*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

I think that the pics are of the new creepy guy. Resemblance to Eko? Maybe they're connected. I remember reading that Eko was killed off because the actorwas having personal problems and didn't want to be a part of the show. Maybe they introduced this guy to pick up the elements that were meant for Eko?
too much spoilage going on in here...

NYC did you already see the whole season, and if not, why would you like getting spoiled from your "source"?
Originally Posted by ObeyNow

Gas masks in the packs...makes me think these people are DI/HF, and they knew about Ben's gas attacks. Plus guns and ballistic vests

Good observation....I agree that they knew and were prepared for those attacks.
Another thing that I felt was important was when Locke was talking about being told to do work by Walt, and specifically mentioned that he wastaller.

I'm guessing that the only explination here has to do with time, so by leaving the island time moves differently and ages differently. I don't reallyknow though, the show hasn't touched on this much.

NYC, when you talk about Season 4 (ie finding out about things to do with Jack's dad), do you mean the Season 4 they've planned out, or just the Season4 they shot?
Strange theory, but does anyone think that all this is all a setup by Ben? The people on the helicopter, the freight...

I'm starting to lean that way.

Check this out...

New characters, new mysteries! Tonight's episode of Lost, Confirmed Dead, ups the anti and raises some very interesting questions regarding the freighter people. Here are some of my thoughts on Lost 4.02 Confirmed Dead.

For starters, they are not the singular group with a central, evil plot that many thought. They seem to barely have any connection to one another at all except for one thing: the crash of Oceanic 815. Most of the flashbacks took place on that day, and each seemed to be affected in a profound way, or involved in other business that seemed loosely related.

Dan? Why Are You So Upset?

Why indeed! Our friend Daniel Faraday is, mark my words, an autistic savant. Likely an extremely high functioning Aspbergers guy. He sees patterns, as evidenced later with his exclamation that the light doesn't scatter quite right. So what about the 815 wreckage looked so 'off' that it had Danny boy on the verge of tears? I wouldn't mistake his emotional outburst for an eventual confession of "My son was on that plane." Daniel saw a pattern that he eventually came to recognize as "not legitimate crash wreckage."

Did it Work?

What's funny about Miles act is that he is hiding the fact that he is psychic. But why? My guess would be that Miles machine does nothing but disguise the fact that the real ghost busting is in his head. As we've seen, he uses his gift to ask spirits where their valuables are hidden. If he revealed himself as a psychic capable of talking to the dead, wouldn't their descendants want him for the same reason?

Is That a Collar?

Charlotte knew that collar was going to be there as much as she knew what that symbol wast. Why? Consider that she probably knew exactly which dig to go to and when to find it. My suspicion: Charlotte is one of Ben's operatives. But wait a minute, you say, Ben shot her! Well, yes. He shot her directly in the bullet proof vest he knew she'd be wearing. He got two shots off, he probably could have easily gotten a head shot had he wanted. I think teleporting that bear was part of an "Others" post Dharma experiment and Charlotte was the field agent checking the results.

The thing of it is, we know that Ben operates on the two lies and a truth principle. Maybe he fudges the recipe a bit, but part of what he says is always true, and part is always false. Let's look at the evidence:

a) Charlotte knows Dharma. She was positively beaming when she saw that logo.

b) Charlotte was aware that the 815 crash was bogus.

c) By shooting Charlotte, Ben erased any possibility that the connection between the two would be revealed.

d) Ben stressed "man on their boat." He specificity is suspect.

I was supposed to fly oceanic 815 that day.

Wow Frank. What is your story? I guess that Frank's knowledge of the Oceanic 815 fakery was somehow leveraged into a job. That says a few things about Abaddon and crew. They aren't necessarily cold blooded killers, or they let Frank extort them. It also says a few things about Frank. He could be a little low-down and dirty himself when it comes to making a buck or two, or maybe he's just looking for his friend Seth Norriss. Either way, if he knows the wreckage is fake, he must also know that the discovery of survivors would get somebody in big trouble.

Sure, Why Not...

Naomi was clearly the muscle of the group. A mercenary contracted directly by Abaddon to look over the 'team.' A few problems. She is aware of the fakery, obviously, and of the fact that 815 crashed on the island. So is she a good girl, or a bad girl? Does it matter anymore?

Oh, It Can Hurt...

When Sayid is playing with the phone, Myles is getting pretty nervous. Just what 'extra' abilities do those phones possess?

Where is he?!

Ken Leung does psycho mode very well, no? But just what do the freighter people want with Ben Linus? Charlotte did not flinch when she saw him. More evidence that she is his "man on the boat"? That was kind of an oldish looking photo of Ben. Sort of orientation era, yeah? Could it be that Ben is doing a bit of time travel?
Now THAT was a great episode.

