Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

if anyone has poland availability info for hazelnuts or mints please pm me. I'll get u a pair retail plus shipping. mods please delete if this isn't allowed...
anyone that remembers the Australian footlocker manifest that was earlier posted in this thread, would know that the denims were listed at a significantly lower price than the Suedes and elites.

This was months ago and it even sparked a small convo about if the lower price tag was due to the quality of the denims not being up to par(LOL).

So with that being said I wouldn't be surprised if the Suedes are $250.

Sidenote: sneaker watch always pulls dates and prices out of their ases, why would you site them? Lol
I am guessing we might get some official Nike news on the Hazelnuts today.

They unveiled official news on the Denims the Sunday before they released and that would be today for the Hazelnuts.

Just have to wait and see.
im guessing the hazelnuts are going to be easier to purchase than the denims...

that is all speculation on my part though
im guessing the hazelnuts are going to be easier to purchase than the denims...

that is all speculation on my part though
Are the Hazelnuts gonna be at HOH's??? If so, I'm goin after these, unlike I did for the Denims
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less hype wont mean anything really, If you're not in the top 30 at your store (outside of NY/MIA/LA) you wont get em. *Pure speculation of course.
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