Official Miami Heat (4) vs OKC Thunder (1) NBA Finals Thread - Miami Heat NBA Champions

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Chalmers delivered. He was due. 1-7 in game 2 and 1-8 in game 3. He started horribly this game as well but that and one got him going. The Thunder keep on making boneheaded plays and showing their inexperience, but the haters keep on blaming the refs. Keep on crying rivers.

Durant is an unstoppable scorer, but in order to see why the Thunder are down 3-1 kids need to look at his rebounding numbers this series (and assists) and find out that there is way more to the game of basketball than stereotypical scoring and that you grew up with watching movies and commercials.

48 minutes away from a chip. I am confident that they will play like it's game 7 in two days and give everything they can to win it in Miami and prevent going back to OKC.
A few boneheaded plays vs the refs being on Miami payroll for the whole series. Come on son. Miami can play great defense because they are allowed to be physical while the Thunder get called for phantom fouls most of the series.

It is so obvious who the League wants to win the ring. This is Miami's best and only chance to win it though. Word to the Pistons.

Yes, the league obviously wants the team that they gave no trips to the line against the Mavericks last year to win it all. I guess they have a change of heart prior to every season and meet in a secret location to decide who shall be the champion this year. Keep on using the easy ref excuse, oh great "Lakers" fan who rooted for the Celtics. Just shows how desperate you are. Bottom line is that there were only a couple of games in the playoffs - game 6 against Boston and another blowout win against Indiana that was good enough for you and your kind to acknowledge a Heat victory. The Heat have to blow everyone out in order for the refs not to be mentioned.. Even though the 33 point blowout win against the Knicks in game 1 couldn't quite stop that either.

And I see that after "He should marry some girl. That's the only way he'll get a ring" and other similar corny jokes that only you haters find funny, you're already slowly moving to phase two - one hit wonder. Good, good, let the butt hurt flow through you.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Originally Posted by aztec06jr

Are we even sure that Brooks told his team not to foul?

Seemed like an obscure rule (shot clock goes to 5 if the offensive team gets possession again).
Rule is continuation from the previous possession. If the thunder win the jump ball, its a turnover. if the heat win, maintain possession and no reset of the shot clock, so just remains on the amount of what it was at before hand.

Westbrook mistake is what it came down to. Not his fault for the game though, dude played unreal.

Incorrect. There was 0.8 on the clock. It resets to 5 if there is less than 5 on the clock. You can't anticipate this type of thing in real time, but if Harden doesn't tie Haslem up it would have been a shotclock violation. No way Haslem was going to get a shot off
Right. My bad. Thought it was a different situation.

Your right, hindsight 20/20. If harden lets that go its a shotclock violation. So tough to tell though.
Originally Posted by aztec06jr

Finally people are realizing Durant's rebounding, assists, and overall defense is just terrible relative to his scoring.

Numbers don't lie. If Westbrook isn't passing then go rebound or go guard Wade/LeBron....but when he tries, he doesn't have the IQ to stay out of foul trouble. Terrible.
, game 3 he should of only had 3 when he had 5. Keep that BS out of here
This was the dc blue devils / oak hill kevin durant that showed up 2night IMO..... 3's or nothing didn't mix up his game enough imo
Originally Posted by Big J 33


Fisher getting a taste of his own medicine.

Westbrook is wearing a green plaid jacket right now.

Originally Posted by durantula

Originally Posted by aztec06jr

Finally people are realizing Durant's rebounding, assists, and overall defense is just terrible relative to his scoring.

Numbers don't lie. If Westbrook isn't passing then go rebound or go guard Wade/LeBron....but when he tries, he doesn't have the IQ to stay out of foul trouble. Terrible.
, game 3 he should of only had 3 when he had 5. Keep that BS out of here
Explain the lack of rebounds, assists, steals, blocks, etc?
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Chalmers delivered. He was due. 1-7 in game 2 and 1-8 in game 3. He started horribly this game as well but that and one got him going. The Thunder keep on making boneheaded plays and showing their inexperience, but the haters keep on blaming the refs. Keep on crying rivers.

