Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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Hey everyone. Got this predicament to make my first niketalk post out of. Basically I work for champs and this kid comes in with his Lebrons that are my size and all. I don't own any Lebrons and with this being a release from early November I think it would be a nice lil first Lebron. But look at what this dumbass decided to do; he tried yanking the lace lock out and completely ruined a lace.

I'm very stressed over this because I've basically learned that there is no way for me to order this specific lace and Nike definitely can't do anything about it I already talked to them all about it. Does anyone else have any ideas on what I can swap into these and have them looking just as good? I think the stock laces look great especially the way they sit n all so i really hope I can find an alternative that looks just as good.

I've spent a while searching online for oval laces that would at least march the colorway and well I've been trying to avoid all black or all red. Those I can find but I don't really think an all black oval lace would suit the shoe!! I dunno guys maybe I am thinking about this way too hard but please share some opinions with me

any release info fro the corks in europe?sorry if this has been answered been away all weekend..
How's the fit for the Lebron X? It looks like a real heavy shoe, is it true to size?  The only cw's I'm feeling are the carbons, black diamonds (can't go wrong with black), and the cutting jade.
Don't even sweat it b.

I wear mines very identical (actually, jeans may be a little slimmer - but i like to let the package show... or lackthereof). 

Back when baggy jeans were in, the volume of the pants masked the shoe almost entirely. And in retrospect, took away
from rocking heat because so little was exposed (That's just my opinion, so before you go slamming thee... make sure it's
on a padded mat, preferably the ones from elementary gym class, those were pretty soft). 

Back in the early 2000's, i wore nothing but bootcut and stop buying j's because they acted like a parachute over my sneakers.

Now that narrower pants are in fashion (which is kind of a relief cuz i always liked the nut huggers anyway)... shoes are brought
back to the spotlight (i.e. 80's and very early 90's).

Fashion is subjective and if you like it... you wear it. IF they aren't bringing home your paychecks, then what they say is just 
verbal and shouldn't influence your design. 

Everyone dons their apparel different ways and i appreciate the uniqueness in everyones garment choices and how they put
themselves together - it advocates diversity in clothing culture and i am NOT going to chastise the next man because i don't 
feel his presentation. 

The way i rock my ensembles makes me feel good - and i'm going on dates weekly b (mind you, they are typically bbw's, but
then again, it's winter and extra cushion was meant to get more pushin. Pushin real good).


xoxo (with a sprinkle of more o's in there)


Mannnnn ok then...I wear straight leg loose fits that's all.. Not trying to wear no damn skinny jeans
Dudes asking how the Xs fit just scroll back a few pages its probably answered at least 500 times in the thread...
Some guy ruined the lace on this Lebron 10 it's a return at a store that I work at. I want to buy it as my first Lebron but I'm not really sure what laces to buy to have a swap that looks just as good. I tried ordering new balance hiker laces that are black and red hopefully they work out. What do you guys think? How do I save this shoeView media item 203357
Some guy ruined the lace on this Lebron 10 it's a return at a store that I work at. I want to buy it as my first Lebron but I'm not really sure what laces to buy to have a swap that looks just as good. I tried ordering new balance hiker laces that are black and red hopefully they work out. What do you guys think? How do I save this shoeView media item 203357

I think you can contact Swoosh and they will send you a lace for free. Just let them know the problem, saw a post a while back on how another user complained and they sent him a lace. :nerd:
Stop comparing the cork release to the Crown Jewels. They are from from that limited. They will have some that come in the special box and the rest in a regular box. Like the jades and pressures. Now I'm not sure on exact numbers but if footlocker Australia is getting them.....I'm at least expecting HOH to get a decent amount
in regards to the corks releasing in New Zealand we are getting 11 pairs.. dropping at 1 store in the entire country. They are 99% sure we are also getting the special box.. take from that what you will
Don't even sweat it b.

I wear mines very identical (actually, jeans may be a little slimmer - but i like to let the package show... or lackthereof). 

Back when baggy jeans were in, the volume of the pants masked the shoe almost entirely. And in retrospect, took away
from rocking heat because so little was exposed (That's just my opinion, so before you go slamming thee... make sure it's
on a padded mat, preferably the ones from elementary gym class, those were pretty soft). 

Back in the early 2000's, i wore nothing but bootcut and stop buying j's because they acted like a parachute over my sneakers.

Now that narrower pants are in fashion (which is kind of a relief cuz i always liked the nut huggers anyway)... shoes are brought
back to the spotlight (i.e. 80's and very early 90's).

Fashion is subjective and if you like it... you wear it. IF they aren't bringing home your paychecks, then what they say is just 
verbal and shouldn't influence your design. 

Everyone dons their apparel different ways and i appreciate the uniqueness in everyones garment choices and how they put
themselves together - it advocates diversity in clothing culture and i am NOT going to chastise the next man because i don't 
feel his presentation. 

The way i rock my ensembles makes me feel good - and i'm going on dates weekly b (mind you, they are typically bbw's, but
then again, it's winter and extra cushion was meant to get more pushin. Pushin real good).


xoxo (with a sprinkle of more o's in there)


Great point.

Most dudes hate cause they can't pull it off, and on top of that it's the easiest way to spot tourist in LA.
How's the fit for the Lebron X? It looks like a real heavy shoe, is it true to size?  The only cw's I'm feeling are the carbons, black diamonds (can't go wrong with black), and the cutting jade.

Srsly? Do some research and READ the other 233124 answers to people that have asked the SAME QUESTION.
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