I need Austin off this team too. Idgaf about his 3 pt shooting. His FT shooting has cost us 2 games already and that stupid *** gamble up 5 leaving JJ open for a corner 3.
I need Austin off this team too. Idgaf about his 3 pt shooting. His FT shooting has cost us 2 games already and that stupid *** gamble up 5 leaving JJ open for a corner 3.

Yeah, TBH, that J.J. 3 really was the game. That was a major, major **** up by Austin. But par for the course. We’ve sucked in close games for the last 3 years now...
Clipper Twitter frying Doc right now :lol:

I am deadass when I say that me, right now, guarding JJ Redick would not have tried that suicide steal. Game was lost right there. Austin has had some really dumb moments with us, but that one takes the cake.

Man I wish I could find a hint of optimism with this team but we are bad. Like, real deal bad. 10 pick in the draft next summer bad. From Coaching, roster make up, to being hurt, Blake and his archaic offense, DJ being awful, Austin being in a role that's too big for him, i could go on but there's just so much I don't like about us right now.

You guys are going to get your wishes. Shake ups is coming in the next week or two because the Losses will keep piling because this isn't a "playing bad" issue. I mean we are playing bad, but they're actually trying and that lets me know that we're genuinely bad.
I'm just gon' say it, Docs chip with the Celts was a fluke and dude has been wildly overrated.

In regards to the Clips, I also think that the players do not get along too well. Like it always felt like there was a divide when CP3 was there and I figure when Blake hosted a get together for all the new players that things would change but it really hasn't or hasn't looked felt like it. It's the small things, like when a players on the ground, almost no one runs to them to help them out. There doesn't seem to be much joy in the bench either, maybe it's just me noticing it but maybe this just might be why they just can't gel together well. It's really hard to put my finger on it.

:rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bro I hate Clipper Darrell so much lol but this was funny as hell. Buddy is mad lol
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This is just me.

But I evaluate players differently than I do coaches. Players are one thing, because you actually see them play. You see them making shots, missing shots, blowing assignments, etc.

But coaching is different, especially on the NBA level where the teams with the best talent almost always win. Like, take Doc Rivers for an example.

He's going to be fired soon, and yet...None of us are there at practice everyday, in film session everyday, but he is. Most fans don't know a single set that the Clippers run, don't even know what they're looking at, and yet are screaming for a coach's job. And this isn't a doc specific thing, it's fan culture in general when it comes to sports. Coaching changes have led to success with teams, and that may be what LAC needs, but my point is that so much of the criticism that Doc (And every other coach not named brad stevens or pop) take are from people who know nothing about the dynamics of the team.

Like, Is the coaching really bad? Or is that the things that the coach is trying to implement are being blocked by the players and their habits? Or maybe the things you're trying to implement the players just don't have the ability to execute? Maybe the play is to hit player x w/a pocket pass but player b can't make a good pocket pass so the play is busted and now it looks like the team is stagnated and run no offensive sets. It could be a myriad of reason why things aren't working out with a team and it's coach, but us as fans don't take any of that into account at all.

Let me be clear, I'm totally fine if the Clips fire doc. I am not married to him at all. But the team, and roster have issues that go far far beyond the coach, and unless Pop leaves SA for LAC, there are no miracles.
I get your point but I also feel like we have taken plenty of things we see into account, like not developing young players or trading away picks for his son or not playing players on the second half that was effective on the first. How often has it felt like his rotation makes no sense?

Like, Is the coaching really bad? Or is that the things that the coach is trying to implement are being blocked by the players and their habits? Or maybe the things you're trying to implement the players just don't have the ability to execute? Maybe the play is to hit player x w/a pocket pass but player b can't make a good pocket pass so the play is busted and now it looks like the team is stagnated and run no offensive sets.

Like this for example, I get it that some plays can't executed but isn't it a coaches job to recognize who could make those plays, those passes and if the first plan fails, a good coach is suppose to have a second and third and even a fourth plan? Isn't a good coach suppose to put their players strengths into good use and hide their weaknesses?

If player x can't make a pocket pass, then don't put him in that position to make the pocket pass and if that plan fails, have a secondary plan so you aren't stuck there with Blake shooting jumpers as the shot clock runs out?

I also understand that fan are overcritical and can't really coach to save their lives or else we'd be getting paid millions instead of Doc but there is also a point when the team just isn't progressing anymore and a change is necessary.

I also completely understand that Doc has been dealt with some bad luck due to injuries but even when they just need to closeout a series with one game, with big leads I might add, his crumbles and it has happened enough to be a pattern and that it's just time for a change.
I get your point but I also feel like we have taken plenty of things we see into account, like not developing young players or trading away picks for his son or not playing players on the second half that was effective on the first. How often has it felt like his rotation makes no sense?

Like this for example, I get it that some plays can't executed but isn't it a coaches job to recognize who could make those plays, those passes and if the first plan fails, a good coach is suppose to have a second and third and even a fourth plan? Isn't a good coach suppose to put their players strengths into good use and hide their weaknesses?

