Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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site crashed for anyone else?
Homepage, yes. But I had the men's footwear section up since about 11:00 here and I'm sliding through the search that way. 
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Can someone PLEASE PM me a submitted order number in a size 10 that will be shipped to my address.  I have liked these shoes since the first time they released in 2001, and these are my holy grails.  I want them because I saw the man play in these, I saw him win championships in these!!  I am more important than the next guy in here, and I know JJ will have less than 25 pairs, but if you have a very SLIGHT leg up for yourself for this release on JJ, because you are not a complete idiot and can figure out the simplest of details, please do all of the work for me and provide me with a pair in cart and submitted.  This is a community, and I know my join date says 2012, but I really have only been lurking these boards since yesterday, and really feel that someone owes this to me. 

I will ask again in 4 minutes if/when I have not received a PM with the details that I have requested.  C'mon guys, do not leave it to the other 1500 people with a JJ link to fight for these 25 pairs with you....Let me ruin your own shot too!
Gotta love bip and his essay-type responses LOL. But in all seriousness, that's a pretty valid point that Nike has this fast-growing niche of sneakerheads more and more hooked. They're pushing boundaries and people are still going crazy over it which is what I've said all along. Nike has yall by the balls, more than you even know. If Nike released a limited edition condom, at this point it would sell out. You forget the air mags though, which technically "aren't recommended for extensive wear".

Word. Forgot about the Mags.

Though, they were "for charity" which allows the beasts to go to a whole other length of idiocy because they get to justify it to themselves by saying , "it's for charity." That's when all of a sudden Joe Hypebeast becomes a philanthropist.

...Because, as you know, you can't just donate money to cause you believe in. The only way to make a charitable contribution is to buy an overpriced sneaker. :rolleyes
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