Durant is an unstoppable scorer, but in order to see why the Thunder are down 3-1 kids need to look at his rebounding numbers this series (and assists) and find out that there is way more to the game of basketball than stereotypical scoring and that you grew up with watching movies and commercials.

48 minutes away from a chip. I am confident that they will play like it's game 7 in two days and give everything they can to win it in Miami and prevent going back to OKC.
A few boneheaded plays vs the refs being on Miami payroll for the whole series. Come on son. Miami can play great defense because they are allowed to be physical while the Thunder get called for phantom fouls most of the series.

It is so obvious who the League wants to win the ring. This is Miami's best and only chance to win it though. Word to the Pistons.

Of course, a Lakers fan complaining about the refs, what's new? Think about it. If Miami doesn't win the championship, everytime Lebron gets there, people would tune in to see whether or not Lebron can get that monkey off his back. Why would the NBA give the most despised team in the NBA the championship? Who's tuning in after Lebron gets his first one? I'm also amused by Lakers fans on my Twitter timeline complaining about bandwagon Heat fans. As if they're not themselves bandwagon OKC fans rooting against Lebron. Its so despicable that some Lakers fans were rooting For the Celtics last series. What part of the game is that? A lot of Lakers fans are silly. It was silly when TMac was on par with Kobe back in the day and Lakers fans hated on him then, and now that Bron been the new top dog, they're hating again. So defensive.
Go Bron
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Can you imagine if the Heat crumbled and lost 3 in a row though.  
The internet as we know it would cease to exist.  And Yuku would just be Yuku.  
 internet would be
, 10x worse than greece + spain economy.
About Juwan Howard. I was watching my Hoop Dreams DVD today. Dude was in the Nike training camp segment. That is a looooong time ago. Even though he didn't play much, he tried to do everything he could to help the team, like checking that no-name loser from the Pacers who made a choking sign towards LeBron. I'm sure he passed as much experience and knowledge as he could in the locker room.
Russell Westbrook: "Let's get this straight: What you guys [the press] say doesn't make me happy or sad. I don't have a personal challenge against you guys. It's about me and my teammates and trying to win."
Westbrook on his foul: "Just a miscommunication on my part. Nothing I can do about it now."

For all the nonsense people spew about Westbrook being selfish and egotistical, we don't have a lot of evidence to support that other than a few grimaces on the court or not passing to Durant every time on offense. The kid wants to win.. he can make some stupid plays and his aggression gets the best of him too often, but I don't buy the narrative that he's some villain who wants to be "the man" and he's going to be the downfall of this team.
I'm a Heat hater but as a fan of the game of basketball its good to see Lebron become what I always wanted him to be.

Still hoping OKC channels their inner Dallas Mavs and win three straight.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I'm not understanding why people are bringing up LeBron walking fine after the game. I tend to see a lot of running and cutting when I watch basketball, not walking.

Because he was walking with a limp in between timeouts and the start of play.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Russell Westbrook: "Let's get this straight: What you guys say doesn't make me happy or sad. I don't have a personal challenge against you guys. It's about me and my teammates and trying to win."
Westbrook on his foul: "Just a miscommunication on my part. Nothing I can do about it now."

For all the nonsense people spew about Westbrook being selfish and egotistical, we don't have a lot of evidence to support that other than a few grimaces on the court or not passing to Durant every time on offense. The kid wants to win.. he can make some stupid plays and his aggression gets the best of him too often, but I don't buy the narrative that he's some villain who wants to be "the man".

Exactly. Dude is going to be a champion soon or later. He has too much heart.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Russell Westbrook: "Let's get this straight: What you guys [the press] say doesn't make me happy or sad. I don't have a personal challenge against you guys. It's about me and my teammates and trying to win."
Westbrook on his foul: "Just a miscommunication on my part. Nothing I can do about it now."

For all the nonsense people spew about Westbrook being selfish and egotistical, we don't have a lot of evidence to support that other than a few grimaces on the court or not passing to Durant every time on offense. The kid wants to win.. he can make some stupid plays and his aggression gets the best of him too often, but I don't buy the narrative that he's some villain who wants to be "the man" and he's going to be the downfall of this team.

me either, don't pay any attention to that drudged up ESPN nonsense
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