Official Miami Heat (4) vs OKC Thunder (1) NBA Finals Thread - Miami Heat NBA Champions

Originally Posted by OneSole

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I cant believe that come tomorrow..Lebron will be a world champion. 

I dont care if he wins 12 titles, I will never give this clown his "props". I hate cocky athletes and really want him to fail. In fact, I wish his career would end early due to a knee injury, thats how much I hate him. 
Everyone is pushing hard for him to be Jordan and its just not going to happen. He will never be the GOAT and the only reason he's going to win the title this year is because of crooked play calling by NBA refs and the fact that he doesn't have to be a leader of a team anymore.
this dude is mad arrogant and think that the world owes him something.

The hate is strong...

You hate LeBron because he's "cocky", but you call MJ the GOAT?  Hypocrisy at it's best!

agreed. someone in here posted a link to a story that during the first round of the playoffs back in 98 mike went into the bullets locker room smoking a cigar mocking them before the game. here are c-webb's comments:

[h1]Michael Jordan was the master of intimidation[/h1]
You’d like to think that by the time a guy became a professional basketball player, by the time he’d reached the pinnacle of the NBA, nothing with the game would really intimidate him. You’d like to think that, but you’d be wrong. There is always an alpha dog. Always an intimidator. Kevin Garnett still tries to do with his elbows.
But he’s no Michael Jordan. Not as Chris Webber told it on the Dan Patrick Show.
“One time we played in Washington. We played a five game series against the Bulls. It was the year they won 72 games. We lose all three games by a total of seven points. I saw Michael Jordan come into our locker room with a cigar, while it was lit, and said, ‘Who’s going to check me tonight?’ And we looked at Calbert Cheaney and we were laughing like little school kids knowing that Calbert Cheaney was going to get him, we knew it wasn’t a game for Mike. He was going to be there and he was going to be playing like he said. Game Three we get off the bus and Juwan (Howard) is from Chicago and used to workout there. I’ll never forget, Jordan was sitting on his Ferrari and Pippen was right there and they have a cigar lit. We get off the bus and we have to pass them with a lit cigar. You want to talk about posturing? Forget Phil Jackson. You got Michael Jordan there behind the scenes smoking a cigar before the game, letting us know that he’s the Red Auerbach before the game even started. It was almost like, ‘I lit the cigar. I’m celebrating already. This is just a formality, you guys getting on the court tonight.

Wow! Cramps! 

I think people have to realize that not everybody is gonna like LeBron and/or the Heat and just accept it. It's no fun if everybody like the same players/teams!

With that being said, 

651akathePaul wrote:
Originally Posted by sthebest

I cant believe that come tomorrow..Lebron will be a world champion. 

I dont care if he wins 12 titles, I will never give this clown his "props". I hate cocky athletes and really want him to fail. In fact, I wish his career would end early due to a knee injury, thats how much I hate him. 
One of the most ignorant and childish posts I've ever read on NT. I really hope you're not what Niketalk will become.

Easily the most ignorant, hypocritical and despicable statement in this thread. Completely dissapointed
I'm just gonna say this and then hopefully everyone can move on and talk about something relating to Game 5.
Big J completely nailed everything I was thinking.
Ska, how is it possible to type this

Like most arguments, this is about more than the actual topic. It's about how far one side is willing to go to maintain their position. It's like republicans & democrats sticking w/ their party's popular position on a matter JUST because that's their party's position.

and this

Y'all acting like the question is whether or not he had cramps when the theatrics and overdramatization and convenience of his symptoms coming and going are PLAINLY VIEWABLE to anyone who recorded the game. You are LITERALLY arguing something that is unarguable.

"Well, maybe they were as bad as be was leading on. You just never know."


in the exact same post without a hint of irony? 

You're literally doing the exact same thing you're accusing the other side of doing.

"I hate when people can't see the other side of an argument but I'M RIGHT AND NO ONE CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE LALALALALALA."

Maybe he was exaggerating the pain and maybe he wasn't. I highly doubt he was faking the amount of pain of something that cost him actual court time in the 4th quarter of a game he was dominating, 1 rebound away from a triple double and a chance to take a 3-1 lead in the Finals, but hey, you're entitled to your opinion, as misguided as it may seem to most rational people. Just realize that I'm more willing to acknowledge the other side's point of view than you are.