Originally Posted by jblackcat13



Originally Posted by aRog27

Ben was born in Portland...we don't know how old Ben was exactly when his dad took him to the island.

He was a kid maybe around 9 or 10?
you can even throw battle royale* in there i seen that be for i seen powerful

this could mean a whole lot or nothing at all thats why i love this show lol
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

French Blue that theory is very interesting and I could see that happening.

I'm hoping I'm wrong but we'll see

And the whole time traveling thing, is a weird theory as well.
^Why do you hope you were wrong? I would like to see Ben manipulate a bit more LOL! Idk about time traveling but I do know that time definitely affects theisland.

BTW I was wondering about the temple too...and how many stations have we not seen as of yet?!
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

^Why do you hope you were wrong? I would like to see Ben manipulate a bit more LOL! Idk about time traveling but I do know that time definitely affects the island.

BTW I was wondering about the temple too...and how many stations have we not seen as of yet?!

Because I was hoping that the "rescuers" actually did want something that Ben has... I want to know what Ben is hiding, they want something hehas..

And there are so many stations we haven't seen, I'm sure they are all around the island, undiscovered.
Maybe the Temple IS another station? AHHHHH

I think the most shocking thing would be the temple being an actual temple. I woudnt expect it.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

^Why do you hope you were wrong? I would like to see Ben manipulate a bit more LOL! Idk about time traveling but I do know that time definitely affects the island.

BTW I was wondering about the temple too...and how many stations have we not seen as of yet?!

Because I was hoping that the "rescuers" actually did want something that Ben has... I want to know what Ben is hiding, they want something he has..

And there are so many stations we haven't seen, I'm sure they are all around the island, undiscovered.

I think they just want Ben and want to know what he has been doing with the island since he exterminated Dharma years ago. Just a theory....
cool, I got a wink from nycknicks..i must be onto something. sweet.

I havent had a chance to read through pages 17-22 so Im sorry if this was already speculated..but does anyone else think that Ben's spy could possiblybe.......

I loved this episode.

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

4. Frank is a great pilot

4 - Too good to be crashing Flight 815, huh?
Like i told people on this board many many times. Some people i went to school with are now working for the show.
Actually, you never told me.... I assumed you knew people working on the show but I never saw you say it straight up.
I thought that if anything, This would mean that this whole Dharma thing is way deeper than we first thought...Thousands of years ago?

They say Dharma started in the 70's-80's, But there's obviously some ancient stuff goin' on here...

Dudes had pet polar bears on leashes in an Egyptian desert...The hell?
I may be wrong, but I think the answer to your question will answer a lot about the island.
And, there was a HUGE clue in the very first episode (Pilot).
White shoe. Jack's dad.... I've known this for a while.

All the names on LOST have biblical meanings, and they all relate to the show.

Didn't you say that the names don't mean anything? Or was that the producers? Anyway, I agree that they do hold some significance.

I said those 3 things a year ago.
As for destiny, my question is: is itbeing manipulated by some powerful group or is it really destiny? I think it really is destiny--events occurring because that's the only way you can get tothe ending.
That kid has to be someone important. They showed his pictures for a long time..
I'm guessing the picture changes but I need to get some screencaps to verify....

Also does anybody notice Ben's pic? That didn't really look like the island...he lived all of his life on island. How would the group have that pic?

I agree, jblack.... It looked like a picture from an office. The clothes and background didn't fit.

smh though @ jblack and nycknicks taking over my screencap posting duties.

Am I done? Took me a long time to go through those last 5 pages.
Kicks R Me - the spy could VERY WELL be Michael!!!!! That's a good and very plausible theory (it's been established that Michael's coming back...this was in EW & TV Guide and stuff)
What an excellent episode! I hope this means the end of dumb filler episodes.

I like the addition of these new characters to the show. They all seem interesting enough, unlike Nikki and Paolo, to make me want to know what actually ledthem to the island.

Last time I checked, the title of this thread was "*Official LOST Season 4 Discussion Thread*", not "*Official LOST Season 4SPOILER Discussion Thread*". You spoiler thirst-buckets should really just stick to the other forums and sites that post them. Theyaren't hard to find.
That picture of ben reminded me of what he looked like in whats his name 'vision' of the airport.
i hope someone posts a spoiler for the next episode.

^^Why go look on other sites when you can get a spoiler here from viable resources?

and PLUS..this is STILL a discussion thread.. we just be discussing spoilers sometimes.
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