Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

Damn can i come in and speak on it lmao

The image isn't the problem. We got a few pairs. I don't want to say anything yet but i think nike did change something.
lol yeah look at the image Nike is putting out has a couple of circles but only one that is around a word.  Guess it's f#*king up the bots
that's not it. they been doing that and it's no problem for the bot. it's something else they changed that's making these lames like sneakerrsvp panic and go back to their lawn mowing jobs

Lmao whats there to panic about? Just letting my followers know whats up. I have a real job lol
I we need a few more RSVPs to go by to figure out what nike did. Right now its just speculation on my part.
Don't celebrate the death of bots just yet. It's a cat and mouse game. Bots will be retooled and back with a vengeance.
looking at your tweets cracks me up man...

"I cant say what but something is changed and we are working on it now." @sneakerrsvpcom

"Also I'm just speculating. We need more RSVPs to go by and see whats really going on if anything. We never gonna give up so...." @sneakerrsvpcom

Like you know what the problem is!!!! Like you can "work on it". You ain't the one that made this bot fool. You bought the program so you have to contact the guy that made the bot. Toolbag!
Well said!  Probably had his listing on elance or freelancer
I'm not a fan of MEMPH's site/bot/sniper whatever you want to call it, but at least he was smart enough to know a change was in the works and update his bot/rsvp program and wait until he could test it BEFORE he went live like these other sites......

Your reputation = garbage now lol!
there isn't an nt in site around my way.. so this really doesn't concern me, but i kind of feel for the people have have to pay these sites extra just to be able to buy an all ready over priced shoe... no hate towards anybody.. i'm just saying things are messed up
They don't HAVE to pay these sites anything. That's their choice
looking at your tweets cracks me up man...

"I cant say what but something is changed and we are working on it now." @sneakerrsvpcom
"Also I'm just speculating. We need more RSVPs to go by and see whats really going on if anything. We never gonna give up so...." @sneakerrsvpcom

Like you know what the problem is!!!! Like you can "work on it". You ain't the one that made this bot fool. You bought the program so you have to contact the guy that made the bot. Toolbag!
Well said!  Probably had his listing on elance or freelancer

False i work in IT that's my real job....this is just extra money.....try guys must really be salty.
I'm not a fan of MEMPH's site/bot/sniper whatever you want to call it, but at least he was smart enough to know a change was in the works and update his bot/rsvp program and wait until he could test it BEFORE he went live like these other sites...... :lol:

Your reputation = garbage now lol!

Nothing really smart about it, that's just common sense.
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