Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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People can ASK for as much as they want.  Fact is no one is buying them for $800.  The only prices people are actually paying for these are around $400-500 at the most.  After release date, everyone and their mother who cops are going to post their receipts on eBay trying to sell them and none of them will sell because people aren't going to spend $600 for this shoe, lmao.
LOL i think everyone plan is to resell these. But i wonder whats the percentage of people who actually want these to own or wear.
LOL i think everyone plan is to resell these. But i wonder whats the percentage of people who actually want these to own or wear.
id love to own them at retail price, dont think id wear them on the court...but id probably convince myself to eventually heh
Would I love to keep a pair? Sure why not, but I would be crazy to knowing that someone will give me 1,000 for them. Some people don't see it this way but I do. Felt the same for all the yeezys. Like the shoes but would rather take the money and buy a TV or something
it seems to test much better on other websites. i ran it on pickyourshoes, worked without a hitch all the way to checkout. On nike, it got caught up at size selection.

I think the ideal program, if all web based, auto refreshes the nike twitter page, at set intervals around 7:55 am - 8:05 am. As one has shared, it grabs the GO link from the tweet, then switches over to a selenium style code that grabs the size, adds to cart, goes to checkout, confirm order. done.
+1 for explanation for those that needed it
Would I love to keep a pair? Sure why not, but I would be crazy to knowing that someone will give me 1,000 for them. Some people don't see it this way but I do. Felt the same for all the yeezys. Like the shoes but would rather take the money and buy a TV or something
I would love to own these for retail and maybe a little above I'll to add to collection but in the 1K range nah.. I wonder what's surprise NSW got for Sat though
At $305, the Corks were a guaranteed sell-out. I wonder why they brought it down to $250? Could it be that this will be a GR? Haha!
THIS. Finding out several more retailers are getting them who I never imagined would get them. Guess we will see how Saturday pans out..
At $305, the Corks were a guaranteed sell-out. I wonder why they brought it down to $250? Could it be that this will be a GR? Haha!
i hope its a GR. i just want one. well... maybe two. actually three sounds much better.
People can ASK for as much as they want.  Fact is no one is buying them for $800.  The only prices people are actually paying for these are around $400-500 at the most.  After release date, everyone and their mother who cops are going to post their receipts on eBay trying to sell them and none of them will sell because people aren't going to spend $600 for this shoe, lmao.
Wishfull thinking?!

Sold Out...

Almost sold out...

etc... etc...

people are already paying $800+ for these (also on ebay) and resell price is always higher just after RD.
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Wishfull thinking?!

Sold Out...

Almost sold out...

etc... etc...

people are already paying $800+ for these (also on ebay) and resell price is always higher just after RD.
UNLESS. There's way more shoes available than expected. 

But there's way too many people predicting things that they have no idea about, we all just need to sit back and wait for Saturday. I'll be waking up and reading the comments and I am not trying to cop, so make sure y'all are funny as well, for my entertainment
^ Higher at first then settles back down.

Majority of people are under the assumption that these are OD limited and only a select few will get a pair from NDC.

Come Saturday those same people are going to be saying how did so many people get a pair.

The WC3 release is very similar to this one, those were thought to be just as limited as these since it was an online only release. Actual stores are getting the corks unlike the WC3, so i expect the inventory to be around the same as the WC3 release as far as NDC goes.
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Nike isn't releasing a "bunch" of these, no matter how much you fool yourselves into thinking that would make sense.

And some dude came in here to brag that he dropped $800. There are always gonna be people who meet the general going price in the market. If all the scummy resellers came together and decided to charge $2000 nothing lower, there would be people who meet that price cause it's a "hot sneaker." If they only put pairs on eBay and CL for 3k, someone would come out and pay it.
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