Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

i remember in World Religions class that Taoisms symbol is that ying-yang trigram

it is very similar to the Dharma logo

***WTB Mychal Thompson AF1 size 12​
how the @#%$ did it go from dark to day so fast?
Jack just told Juliet to go and get the medication and i know it isnt that far that it went from night time to the morning
Jack just told Juliet to go and get the medication and i know it isnt that far that it went from night time to the morning
Team Florida
The Real Drrty Drrty
Member# 00-Hustla
Reppin Ft. lauderdale-954!!​
fom those screen caps posted last week, i knew juliet was a spy

and Ben said he was born on the island.... and all the pregnant mothers die...

so Ben's mom probably died from the same cause

and I also think the losties were pre-chosen by Ben or Dharma intiative to land on the island..

Ben said that "there might be a pregnant mother on there"..... or something like that....

Now, out of all the things he can say, he said that.

All the people Ben/Dharma intiative chose, were seated in parts of the plane that were gonna allow the specific people to survive
if u were a burger at McDonald's you'd be McGorgeous​
It's not just a basketball team that needs you, it's an entire nation.

Team Dodgers
55 . 59 . 63 . 65 . 81 . 88
damn, tonite was great, got me all antsy though.
where the hell is michael and walt?

and man Sayid is a bad @#%$ who been thru hell, knows how to torture people and needs to get bacc to his roots and there needs to be more unncessary violence and killings.

I wanna know where the hells those fools are if the sub is gone and that other station is gone, where the hell they did go? and where is John Lok?
DJ Homicide, DJ AM, DJ Ben Baller = A M C
Highlight over what's below to reveal who each episode will be centered upon (they're not spoilers but some might consider it a spoiler to say who each episode is about)
Loved this episode. Couple things I noticed

Juliet while running :D *Bounce*
Sayid is a G and so is Sawyer.
Don't trust Juliette but the LOSTies are dumb.
Jack is protecting Juliette because she protected him.

Irrelevant to this Episode:
I love Claire a white women with an Aussie accent is my weakness. ( I'm Hispanic )
Kate is so sexy.
There needs to be at least 6 seasons of LOST.
I still have my beliefs on the "TIME THEORY"
In a war the LOSTies will win.
Team LOSTies > Team Others. Seriously who is stronger?

When my mother was pregnant with me they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later they discovered that I had reabsorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No. I believe his tissue has made me stronger. I now have the strength of a grown man and a little one.
^Losties hands down.

Team Others have the technology, the knowledge, and the homecourt advantage.

Team Losties have John Locke (who seems to be more in tune with the Island than anybody else, including Big Ben himself ), two x factors in Danielle Rousseau and Alex (who probably know the island as well as The Others do), Desmond (ability to tell future), a hardened battle strategist in Sayid, a doctor (Ethan was The Other's only doctor) and two pregnant women LOL.

I'm only incuding the last part in because pregnancy seems like it's going to play a huge part of the show. I should've known ever since the psychic forced Claire to get on the plane to Los Angeles.

If The Others still have communication with the outside world (which I don't think they have ever since the hatch exploded) then it'd be different. Advantage would be in their favor. But if my assumption is right in that The Others are just as stuck on The Island as everyone else, then The Losties have the best chances of winning.

Of course, all my analysis is pointless anyway. Simply put, The Losties are the good guys...of course they're going to win. :D
Anthony, Blake, Camby, Diawara, Evans, Iverson, Johnson, Kleiza, Martin, Najera, Nen, Sampson, Smith​
One other easter egg in this episode is Juliet has a very looooooooong back if ya catch my drift
I thought the same thing.
where the hell is michael and walt?
I doubt they'll be back this season.

Looks like while Jack's dumbing out with this sneaky ho, Sawyer's gonna get lucky w/Kate again. I can't wait to see who it is that duffs Locke in the back of his head.
Team Bapes are wack!​
Juliette was obviously "bad" the second we started to see Sayid be skeptical...there was no doubt in my mind.

With that said she obviously is not like the other Others so who knows where her character is headed.
Well it's 1 2 3 4, Take the Elevator
At the Hotel Yorba I'll be Glad to See You Later
Good point Amel223. Others have resources but that is it. LOSTies have manpower and sexy women. If Desmond's power to tell the future in everything would work the Others will be dead. Sayid is all the military power they need but him and Sawyer need to work together.
My theory on the pregnancy is that the Other's trying to have there kids on the wrong side of the Island.
Anyone wonder WHY they are trying to reproduce?And if so who is the sperm donor?
When my mother was pregnant with me they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later they discovered that I had reabsorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No. I believe his tissue has made me stronger. I now have the strength of a grown man and a little one.
Lost is the best show on tv

this episode was the second best of the season, behind the Desmond episode.

