Official Los Angeles Dodgers Season Thread: NLCS vs Phillies

Kuroda on the mound this afternoon, Raffy is a game time decision - and Andruw Jones is still obese.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Wait you really think Pierre is better than Jones?

Pierre gives us more options. With a sizzling Raffy batting first, who would you rather count on to hit behind him Juan Pierre or Andruw Jones? With oddson my side, I'm sure A.J won't even put the ball in play and give Raffy an oppertunity to advance to second - with Pierre striking out is rare, anddouble plays are rare.

I think we have to stop thinking of Andruw Jones the hitter 10 years ago, and realize what he has left in the tank today.
Pierre doesn't really give us any more options. Jones wouldn't hit in the same spot in the lineup as Pierre, so that is irrelevant.

The current line-up needs power, not whatever it is you would call it that Pierre offers. Jones has a greater chance of supplying that power. Point is, we knowwhat Pierre is going to give us, and it's not that good. The Dodgers with the Andruw of 2 years ago are a World Series team. The Dodgers with Pierre oflast year aren't a playoff team. It's worth giving Andruw time.
Torre has batted:

1) Fucal
2) Andruw Jones


1) Furcal
2) Pierre

I don't understand how that irrelavent to the situation. Andruw Jones can't even stay afloat in the middle of the line up, he's been dropped downto 7-8th in the batting order.

Trust me, this team would be better scoring runs - then that so-called power you're labeling andruw jones to have.

I'd prefer a player to knock the pitch the other way, sacrifice himself to advance the runner or single his way on than Mr. Powerful Andruw Jones trying tohit every ball out of the ballpark.

Anyways, new goal - lets try to keep this thread on the first page rather than it sinking 10pages back everyday.

Comon Dodgers fans
I still have hope that Andruw will come around sometime within the next two years. Although it is hard to maintain that belief after watching him swing andmiss at three straight fast balls last night...

Like I said before, I think the wrong guy is on the bench as of now. Ethier needs to play, and not for Kemp, but with Kemp and Pierre / Jones.
^Agreed. Did you see Andruw Jones backfoot? It moves more than his front foot - he's not balanced. That's how he swung and miss at 3 89MPH fastballs.

I'm worried the Dodgers might trade away Ethier and bring in an aging veteran.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

^Agreed. Did you see Andruw Jones backfoot? It moves more than his front foot - he's not balanced. That's how he swung and miss at 3 89MPH fastballs.

I'm worried the Dodgers might trade away Ethier and bring in an aging veteran.

I know, I've read a couple of blogs and such whether they've said Ethier might be traded at this point to "resolve the outfield issue"..But I know we heard rumors similar to that about Kemp before so hopefully these about Ethier are also just speculations..
Pierre>>>>>>..jones at this point and its not even close

That's just your opinion.

Does anyone in this thread think that Juan Pierre is going to finish the season with better numbers than Andruw Jones?
houston with a big comeback
, torre shoulda pulled out Bronxton wayyyy earlier, i feel hella bad for Kuroda
Does anyone in this thread think that Juan Pierre is not going to finish the season with better numbers than Andruw Jones?

fixed it for you.
at this point AJ is a bum, straight up.
It's not like he's giving up the "power" we need.
the Dodgers best outfield at this point is Pierre in center (and it truly pains me to say that), Ethier in right, Kemp in left. hell even switch Kemp andPierre because people won't run on Kemp in center.
This season is only a little more than a month old and this Dodger team will play this way for the entire season. They'll win 10 of 12 and then drop 4-5in a row. It will be a roller coaster.

This season is only a little more than a month old and this Dodger team will play this way for the entire season. They'll win 10 of 12 and then drop 4-5 in a row. It will be a roller coaster.

so true. this team is way too inconsistent. they might end up with a good enough record to make the playoffs but if they don't fix some things it'll beanother early exit
[h1]Dodgers didn't get a care package with Andruw Jones[/h1]

Struggling center fielder dismisses jeers from Dodger Stadium crowd, saying 'you play for the team, you don't play for the fans.'

May 11 2008

Since offering to go on a diet with Andruw Jones and getting nowhere with him, I've lost 14 pounds, so I checked in with the Tubbo on Saturday night to see how he was doing on his own.

"Have you lost anything?"

"I don't care," he said.

I shook my head in disbelief, and he said, "I don't care what you think."

"Do you care what anyone thinks?"

"I don't care," Jones said.

