Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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I haven't seen a ds pair of south beach 8's for anything close
to that. The prices continue to rise on these kinda shoes bro.
good luck to all


Idk why people think prices will hit $500 or $600 area when Miami Vices and South Beaches go for about that or more and both of those shoes was GRs and Pre Championship

I see these around $700-800 range IF they drop in price
Stuck out on the corks. Euro sites and NDC.  Ended up with the Volts, KB8 blue corals, and 2 crimson AJ3. At least I have my Royal 1s. You win some, you lose some. I'm about to get rid of 1/4 of my collection...Nike and JB are trying to put a hurting to this sneakerhead's pockets 

So to show Nike and JB how pissed you are at then your selling 1/4 of your collection (which they already got your money from back then) and to really stick it to them you bought 4 new pairs of shoes today.

Nike stock price just fell from the news.
UNDFTD SF said their stock never came in because their shipment got delayed. They are known to be full of it and lie to customers tho.

Skeptical about them tho. Bows & Arrows Berkeley also said their shipment got delayed so maybe UNDFTD isnt lying.

HOH got their pairs and so did a couple other stores out here so why would B&As and UNDFTD not get theirs.

Not sure what to think. Any Bay Area heads wanna chime in?

Not sure if Darkside is even getting them.

All the campers that were at UNDFTD yesterday left after they closed and never put out the shoes. I got here this morning to no one in front of the store.
same thing happened at the store I was camping at. Granted I was only there for a few hours but some were there for 24 hours already for the owner to walk out and say the shipment got delayed? like when the hell does that ever happen? Everyone was rather ticked off and couldnt understand if it were true or the store acting shady. my guess shady...
same thing happened at the store I was camping at. Granted I was only there for a few hours but some were there for 24 hours already for the owner to walk out and say the shipment got delayed? like when the hell does that ever happen? Everyone was rather ticked off and couldnt understand if it were true or the store acting shady. my guess shady...

Where? And what store was this?
Wut? Where? Lol should have weather the storm you were half way there.

Just wasn't worth hanging around in the rain for that long. Thought it would be cool and talk sneakers with some dudes, instead it was just guys yelling at each other to shut the **** up and to **** off 
Struck out this morning.

Can't trust boutiques man. They play too much games. There's a boutique here that said their shipment got delayed too. Don't want em that bad.
wow, 1500 new posts and 50 new pages in the last 12 hours alone. nothin like Nike screwin a buncha people in the butt hole on a limited release again to get people talking :smh:
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