Mettilos Bioscience has their own airline, apparently. What was the name of the airport where Juliet, Ethan, and that other recruiter, met at?

Juliet and the others came to the island in the submarine. Rousseau's ship was drawn in by the numbers signal? Desmond simply washed ashore after his sailboat got caught in a storm?? The lostiess plane crashed on the island, as a result of Desmond not pushing the button in the hatch??
Ben was born on the island.

Does anyone conclusively know whether or not someone :rolleyes
Anthony, Blake, Camby, Diawara, Evans, Iverson, Johnson, Kleiza, Martin, Najera, Nen, Sampson, Smith​
I don't know if it has been asked, but that song that was playing during Juliette's little montage, is it the same song that Desmond listen too while he was in the hatch? I'm not quite sure, but I'm almost positive I've heard that song some where else in the Lost episodes.
^ yeah same song that Desmond had in his hatch.
Anthony, Blake, Camby, Diawara, Evans, Iverson, Johnson, Kleiza, Martin, Najera, Nen, Sampson, Smith​
^Not the same song as Desmond that was "Make Your Own Kind of Music" but I believe they used it in the beginning of the first Julliet ep this season. I could be wrong but I think they are different.
Ummo or Ummoism describes a series of decades-long claims that aliens from the planet Ummo were communicating with persons on the earth.

Most Ummo information was in the form of many detailed documents and letters sent to various esoteric groups or UFO enthusiasts. The Ummo affair called Ummoism was subject to much mainstream attention in France and Spain during the 1960's and 1970's, and a degree of interest remains regarding the subject.

General consensus is that the Ummoism was an elaborate hoax. The culprit (or culprits) is unknown, but a Jos Luis Jordn Pea has claimed responsibility for instigating the Ummoism.

However, some contend there may be at least a measure of truth in the matter, and there are a few small groups of devotees, such as "a strange Bolivian cult called the Daughters of Ummo". Another group, which claims a more scientific approach to the question of whether Ummo is a hoax or not, has set up a website in which one can find the materials on which is based the Ummo story, and some analysis of this documentation ( One person of this group claims to have understood the fundamentals of the language of UMMO, which is present in the texts in the form of what we would call words or sometimes expressions . He contends that the structure of their language is inherently different from the structure of any language on Earth, and has published a book on the subject.

In the letters, the Ummites relate their story and claim to have landed on Earth in March 1950 in the southern French dpartement of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, in the area of Digne-les-Bains. Reports mention three spacecraft with some explorers coming from their planet. They describe how they found our planet, their arrival on Earth, analysis of our habits, their language, and scientific descriptions of their activities.

The Ummites write that they first visited Earth in 1950 as a small group of scientist-explorers. Their goals were the study of our biosphere, atmosphere and culture. They explain how they discovered the Earth by chance, thanks to a Morse radio message sent by a Norwegian ship 15 years prior to their landing, and also describe scientific data from their planetary system, including its gravity, orbit, revolution period, sizes, and information about their star.

The Ummites were amazed, seeing our multi-cultural society, and also the social disorder so prevalent on Earth. They explain their civilization is older than ours, with appropriately advanced technology, and they will not disturb our social evolution.

Regardless of any ultimate explanation, the Ummoism is one of the most intriguing (and most detailed) UFO-related events in recent decades.

More information here :
Seymore Cake
^^ Vector

I think your questions will be what the whole show
will boil down to.

Right now, we're led to believe the Others are scientists,
experimenting with the island. The island itself definitely
has something special about it and the way it affects
the people on it.

It seems The Others and their experiment witnessed
the crash and saw it as an opportunity. Ben even said
himself "There MIGHT be survivors".... meaning they
didn't literally bring the Losties to the island.

But if all that is true... then it doesn't explain the weird
connections by all the Losties.
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God loves you as He loved Jacob.
From the
North to The South
To The East and the West
Bringing you the Best of the BS

^Yes that quote struck me when Ben talked about makes me wonder even more why Carl would have been brainwashed with that.
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