Big J was right, this isn't even about his actual cramps anymore. It's about you insisting that you're right and everyone else is wrong.
That's the new ska and I don't like him.

Either that or someone hacked his account.

Oh, and sorry for lumping you in there with ska, CP. (jokes)
A few points based on reading thru about 10-15 pages of some of the biggest horseshi% on the planet.

1. Cramps- Those of us who dont dislike Lebron never made any mention of a heroic performance.

   But in typical spin fashion, you got people writing articles making it seem like there was a big deal made out of the cramps.

   The estrogen levels on this board are at an all time high.

2. Westbrook- You dont get fouled that much when your flying by people like a rocket. 

Most of the time when he elevated the entire Heat team was standing there watching.

If yall were actually watching the game you would recognize the man was playing on another level.


3.NT- Why do so many of yall make it a point to ruin good threads?

   Why dont yall cats who watch games just to talk down on whoever you have decided to dislike, start your own threads.

   Leave the official threads for those of us who truly love sports for the compassion and competitiveness.
at missing a call for Wade. Average that out with all the calls he gets with no contact and I'm sure the terrible calls in his favor take it. Hell, just average it out with the play where he tried to foul James Harden on purpose and didn't get called for it. And those calls against Harden in the post against LeBron, sheesh. Meanwhile, against KD you can do whatever the hell you want defensively.

That said, the Thunder need to be perfect in the things they can control because when it comes down to a 50/50 call, or a 75/25 or 100/0 call, the Heats are going to get it every time.

I wonder how losing in the finals potentially affects Brooks' contract negotiations. He becomes a FA coach on the 1st, might interview for the Orlando job and the other jobs out there. He felt he is worth more than 3yr 11 mil (wanted a 4th yr and more money annually).
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I wonder how losing in the finals potentially affects Brooks' contract negotiations. He becomes a FA coach on the 1st, might interview for the Orlando job and the other jobs out there. He felt he is worth more than 3yr 11 mil (wanted a 4th yr and more money annually).

presti better be exploring other options (but the question is, what are the viable options?!).. dude is not a good coach
Take pride in the hate Heat fans, it shows just how good the guy is. It also makes victory that much better as a fan. So don't even let people bother you, you're about to win a championship and have full trash talking rights for a year
There's Mike D'Antoni, Stan Van Gundy, Jerry Sloan, and Phil Jackson but he'd ask for O.D money to even consider it although he did say recently "the right job" would bring him out of retirement. As far as assistants and college coaches, there's former OU coach Kelvin Sampson I think is an assistant in Milwaukee or Jeff Capel (would be outrageous fan favorites) or maybe you give Tom Izzo a call, Sidney Lowe used to coach in the NBA and is currently an assistant, but all of them would be in way over their head. Can't stand Larry Brown, don't think the players would like him either. You could just throw money at any of the Spurs assistants, since everything that comes out of that organization (including our own GM, Presti) is successful.

Does Jeff Van Gundy want to get away from Breen and coach again?

But I agree, it's generally not tons of options.

We can't just take for granted we will be back next yr and it'll be "our time" then, because 1 or 2 trades and the landscape of the West can totally change. If Dallas gets DWill, they're right back in it, I heard Lamar Odom has been talking to the Clippers, the Spurs are never completely out of things except that one yr.
money shouldnt be a problem for clay bennett. dude basically living off his wifes billions. is okc a city attractive enough for phil?
Originally Posted by KMante


Wow! Cramps! 

I think people have to realize that not everybody is gonna like LeBron and/or the Heat and just accept it. It's no fun if everybody like the same players/teams!

With that being said, 

651akathePaul wrote:
Originally Posted by sthebest

I cant believe that come tomorrow..Lebron will be a world champion. 

I dont care if he wins 12 titles, I will never give this clown his "props". I hate cocky athletes and really want him to fail. In fact, I wish his career would end early due to a knee injury, thats how much I hate him. 
One of the most ignorant and childish posts I've ever read on NT. I really hope you're not what Niketalk will become.

WOW......JUST WOW.....smh
Originally Posted by DMan14

money shouldnt be a problem for clay bennett. dude basically living off his wifes billions. is okc a city attractive enough for phil?

