Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

Don't know if this has been posted yet. Supposed to be Lebron XI sample. I actually don't mind it.
I look a Pillock 
that shot of the Area 72s makes me happy i was able to get a pair :pimp:

hopefully bron will make it to the finals so we can see some sick gold accented PEs that we won't be able to get
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THe Resell Prices on the WHat The MVP's are crazy! I wish I Entered that raffle to get a chance to buy these so I can resell them to buy some other shoes. I'm not a reseller but if given the Chance to make $3,000.00 + off of one shoe I would have!
With the way these limited releases get everyone heated, I wouldn't be surprised if it got to a point where someone would shoot up 21 Mercer or NTNY.
I see this happening in the near future, unfortunately, and Nike will step away from the incident and blame it on a 3rd party...
Crazy coincidence. I was just thinking this earlier today. It's as if we're overdue for something drastic like that to happen. Like back in the 90s when cats were getting robbed of the coats off their back/kicks off their feet everywhere. 

Of course I hope im wrong about this, but based on the NT demographic.....more and more ppl seem to be left dissatisfied missing out on these material things. Might eventually lead to drastic measures.
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THe Resell Prices on the WHat The MVP's are crazy! I wish I Entered that raffle to get a chance to buy these so I can resell them to buy some other shoes. I'm not a reseller but if given the Chance to make $3,000.00 + off of one shoe I would have!
That's probably the number 1 reason why everyone wants them anyway. For me, I want one for myself and even to wear. Been copping lebrons since he came into the league. Just the appreciation for a shoe like the MVPs would of been nice to the collection. Sucks it was nearly impossible to get.
Sorry for my ignorance, but have those been released in Australia already? Or did you obtain them through a "different" avenue, lol?
The Denim's dropped on Saturday June 1st - Retail was $259.99 AUD

The Browne Suede, along with the Black Suede release on the 29th June and retail for $319.95
I know you rambled and warned us but for some reason I actually enjoyed reading this. I have no idea why. I agree if nothing comes of Monday's phone call id be dishing this story out to news outlets.

It would be intriguing to the mass public to see what sneaker releases have become. I know most people would be like "you have to win the chance to buy sneakers???" "I don't get it" etc etc.
Thanks. All too many times, people just vent on here or to their friends. Every now and then, you need to take action. Wil it always yield the result you're looking for? No. But in more cases than you think it will work. Have too many stories about calling corporations or stores for legitimate reasons because of their sh**y services. 2 other stories that were car related. After calling up Isuzu about my GF at the time's Rodeo and chewing some ***. I got them to pay for 75% of an engine rebuild even though it was 20k miles past warranty. The only time I've absolutely been shut the f**k down was with Chrysler. Sorry if offend anyone that owns their product, but they have some quality issues and even worse customer services I've ever dealt with. Not only are they idiots, they seemed borderline incompetent. Here's a big red flag. If you have to hide the address of your corporate office deal with your customer service issues, I'm sure you've pissed more than a few people off and they want to shank you. I'd absolutely never buy any of their products solely based on my experience with their dealerships and corporate offices. I've had some challenges with local BWM, Honda and Toyota, but if I was persistent they made it right.

Anywho, sorry. Back to our regularly scheduled program ... the LeBron thread.  I need to get some Corks. They're probably my favorite out of the X lineup for sure.

*Sorry for all the typos and errors in the original post, I was typing on my iPad. 
Sadly u know this will never work here in the H or anywhere else.  Remember the concord release??? They shut down Katy mills mall, called out Fox news to Northline where the infamous "GET MONEY BOYS" made their YouTube debut, and then had activist Q. X talking about MJ needs to make more shoes.  What was the solution from that?  Rigged Raffles and A BS twitter RSVP system that u get through only after all the pairs are scooped by management and employees and only if your lucky to beat a bot.  

With the upcoming EXT's which in my opinion are some of the best looking Lebrons it is going to be a circus just to get your hands on 1 pair.  Nike wants this, free marketing, for their product.  Actually, nike surely gets a couple hundred calls about their policies and it will always fall on deaf ears....remember the "limited" shoes are what everyone wants and most to resell... there are plenty of general releases still sitting on shelves outlet bound.  Look at the genius behind the MVP, let's make a shoe from the left over scraps of other shoes, make it limited watch shoeheads go crazy and resellers rejoice and repeat.  

In the end complaining only goes so this case the guy at the call center at nike corporate would love to hear your rants, less phone orders they have to take and work they have to do.  They will probaly be leaning  back in their office chair with their headset on playing angry birds on their smartphone... and after your done with your rant hang up and move to the next call.
I actually wasn't in Houston during that time period. I'm military and this my second time being stationed in Houston -- so I'm back for another 2 years since I'm halfway through my current tour. I do partially agree with your complaining only go so far; however, I'm sure if someone like a 60 Minutes ran with a story like this and went to the Niketowns, HoH, and some boutiques people would lose their jobs and corporates would have to make a half a**ed attempt to answer. And while Nike may not give two s**ts. Ray ray that just lost his job for being a scumbag may. So yeah, overall, Nike and so long  as they're getting paid, that may be all that matters to them. But I think a majority goes unheard and the guy with his feet on his desk doesn't really care, some of the stories and complaints are actually listened to. If you think they're not, then why would they switch to using hashtags that are circled? That's not a rhetorical question, but one a need an honest answer for. You may have a better answer than what I can drum up at the moment.  Either way, I'd laugh my *** off if a manager was relieved of their store if it was found they were habitual offenders. I do believe that stores should allow their manager to have 1 pair for themselves for every release and maybe a few to raffle among the employees, just not every f'ing one. Now if  a certain release makes through an entire work day, by all means let the employees buy them up after they close shop. Btw, I'm in Clear Lake, how about you, Sir?

I agree the EXTs are some of the best, but my favorite, the Cork, has come and gone. So now I have the luxury of haggling with a reseller .... oh well!!  Hopefully I'm prepared well for the Mints, Hazles and Denims. We shall see!
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