Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

bay area - i got the message on top, but i had audio the whole time

Excuse me if im late. Because i have a few questions.
-I know that there are intelligent people on the island so wouldn't the lostie people notice "John Locke" and "Rousseau" are both dead philosopher's names?

-And has ben said that he's never been off the island? If so, i remember a flashback where Jack was going through the sercurity gate and ben was the sercurity guard. Can anybody explain this?

can't wait till the season finale!
when i read through the "Seven Seals Theory" a few pages back

i was skeptical... because it was so complicated..

the best explanation should be the simplest one... it had too many technicalities...

but after tonight's episode where Naomi reveals that the plane has already been recovered and everyone was dead...

it is exactly what the Seven Seals Theory said... :wow:
Ben means something totally different when he says, "I was born on the island"

if u were a burger at McDonald's you'd be McGorgeous​
b0it0i23 you should edit your question. That's a spoiler people might not want to see. just giving you a heads up.
Do you guys still remember Rose and Bernard??? I hope so because, they have a very important storyline to the show.

I kind of saw this coming. I also find it really weird that with the exception of any extras, Bernard is the only surviving member from his group to still be alive on the show.
Mets, Nets, Giants.

Those are my teams and I don't need a sig to say so.
heres what naomi said "Eu no estou s," which means "I'm not the only one," or "I'm not alone."
got this via darkufo
FINALLLLLLLYYYY!!!!! nyknicks RETURNS!!!!!! Oh man, I was suffering spoiler withdrawl last week when you didn't show up. I thought I was gonna have to end it all this week and then you come through with your best spoilers yet!!!!!

As far as this episode goes, it was OK. A couple big reveals, but I think next week is when it really picks up and the wheels start rolling. I'm gonna say it again, just like I've been saying ever since I found out about him.....WIDMORE is the key. I hope I'm not wrong. I just have this gut feeling.
I get annoyed when people say that "so and so has a BIG role on the island." Because I swear I've heard every single name on the cast list ranging from a dog to a couple that hasn't been in more than 3 episodes out of nearly 60.
Real eyes realize real lies!
It was a very good episode i liked it a lot.
Thank you NYCKICKS for all of the info you provide.
I'm not sure if you guys are in with me but the fighting scene between Mikhail and Jin is up there as one of the best scenes ever. Jin just murked dude lol.

That new girl is working with the others. It seems pretty obvious.

I think the others the different group may be the primitive one's like before the DHARMA initiative. They may be some type or "cult" or "religious" group and are a threat to Ben's crew.

They may control the island spiritually and are in charge of the smoke and what not.

When my mother was pregnant with me they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later they discovered that I had reabsorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No. I believe his tissue has made me stronger. I now have the strength of a grown man and a little one.
does anyone else think, or should I say know, that dude that was tied up with the bag over his head ain't really Ben?
It's Locke's dad.
Didn't Locke's dad screw Sawyer over at some point?
overall the epsiode wasn't action packed, but it was decent.
Can't wait for the episode about Dharma!! :wow:
I'm at peace with my lust​
I can kill 'cause in God I trust, yeah​
It's evolution, baby​
Great ep. Jin's roundhouse kick to the face was sick

When Juliet said, "this is where we take the mothers to die." Sun should have booked.

WOW nynicks how do you get your info?

OLSM #1 in Michigan

***WTB Original 6 Mychal Thompson AF1 size 12***​
here's the best screen cap of mr. paik opening the safe...the numbers are still not readable

"There's nothing you can't do if you have a Swiss Army Knife, a roll of duct tape, and your wits."~~~ MacGyver​

Didn't Locke's dad screw Sawyer over at some point?
isI took the purgatory Q to the one and only Damon Lindelof (who is still da bomb in my book, in case you were wondering), and he shot back the following:

The following two facts are true. I swear it.
A. They're not in purgatory.
B. They're not dead.
If we did such a thing after repeatedly stating otherwise, we'd be tarred and feathered!

btw, I'm not convinced that the parachutist is working with the Others. I think my idea is much better -- she is there in opposition to the Others.

I think the others the different group may be the primitive one's like before the DHARMA initiative. They may be some type or "cult" or "religious" group and are a threat to Ben's crew.
whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
The way i see Mittlework is as a decoy to Hanso/Dharma . Not really an organization.
Imagine if the other group of others in reality is Rossoue(spell check ) group.For all we know she might be covering there backs.
When my mother was pregnant with me they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later they discovered that I had reabsorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No. I believe his tissue has made me stronger. I now have the strength of a grown man and a little one.
the other Sawyer (Locke's dad, i.e. Cooper) ever since he conned his parents
Wanted: Size 13/14 Huarache Lights and rare Huarache Bursts​
In FIVE I trust​
We don't know that yet. One would think it would be though. And I'm sure we're about to find out. I'm guessing that when Locke "I want you to kill him", he's referring to Cooper, not Ben, like the preview leads you to believe.

Team Dodgers
55 . 59 . 63 . 65 . 81 . 88
^^ DaJoka004, you're right. I forgot that they haven't made the connection between Sawyer and Locke explicit yet, and they may even be tricking us.

^ HUSTLIN ON YOU, you missed out. Jin was fighting Mikhail and all of a sudden busted out a combo straight from Street Fighter.

whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
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