He's from Montana isn't he? Obviously it's not LA, but he can do all his Montana stuff here, well just outside of OKC anyways. I'm looking at his Montana house now, easily can get that in a city like Mustang right outside of OKC and have all the acreage and trees he wants. Shape of his house kind of reminds me of the Kobe logo . Interesting hint right here in the interview with HBO Real Sports though. Pipe dream I know, but a possibility still. OKC isn't really close to Montana either, but it's a bit closer than LA was being about 1,000 miles, 2 hr flight easy.

Phil Jackson says "there might be" an NBA job that would lure him out of retirement.

The 11-time NBA champion coach tells HBO's "Real Sports" that the Knicks and Magic openings this offseason were not the positions to bring him back to the bench. In an interview scheduled to air Tuesday night, Jackson confirms that New York, where he started his playing career, didn't contact him before removing the interim tag from Mike Woodson's title, but "I wasn't going to take the job, that's for sure."

Jackson calls the Knicks' roster "clumsy" because their players "don't fit well together."

Amare Stoudemire needs "to play in a certain system and a way," he said. "Carmelo (Anthony) has to be a better passer. The ball can't stop every time it hits his hands."

Asked whether that's the sort of situation he's successfully turned around in the past, Jackson says: "Yeah. Well, it didn't happen."

Jackson says he wasn't interested in Orlando because it's too far from his Montana home.

The 66-year-old says he's feeling better physically after knee replacement surgery in March. Jackson resigned from the Lakers for the second time after last season.
Originally Posted by DMan14

money shouldnt be a problem for clay bennett. dude basically living off his wifes billions. is okc a city attractive enough for phil?
With the amount of talent there alone... I dont see why he wouldnt want to.
Originally Posted by AirThompson

Cant even blame the officials anymore. OKC just lets all these games slip away. You have to be damn near perfect in the Finals, and they keep making mistakes.

Truest statement in here. Refs have nothing to do with missing lots of shots right at the basket and blowing a 17 point lead in less than four minutes. Games do not get won that way.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Serious question why are dudes so tight about people not liking Lebron?

I get the whole people trying to undermine his play and whatnot but you got Captain-Save-A-Lebrons showing up left and right and they ain't even Heat fans.

Hell at least the Kobe stans were Laker fans.
Seriously. Got dudes out here showing more love for him than the teams they supposedly root for.
*shots fired*

They might not be as dramatic as the "I'll never give LBJ credit and wish he dies" simpletons but they're not much better than them. Opposite sides of the spectrum screaming at each other over how wrong the other side is.

EDIT: I just realized my 1st statement could be interpreted for JD but that's my guy. He's good people.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

That's the new ska and I don't like him.

Either that or someone hacked his account.

Oh, and sorry for lumping you in there with ska, CP. (jokes)
I think you hit it right there. 

I think someone hacked his account because for instance, he was VERY sure during the Indy/Miami series, that Laker fans weren't complaining about refs after EVERY Miami win.  I CLEARLY remember he even tried to call out Miami/Lebron fans after that epic Video Game James performance saying some !*#* like, "where are the laker fans crying about refs after Miami won that you guys speak of?" 

Now look at him.

After every win the Heat have had since the Boston series, this dude Ska keeps crying about refs after every SINGLE game.
^ Me crying about the refs NOW doesn't falsify the fact that there simply were VERY, VERY few Laker fans saying anything about the refs during that MIA/IND series, w/ your tomato throwing self.
"Yeah, yeah... he's wrong about this, so he was wrong back then, too!! Yeah, YEAH!!"
No. The Heat thread is still up, still active. Go check out the Laker fan activity in the thread during the IND/MIA series. You were wrong saying back then that Laker fans were flooding the thread, and you're still wrong about that now. Just because I'm playing the villain role right now doesn't lend any more credibility to your previous inaccuracy.

So a bunch... A BUNCH... of people are going back and forth about something, and ONE GUY is pointed out as the guy who refuses to let go because he has to be right. Seems logical to me that if a few people are on opposite sides of a topic, saying the same things and refusing to relent, then a bunch of people are simply arguing to be right.

But nope, just me. I'm the one guy in this cramp debate who has to be right.

