Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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yeah no hate but i'm not camping out for 5 days. my time is more valuable than that. I'd gladly pay resale. Congrats to those that did camp out
denims on the bay, only $4k...

if it becomes a limited release, then you could be overpaying(See Feb5 transaction $2700 for Corks).  

Then again you get to rock them early.  In the case of the Corks, buyer got 3 weeks in February to rock them, not sure where he's at but it's wet here in WI.

And if that shoe never releases publicly then... history, perhaps
Wow- if you're going to camp out 5 days for those shoes, I hope you're going to sell and make some money on them. I could never do that even to make a couple Gs.
I appreciated all the info given to me about the twitter only releases. Hopefully I won't strike out again thanks fam!!!!..Everybody that helped JJ link coming to your inbox. thanks again
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I appreciated all the info given to me about the twitter only releases. Hopefully I won't strike out again thanks fam!!!!..Everybody that helped JJ link coming to your inbox. thanks again
Feel free to pass it to my inbox if you dont mind sir.. It would be MUCH appreciated. Im retiring after hopefully copping this shoe
Need Advice Should I Pull the Trigger On this Deal I Offered A Friend KDIV Scoring Titles & Lebron 9 Galaxy's Plus $300 on top For A Pair Of Corks, & He Said He'll Take That Deal
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