Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

1. Guy gets beat trying to re-sell 3 pairs of shoes was looking at how much money he was going to make on the sale and not as concerned about his own safety...driven by....Greed.

2. Guy has been robbing people all week and thinks he is about to hit a huge lick on some sneakerheads in line and loses his life in the process.... driven by.... Greed, RIP.

3. Guy posts a pic off all the pairs he has copped with solely the intent to re-sell.... driven by......Greed

4. Guy uploads his pic. that he got his pairs on Ntalk for e-props and then you find him in your local craigslist or even has the same shoes for sale in his sig. Priceless.

5. Is all this consistant with most limited releases....YES.  Someone said it before most people don't want the shoes or even care to wear them... they are looking at money, bill money, recreation money, vacation money, you name it.  This Is the new normal and has been for some time.

6. In the end its good entertainment to read certain forums on release day...

If you really want the shoes network, make a connect and take care of him/her on general releases as well.. it will pay off in the long run.  
If your going to re-sell be upfront about it most people can respect a known reseller vs someone who fronts like they want the shoes who is secretly reselling.  You WILL be exposed.

if your going to re-sell do it right life is more valuable than any shoe.

I'm waiting to scoop my pair tomm. from a guy I've been dealing with for a couple years. paying a small premium not resell rape though .... but hey retail is a luxury now especially if you wear sz 11.5 and up ( I wear a 14).

rock clap gif

Ordered the Denims on CT when it showed it was sold out. Random sizes appeared intermittently. Snagged my size and was expecting it to be cancelled. Emailed them for a status that day and got a response just now. Order was successful!

Ordered the Denims on CT when it showed it was sold out. Random sizes appeared intermittently. Snagged my size and was expecting it to be cancelled. Emailed them for a status that day and got a response just now. Order was successful!

Nice. :smokin Just did the same since I was fortunate enough to have the same thing happen to me after failing on JJ last night!
Late to the party but here are a few shots of mine.

HoH raffle. When I picked up the list they checked my name off of looked really short, less than 2 size runs. Bonus shot of my Lebron X family. I'm not in as deep as a lot of you guys to say the least.
I don't know if it's been posted (kinda delirious right now) but has anyone browsed Instagram lately for lebronx pics? I'm seeing a lot of people with denims in their hand while they are standing in a store, and the nubucks/thin mints are in their other hand or sitting on the shelf. Did I miss something??
So we've seen the championship pack on ebay first at 5000 then 5299 now 7000 Wtf!
Any clue when the pack will drop and locations?

im hearing to many RUMORS any solid info?
Why even bother to "think" about the champ pak

To me they don't exist, only in pics, since I won't hv, won't get a chance, will not spend

Champ pack what????
I am a firearm owner and permit holder. Point is, if you (not u directly) run up on me talking crazy and u point a gun at me, my RIGHT is that if i feel u can cause me serious injury or death i can shoot you and not be charged. And PERSONALLY if i pull my pistol, im shooting to kill you. Simple as that. Its my american right to protect myself and those around me
It's not your right.  It's the police's job to protect.  You will be stripped of your rights as an American civilian.  You'll get arrested, go to court and may very well get sentenced to do some hard time if you ever THINK about killing anyone regardless if it was self defense.  How many times people are sentenced to PRISON for killing that robber who breaks into their home.   It's one of the ten commandments.  You're not supposed to kill.
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It's not your right.  It's the police's job to protect.  You will be stripped of your rights as an American civilian.  You'll get arrested, go to court and may very well get sentenced to do some hard time if you ever THINK about killing anyone regardless if it was self defense.  How many times people are sentenced to PRISON for killing that robber who breaks into their home.   It's one of the ten commandments.  You're not supposed to kill.

If someone gets sentenced for killing someone that breaks into their home most likely it's because that individual was not allowed to have possession of a firearm (due to prior crimes, probation, etc). It is the police job to protect but when a individual comes up to you with a firearm and you pull out your cell phone. It takes less then a second to pull a trigger. Takes longer to dial 911, explain your situation and wait for the police to arrive.
Id do that trade too and I already have corks. Appreciate the member who advised hitting up CT. They just got back and said my order will ship tomorrow or Tuesday.
After emailing CT they confirmed that my order was indeed placed. 
got 2 guaranteed pairs with raffles i had won and the rest me and my homie camped for...
There is 7 pairs in the photo, how did you cop the other 3?
A lot happens during those campouts, I know where they were and if I would have pulled up that morning I'm sure at least 5-7 people were selling their guaranteed ticket with absolutely no interest in copping the shoe.  There are some dudes that literally don't even have the money to cop and are just banking on someone buying their spot.

On another note, you dudes that post pickup pics with no intention of even keeping a pair need to cut it out.

Understand this is not an anti-reseller rant just a "you ain't gotta lie to kick it" rant.

(Full Disclosure)

I copped 2 pair, 1 in my size and another to sell on ebay to someone that has terrible decision making on where to cop kicks for a reasonable price.
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And I just got an email from END saying that my order is in the warehouse waiting too be shipped. After all the clicking I ended up checking out with 3 pairs. So with my CT order it looks like I will end up with 4 when I only really wanted 1 pair.
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