Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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Wondering why the Xs are the only ones with a translucent sole from the BHM pack
LeBron X PS Elite will release June 1 here in MNL. Will retail at Php 11,995.00 which is roughly
$285. Take it for what it is...

LeBron X PS Elite will release June 1 here in MNL. Will retail at Php 11,995.00 which is roughly
$285. Take it for what it is...


:x Bring out the loudest color to grab ppl's attention I see. Looking forward to what it looks like but with the price tag i'll be window shopping. |I
:x Bring out the loudest color to grab ppl's attention I see. Looking forward to what it looks like but with the price tag i'll be window shopping. |I

Of course it should be cheaper there in the US like it always is. So expect $250-$260 price range... SMH at Nike. We can't blame them though...
I'm gonna have 4 of the X's by the end of the week...I can do the $180-200, but damn for $250ish it's gonna have to blow me away for me to pick one up.
Corks are nice... Only 2nd X I've liked besides the Olympics. I'm guessing the only stores getting them in will be the same ones who got the Olympics and Crown Jewels , which sadly no place in my state got either of those..
:x Bring out the loudest color to grab ppl's attention I see. Looking forward to what it looks like but with the price tag i'll be window shopping. |I

I guarantee we'll see another SB elite Lebron this year. They saw the way the MV/SB 9's sold last year, so why not up the price to $285 and try it again.
If all those pics of the Corks don't finally DEAD all this limited-shmimited über quick strike talk.....nothing will.

I ain't seen that many pics of the Crown Royals since they released months ago. :rofl:
There are more Corks popping up than I thought. Either

1. Everyone getting them has a Nike Elite account or knows someone with one
2. People are spending major $$$ on these
3. They may be more widely available than we think
If all those pics of the Corks don't finally DEAD all this limited-shmimited über quick strike talk.....nothing will.

I ain't seen that many pics of the Crown Royals since they released months ago.
Corks aren't that bad at all, it's just that $305 tag :x ...

WC AJ 3 are great but lol at the $200 price tag. Like what specifically makes these more "expensive" than the LBJ X? Nike has lost their mind thanks to the hype beasts/resellers. And the normal sneaker aficionados are being taken along for the ride.

As someone who collected comic books, I remember in the early, early 90s when a comic book would sell a million copies and a strong title sold several 100,000. Then in 1994 and 1995, the market crashed thanks to the high prices and ridiculous amount of gimmick covers. Hopefully, something similar happens to the sneaker market. But not likely, and it's really just Nike that is the issue.
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