If player x can't make a pocket pass, then don't put him in that position to make the pocket pass and if that plan fails, have a secondary plan so you aren't stuck there with Blake shooting jumpers as the shot clock runs out?

I also understand that fan are overcritical and can't really coach to save their lives or else we'd be getting paid millions instead of Doc but there is also a point when the team just isn't progressing anymore and a change is necessary.

I also completely understand that Doc has been dealt with some bad luck due to injuries but even when they just need to closeout a series with one game, with big leads I might add, his crumbles and it has happened enough to be a pattern and that it's just time for a change.

This. All of this.

I’m not looking for miracles from a new coach. Just some forward progression, which we are not getting under Doc.

Lots of coaches in the NBA who had been doing a good job with their teams - good regular season records, getting to playoffs consistently - have been let go because management felt the team plateaued under them. Frank Vogel, Dave Joerger are a couple examples. Why should Doc get a pass forever?

Yeah, there’s no guarantee a new coach will be better for the team than Doc, but there’s a chance he could be and these seems like the right time to take the risk.
I've had it with DJ. Had it!!!!!

Honestly, even if DJ wasn’t playing like a complete bum right now, which he is, I wouldn’t want to re-sign him anyway, especially if he wants close to a max deal. In today’s NBA, pretty dumb to give a big, long-term deal to a 30 year old traditional C with no real offensive skills. We already have Blake maxed out for another few years. Tying a bunch of money up in DJ too would be stupid.
Don't think DJ is fetching close to a max on the open market this summer anyway.

There aren't that many teams with cap space, and unless you're close to a championship, his age and skill set aren't attractive at all.

But yeah, I'd be shocked if LAC didn't move him by the deadline. A few teams out east could use him for sure for a run.
I'm anxious to see Blake once the Clips move on from DJ.

As it stands right now, other than injuries, IMO, one of the biggest reason for the Clips spiraling right now is that There are more than 10 players in the league better than Blake. Amongst all bigs, Boogie/Kat/KP/AD/Embiid /Simmons etc. are all better than Blake and that is hurting us. You saw it in the 4th last night.


A big reason they are better than Blake is because he plays so many minutes w/ DJ. He's only played 80 minutes without DJ, but in those 80 minutes so far, His Net Rating is plus -6.4, while he's a minus -1.1 with him.

Would love to see Blake playing more 5, and playing w/o DJ in general. Without CP, and now Milos, he's essentially in the way and his defense isn't worth the hindrance him being on the floor is on offense.
I'm anxious to see Blake once the Clips move on from DJ.

As it stands right now, other than injuries, IMO, one of the biggest reason for the Clips spiraling right now is that There are more than 10 players in the league better than Blake. Amongst all bigs, Boogie/Kat/KP/AD/Embiid /Simmons etc. are all better than Blake and that is hurting us. You saw it in the 4th last night.

I don't know that I agree with that. Blake isn't perfect for sure, but I don't think its fair to put our lack of success on him. All those guys you mention that are better than him play with another legit star player who can score. Blake doesn't. So its much easier for teams to defend him, especially the way we run offense. I'm reserving judgment on how good he is until DJ and Doc are gone.

I can`t deny he wasn't good in the 4th last night though. But I put some of that on DOC. IIRC, Blake didn`t re-enter the game until there was like 5:00 or less left in the game. I though Doc kept him out way too long, making it harder to get his rhythym back. Regarless, no excuse for him tossing up airballs when we needed a bucket
Alright guys. I've decided to provide some balance in here by only posting postive comments from here on out.

We're an elite offensive rebounding team and once we get guys healthy we'll go on a run. We will finish with a winning record. Book it.
Alright guys. I've decided to provide some balance in here by only posting postive comments from here on out.

We're an elite offensive rebounding team and once we get guys healthy we'll go on a run. We will finish with a winning record. Book it.

I actually agree. All that will happen...after DJ is traded and Doc is fired...hiyooooooo....
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Alright guys. I've decided to provide some balance in here by only posting postive comments from here on out.

We're an elite offensive rebounding team and once we get guys healthy we'll go on a run. We will finish with a winning record. Book it.

The funny thing is I came in here to provide some optimism too :rofl:

1) The Field is still playing to our advantage. Spurs have like 6 losses, Memphis just lost tonight they're at 6 or 7 losses, Pels lost tonight they're at 6 or 7 losses, OKC has 7 losses, Utah is at 9 losses, Lakers are at 8 losses, the Clips are unbiasedly a 4, 5 win streak away from being right back in the thick of things in the west. Really important that it starts soon though.

2) They're missing 3 starters, and still are 6th in the league in Offensive rating, which is...miraculous given how they looked.

Not all doom and gloom with LAC, but it will be in about a week or two if they can't stop this slide. Friday will obviously be tough, but the cavs defense may be what this LAC team needs to get back on track.
Put me down as Team Kendall. Kylie looks like a Kim clone at this point. I’m over it.

Related fun fact, Kendall Jenner had not yet turned 5 years old when I joined NT. Damn I’m old...
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