Actually don't mind the signing. Mix things up a bit and adds toughness. Let's see what the Capt. can do. :smokin

Release Mullens and sign LO too.
Clippers have definetly not lived up to my friend expectations this year. Hope this guy Jackson can gt them going. Lob city runs LA!!!!! **** kobe
^^^it's tough. To say the bar was set high is an understatement. They gotta get used to a new coaching staff, new bench. Last year's bench clicked really well. They feel the weoght but key areas have improved. Mostly Deandre. Blake needs a lot of work still unfortunately but he's still doing his damn thing. remember we had a rough first 10 games.
Another goon to join Barnes :pimp: hopefully gives this team some more grit.
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Actually don't mind the signing. Mix things up a bit and adds toughness. Let's see what the Capt. can do. :smokin

Release Mullens and sign LO too.

From what I read, Lamar's return is still a good possibility. I think they're just waiting for him to get closer to NBA shape. I wouldn't think Mullens would be the one to get cut though. I think they signed him to a two year deal. It wasn't for big $, but still, I don't think he's been bad enough that the Clippers are going to pay him to go play somewhere else. If anyone currently on the roster goes, I think it will be Wayns. He's injured, plus given our guard depth, he's not going to see any playing time anyway.
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Mullens has been our weakest link. Sure he's a center that CAN hit 3's but not consistently and does very little to no work on either defensive or offensive glass. He does randomly drop those 3s when we need it but still. Sadly I sorta feel bad for dude. He's freakishly tall, goofy looking, no shoe deal so he's rockin' New Balances I think. He just looks like the guy that struggled to have friends. I mean he don't do much for the team but I still feel bad for dude.

Last night's win was somewhat sloppy. I don't know if that's our new strategy but coming out to dominate the second half after a poor first half is really not the business. Also the fact that our shooting % was barely 40% and we got that W :x I was listening to the game on AM 980 while driving home from work and just hearing our 3 point shots made vs attempted was horrifying. The broadcaster was like Doc should be able to fine anyone $10k for every missed 3 shot :lol:

BTW the new FootLocker commercial with Blake & CP3 is hilarious.

^^^ That commercial is funny. :lol: Thanks for posting.
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I'm worried about the game tonight. The Nets, like the Cavs, is another team that always seems to give us trouble, regardless of who's playing for them. We have 5 straight losses in NJ/Brooklyn. Hopefully, we break the trend tonight.
I'm with you especially because of how our recent strategy has been i.e. give up the first half and dominate the second. We need to not do that and just be a consistent dominance all around.

I'm hoping the motivation is there from all these wins.

BTW that was a super classy move by Boston last night with the Doc recognition.
It was brutal :smh: I turned it off after the 3rd. Giving up that lead, down by 22 to lose by 9? Ugh.

Add to the insult Barkley calling us "Softer than tissue paper". This has been a rough road trip.
His concerns tend to be validated a short time later though.

This team is so frustrating to watch. Where's the consistency?

The injuries have been a factor. Considering how well he was playing, going from Redick to Willie Green has been a big drop off. And having Barnes out has hurt. It impacts the rotations and continuity. But the injuries don't explain everything, like how terrible we played against Cleveland and after the first quarter last night. I can't quite put my finger on the problem.

If we win on Saturday against the Wiz on Saturday, I'll consider this trip only disappointing and not disastrous. Long road trips are tough generally and our injury situation made this one tougher, but considering who we were playing, I thought it was reasonable to expect a 5-2 or even 6-1 trip. I'll live with 4-3 though.
Our best game of the year by far tonight. Played well enough on offense, but the D was the most impressive. Super active all game. Very encouraging .
Merry Christmas. Hope everyone has a great day, topped off by a Clips win against GSW tonight.
 CFB sighting!

now my christmas is complete 

where you been my man?
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If I saw a different Melo that was willing to work within a team game then I'd be willing to listen. But I like where our team is just to get this W today!

Merry Xmas fellow ClipperNation! :smokin
This game man :smh:

Those Blake Ts straight bs.

Also Deandre out there blocking shots in Gamma XIs :smokin
Warriors fans really want to believe they won this game fairly :lol:

This was their Finals Game 7. 8 v 5 and it came down to the last shot. I aint eem mad :pimp:

Flop and Cry for Calls I ******g hate them!

Cuz out here throwing a hissy-fit :lol:
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