Saturday night the fans in Dodger Stadium booed Jones' name when the starting lineup was announced. "Don't you care that the fans in Dodger Stadium have turned on you?"

"No," he said. "That's their problem."

I suggested that it's not human for someone not to be bothered by booing fans in their own stadium, and he stuck out his tongue and made some noise.

"How do I write that down?" I said.

All together now: "I don't care," he said.

Without the fans, I said, there's no reason for you to be here in Los Angeles playing baseball and no way you're getting paid $36 million over the next two years.

"I don't care," he said. "You play for the team, you don't play for the fans. The fans never played the game. They don't know."

Both a Tubbo and clueless, which really isn't a very good combination for the player with the highest annual salary in Dodgers history.

I tried to tell him he was taking the wrong approach with the fans here by saying really dumb things and reporting to work fat.

"Don't you understand why people are upset with you? You sign a big contract and report to spring training out of shape. . . ."

"I disagree with you," Jones said.

So I checked in with Joe Torre, and he said, "I think he could have been in better shape."

I reminded Jones that I had lost 14 pounds and even had eaten a doughnut with the 7-Eleven Kid, and how does it look when the team's center fielder has a bigger belly than the columnist writing about the team?

"Look at your belly hanging out of your shirt," Jones said. "You're probably going to die tomorrow."

"Not before I write this column," I said.

When I told Torre about some of the things Jones had said, he shook his head. "I think he may be saying one thing and feeling another."

Why lie about such things?

"I don't know if it's lying," Torre said. "I know when I have a conversation with him, he says, 'I'm OK, I'm OK,' so in essence, he's lying to me too. Because I know better."

At best, Jones might say "I don't care" because it's a defensive mechanism, but at worst, he lacks common sense, striking out with the fans once again.

As for his play on the field, the Tubbo has one home run, and so far it looks as if he has only warning-track power, which suggests he has lost something.

"If you think that's what I've got, warning-track power, then write it down," Jones said, and it always helps when I have a player's permission to criticize him. "I lost my power, I suck, I should retire."

"I hope you're not waiting for me to disagree with you," I said.

Then Jones went out, and struck out on three pitches in his first appearance at the plate. I wonder if he cared.

Oh Man...
... I know Simers can be a pain but Jones is a fool for sayingthat. I wonder if the Pavilions will eat him alive while he's out there. At least LIE about how you feel and say you care...
Damn the Dodger media is going hard (NH) on Andruw he never got that treatment while in Atlanta even last year Andruw didn't get the nasty media interviewswhen he struggled Dru is always a great guy to everyone.

La La Land isn't for everyone and Andruw probably misses Atlanta because in LA he is getting ousted by everyone media and the fans i feel bad for him.
^^ Well that dude Simers is hard on a lot of people.. actually most L.A. athletes and seems to specifically pick on the Dodgers organization.

The media, as far as local broadcasts, is very fair IMO to Andruw. Vin Scully is one of the classiest commentators, if not the classiest, and I don'tbelieve I've heard him say anything remotely negative about Andruw, his weight, his horrible batting average, and his reluctance to work on his mechanicsand his attitude.

Pre-game and Post-game shows do criticize his swing and his mechanics...but never have they attacked his character at all. This dude has known about hisweight issues prior to reporting to ST and has not done anything about it. He's heard it from various outlets that his mechanics are off and that he hasto try and go with the pitch instead of pulling everything. Still he does not care.

Whether the media has enhanced this situation or not.. the truth is that Dodger fans are quickly getting tired of him and his attitude. I don't thinkanyone wants this dude to fail like he is at the moment but at the same time we have to be realists. Sometimes the on-field stuff is hard to fix and takestime but this dude is beginning to develop off field issues that should never even be issues...

Dude has a smirk on while swinging and missing...
Man, I go away this weekend and the Dodgers get swept.
and are on a current 4 game losing streak.

Hopefully, they can regroup and start a new winning streak on this road trip.

I'm getting sick of this inconsistency.
Is Andruw at least playing Gold Glove caliber defense?

He's still got that nonchalant way of catching the ball. He seems to have lost a step, Kemp is a better fit at CF. Jones just isn't providing theDodgers with anything.
Originally Posted by MFr3shM

Is Andruw at least playing Gold Glove caliber defense?

eh... I guess he's better than having Pierre out there everyday. At least runners don't take an extra base for every hit.. I think runners stillrespect his arm. As for the highlight catches... I don't think he has one yet. He is solid as far as defense. Gold Glove?.. I'm not too sure.
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