*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

The Claire scene was really creeping me out. I don't see why shes trying so hard for Aaron to not come back, but everyone else is trying to keep them on/go back to the Island.

Maybe it's alluding to what Ben was saying about how the island became "dark and horrible".

wat you think was gone happen when you let john run anything other then his mouth john only knows how to !#@* #$%% up
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

I wonder what happened on the island that was so bad...

Keamy and all the soldiers are dead...The hell?

I'm guessing the movement of the Island was a major factor in how/why things changed.

Going back to the Jack "we have to go back" scene and showing Kate backing up was awesome. Lost is the best thing runnin' by far.
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

This is going to be awesome....

I'm doing it big for this finale... We (the people I live with) got a keg, a tray of chick-fil-a nuggets, and set up the projection screen.

Almost game time

Can't drink during/before Lost.... That's like showing up to your quantum mechanics final drunk.
Spoiler [+]
Jin gets thrown into the water, and that becomes a cliffhanger, but he doesn't die. He goes back to the island, but they don't show that in the finale.

Wow.... I'm happy now.

If you have to go back with everyone you left the island with, do you also need to return with any offspring you have produced, word to Christian + Jack +Claire?

Is Locke like Christian Shepherd? Dead but comes back to life on the island?

I'm happy Desmond and Penny got back together. That was a great moment but I hope their story doesn't end there.

There's so much more to comment on.... Gonna need to rewatch the episode and read all the stuff on 4815162342 and darkufo.
Now, what I don't understand is why everyone was calling Locke something else off the island(can;t remember the name right now), even when they was speaking alone with each other.
cuz if he went by john locke and one person put 2 and 2 together and realized he was on oceanic, then that would nullify the oceanic 6's'story'
damn good finale imo
i dvr'ed that junk, gonna watch it again tomorrow
cant wait till next season
Same white stuff that happened when 815 crashed and also when the hatch exploded.... That's all I can think of. And it somehow involves the same weirdmagnetic property stuff of the island.
ok the whole frozen wheel thing had me worried.
not quite jumping the shark, but damn close...
the episode turned out better than i thought

Originally Posted by IronmanFitness

this show is dumb. i just watched this season bc theres nothing else on. if you guys think its clever you are stupid.

I guess someone would feel that way if they started watching it this season.

However, I don't know what's more funny. The fact that you continued to watch a show you disliked, or the fact that you decided to post in a topicabout a show you dislike. But enough about your mysteries....
Locke being in the coffin was bananas! For some reason I was thinking it'd be anybody else BUT him. I seriously even suspected to see Ben in thecoffin (perhaps a twin.)

The next season is gonna be crazy as well! Of course we're left with a ton more questions and a ton still unanswered!

Where'd the island go? What happened to the rest of the survivors? Is Jin and Michael really dead? Why must the 6 get back? How are they gonna get back?
Too much of this
and way too many questions. Not gonna repeat them because all of been ask by you guys already. NYC give us some kind of info.
the only LOST question that i think about from time to time is that statue of the 4 toed foot hahahahaha.
anybody hear wat ben said to/about jacob?
Ben said "I hope you're happy jacob"

when miles asked why Charlotte wants to leave, and saying that shes finally returned, and Charlotte saying she still wants to find her birth location
i knew she had to be Annie
Originally Posted by Kobe Fan

horrible season finale...

nothing seemed too
or any good explanations.


The return of Walt, we found out who's in the coffin, 'Checkmate Mr. Eko,' Desmond & Penny reunited, the island disappears, etc etc to the etc.

All this, and we're getting set up for next season, that's probably going to be done in real time. (Off the island)

That in itself should be
The return of Walt, we found out who's in the coffin, 'Checkmate Mr. Eko,' Desmond & Penny reunited, the island disappears, etc etc to the etc.

All of these save Mr. Eko was expected. Walt has been back. The whole Penny/Desmond reunited thing has been climaxing this whole season. island disappearingwas told to us last episode.
Yeah, only the Mr. Eko part had me partially
, although i still think heis not coming back (he was my favorite character),

and the Penny and Desmond always leaves me
at the end of it.

Overall, i still think its a crappy season finale (in comparison to past ones.)
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

The return of Walt, we found out who's in the coffin, 'Checkmate Mr. Eko,' Desmond & Penny reunited, the island disappears, etc etc to the etc.

All of these save Mr. Eko was expected. Walt has been back. The whole Penny/Desmond reunited thing has been climaxing this whole season. island disappearing was told to us last episode.

Correct, hence SEASON finale.

Everything comes to fruitiaon, in the last episode of the season.

What were you really expecting?
the ending was crazy
, never expected Locke to be the one in the coffin.My guess of it being desmond was totally wrong

Anybody catch when hurley is playing chess, and I'm pretty sure he was playing the white side. And how mr. ecko was playing the dark side. Does this meanmr. ecko is on the dark side?
Originally Posted by NinongBrown

the only LOST question that i think about from time to time is that statue of the 4 toed foot hahahahaha.

those fools told me they were going to answer that puzzle....

also...remember when charlotte say the dharma sign???? She seemed excited..like it was familiar.
Anybody catch when hurley is playing chess, and I'm pretty sure he was playing the white side. And how mr. ecko was playing the dark side. Does this mean mr. ecko is on the dark side?

it was vice versa

Hurley was black, Ecko was white

it just adds to the black vs white motif

people keep stressing that the black vs white is important, but... it's pretty vague.
good vs evil? light vs dark? - pretty generic

the only interesting thing i get from all this black vs white thing is that
sometimes the "good" guys are using white objects, but later on, the same "good" guys switch and use black objects (as seen in the aboveexample)
i guess you can say that the line between white and black is not easily distinguishable
why was locke off the island anyway? wasn't he supposed to lead the new squad? was jack the one? DAMN YOU LOST!
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