.' "

On Cavs owner Daniel Gilbert blasting LeBron:
"I would just like to say that I don't like what this guy did. The days of the owners dictating to the players what they can do are over."

On how LeBron will be treated at Madison Square Garden:
"Oh, he's going to get it worse than Reggie Miller."

His overall view of LeBron's decision:
"Look, I cannot blame LeBron for doing what makes him happy . . . But this thing was rigged. It was a done deal . . . C'mon, they knew. Pat Riley knew. This thing was rigged."  (He also mentioned how Wade and Bosh had pictures on twitter sitting beside an empty seat with the caption..."somebody's missing")

And how many championship rings does he think Miami will win with LeBron?
"I'm not giving them zero until I see who else they have. They have three guys. They're not better than Chicago. I don't think they're better than Boston is, either."
Originally Posted by knightngale

Easy come, easy go for King James
Adrian Wojnarowski

They ended up with that split-screen of the King’s jersey burned liveon his infomercial, as this sad, lost robot sat in a leafy suburbangymnasium with children as props and the world watching, those emptyeyes masking a lost, dazed LeBron James(notes). This was the champagneshower for the Championship of Me, an exercise in self-aggrandizementand self-loathing that will have far-reaching implications for the NBAand James. What a spectacle, what a train wreck.

As the worst idea in the history of marketing unfolded, James lookedtrapped somewhere between despondence and defiance. His bumbling buddyMaverick Carter had walked him into the public execution of his legacy,his image, and there was a part of James that clearly wished he couldturn back through the doors and hide. Only, it was too late. No goingback now. James goes to the Miami Heat, Cleveland goes into abasketball Hades and LeBron’s legacy becomes that of a callouscarpetbagger.

“His brand is [bleep] now,
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Legacies are CEMENTED through championships. Great teams of the 80's like the Celtics and Lakers ALL had incredible rosters...Bird, McHale, Chief, Worthy, Kareem, Magic, etc etc....Do we downplay Magic and Bird's greatness because of who they played with? No. Lebron has proven that he's in the discussion for the best player in the NBA right now. We know what he's capable of, and he took advantage of free agency to give himself the BEST chance to win a title. Lebron James is not Michael Jordan. No one is. That being said, can you name one NBA player aside from Hakeem who won a title with little-to-no help? Even Jordan couldn't do it alone. He had a top-50 player in Pip and one of the greatest defensive players of all time in Rodman to help him win more.

Lebron is his own player and is creating his own path. The Cavs had reached their plateau and Lebron did all that he could. The way the current roster was constructed there is little-to-no flexibility for them to make improvements. Hindsight is 20/20, but if you're Dan Gilbert and you're kissing Lebron's butt why not make the move for Amar'e when you had the chance? That's water under the bridge, but will still be one of the MANY questions people will have about "what could have been."

The Miami Heat have RIDICULOUS expectations to win multiple championships in the next 5 years. Like I said before, he (Lebron) has put himself in a wonderful position to win a championship. A position that wasn't a reality in Cleveland. There are now no excuses for Lebron. It's win a championship or have people questioning this move from the day you retire to when you eventually give your HOF speech in Springfield.

Also, let's remember...this is a DIFFERENT NBA in 2010 than it was when Mike was playing. The game has changed both on, and off the court.

Anyways, I can't see how ANY b-ball fan isn't excited about this move. I don't even like Lebron like that, but it's going to be fun as hell to watch. The 2010-11 season can't come soon enough. Let's get it!
I came to see how the discussions were like in here and this hits the mark on exactly how i feel. No one questions Birds' or Magics' rings when they clearly had a stacked roster, maybe even better than the Heat now! I expect everyone to discredit any rings won by Lebron, Wade, Bosh if they do happen to win any, I think Lebron will sign this contract win a couple of rings then move back to Cleveland and try to win one for Cleveland.

Easy come, easy go for King James
Adrian Wojnarowski

They ended up with that split-screen of the King’s jersey burned liveon his infomercial, as this sad, lost robot sat in a leafy suburbangymnasium with children as props and the world watching, those emptyeyes masking a lost, dazed LeBron James(notes). This was the champagneshower for the Championship of Me, an exercise in self-aggrandizementand self-loathing that will have far-reaching implications for the NBAand James. What a spectacle, what a train wreck.

As the worst idea in the history of marketing unfolded, James lookedtrapped somewhere between despondence and defiance. His bumbling buddyMaverick Carter had walked him into the public execution of his legacy,his image, and there was a part of James that clearly wished he couldturn back through the doors and hide. Only, it was too late. No goingback now. James goes to the Miami Heat, Cleveland goes into abasketball Hades and LeBron’s legacy becomes that of a callouscarpetbagger.

“His brand is [bleep] now,
Originally Posted by John2st

DID SOMEONE JUST MENTION THE HAWKS AND BOBCATS AND THE TERM COMPETITIVE IN THE SAME CONVO? you can't be serious. Lebron should of went to either his team(cavs). or better yet i can care less about clev. but he could of went to the bulls and teamed with boozer to go against wade and bosh. and against dwight and the magic, and against the original big3. that would of been competitive. Not going there, and take the easy route. That is why i pray for his failure, i'm not a hater. He is an amazing player in the regular season for the first 45 minutes of any game. The road to greatness is not supposed to be easy whatsoever, and by doing this it proves that he is a coward. No one is saying he had to stay with the cavs, he should of for legacy, but he could of started over and been the star on a different better team. Now he is exposed and proved to the world that he doesn't wanna put any team on his shoulders.
You seem like a hater and sound quite bitter that Lebron went to the with it. And the Bobcats aren't competitive? They were running through the top teams midway through the regular season after that shaky start they hard, look up the stats.....Playoffs they aint do $@@# of course. The Hawks also have a competitive team their downfall is 2 much 1v1 basketball and not enough team basketball. Da @+#* are you talking about. Atlanta is the same team that took the big 3 in boston to a game 7 that year they won the championship....But they are not OK. $++@!$ is reallyyy salty over the man's decision. SMFH
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Originally Posted by DCBJordan

Originally Posted by debs 168



what he said on espn is 100% truth.

what did Spike say!?!?!?

spike basically said that he's not mad or disappointed that lebron didnt come to NYC
-he said lebron needs to bounce out of cleveland,like not even own a home there anymore, because the fans will make his life a living hell. "why would you want to be around a bunch of people who dont like you anymore?""How often does Art Modell come to visit his home in cleveland."

-he said he wasnt scared of the heat. he recalled how even though the knicks never won against the bulls, they never laid down either,he said NO teams should help the heat get more people on their roster,let them do it on their own.
-he is still hopeful for tony parker and melo next season
-dan gilbert was in the wrong in his comments, "why would you want someone to play for you that doesnt want to be there?" its a business and gilbert shouldve known that.
-when asked how many titles he thought the heat would win spike replied with "0"

the interview was funny, spike kept it real
no one is salty. at all. your man is a straight coward. END IT. if I couldn't play under pressure of being the king and play when the whole city is on my back, i would bolt too. If they win 3, a statue of wade will be in miami not the queen. his legacy=over. and ps just to throw this out there, if he wins another MVP it will prove that the voting is fixed
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