And now this is really going to +*$$ that all up:

I recognize that it's possible that he really was seriously hurt; I just don't believe he was (seriously hurt, that is). Sure, based on a few of the replies that actually discussed cramps, I see where these dudes are coming from. I still don't buy it, but it's whatever; no biggie. But I'm stating reasons why I think he was overplaying the injury (reasons I see no point in repeating now), and I'm supposed to bow out of the discussion-turned-debate because a buncha dudes roll their eyes and/or say "Well that's just stupid. Why would he want out of the game?"? Yeahno. Bring some substance to your attempt at persuasion (example: HankMoody). If you can't at least do that, if you have no interest in presenting things that support what you're trying to say, if you think that's too much, cool, but don't laugh at people who are locked into the discussion, presenting their case, however trifling you see it.
Ska, do you question MJ's flu game? Kobe's flu games? LeBron's elbow fiasco? Tomlinson's sprained knee in 08 (vs. Patriots)?

I guess I'm just trying to determine if you're questioning LeBron based on the context of what transpired or if it has to do with your disdain for the man (Note I said man and not player because no one as knowledgable as you could ever really hate on LeBron the player).

And since we're on the topic...what do you think LeBron gained from being overdramatic?

With the way LeBron has dominated this season, these playoffs, this series (30 10 6), and even the last game (1 rebound away from a triple double in the 3rd quarter)...I have to give him the benefit of the doubt.
There's nothing I can say to remove the villain label I'm supposed to be wearing right now, so @!## it, let me just wear that *$+! for a lil bit.

I don't harbor any antipathy/disdain/whatever towards Lebron the man, though. I'm just not a fan. Doesn't mean I can't stand him, don't like him, hate him, or anything like that, though. Like I said before, not everything is black and white; not everything is "Either you like him or you don't like him." No.

But whatever. Now dudes are going to quote me for the next __ years every time I say anything remotely negative about Lebron, asking "I thought you said it's not that you don't like him. Sure, buddy."

Spoiler [+]
The cynic in me did question MJ's flu game; the experiential side of me that remembered the flu thought that maybe he was legitimately @!$@$@ up, because he was acting how I remember acting. Kobe's flu games? Don't remember, but that's not really fair to ask me, because that is a guy I don't like. Never have, and have never made it a secret. Bron's elbow? LT's ankle? Don't remember.
I'm still annoyed that there's a good chance Eddy Curry is gonna be a champion tomorrow night...

Last time that man played significant minutes, Bosh was a STRAIGHT male. Now I'm suppose to believe he's gonna be a champion? We need an official protest behind this.
ska, I singled you out because you seemed to write the most and were very active in the discussion, simple as that.

I did make an argument, my argument was that yours was flawed and the very debate was a problem. And that you were guilty of much of the same stuff that you were complaining and making jokes about. A lot of what you said can't be proven, so just as you can point out that it seemed Lebron was exaggerating and point to him being in pain one minute and fine the next as evidence... I can also say that the pain was that bad and it did return. And that's exactly what I did say. Maybe the pain was really that bad, it's impossible to know.  

If you said prior to your last reply that it's possible he was seriously hurt, then my mistake for missing it. What I saw was you saying this

PLAINLY VIEWABLE to anyone who recorded the game. You are LITERALLY arguing something that is unarguable.

What could one say to counter that? If you're unable to accept another possibility, and according to you it's literally arguing something unarguable, then that's the end of the discussion. Perhaps, you were being sarcastic and I wasn't meant to interpret it that way.

"Well that's just stupid. Why would he want out of the game?"? Yeahno. Bring some substance to your attempt at persuasion.

But why is that not allowed? If you claim he wanted out of the game, then I want to know why. And my point was, I don't see the benefit or I don't make that connection immediately. I don't think he wanted out. If you say he was afraid to have to take an important shot, I could just say he isn't afraid. You say he's nervous, I say he isn't. That's how it would play out. I didn't intend to belittle the discussions and/or you, but that kind of argument seems problematic.

And I'm a Lebron fan, but you can replace this with Melo, Kobe, Durant, etc., and my argument would remain the same.
There's nothing I can say to remove the villain label I'm supposed to be wearing right now

ska the villain?

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

There's nothing I can say to remove the villain label I'm supposed to be wearing right now, so @!## it, let me just wear that *$+! for a lil bit.

I don't harbor any antipathy/disdain/whatever towards Lebron the man, though. I'm just not a fan. Doesn't mean I can't stand him, don't like him, hate him, or anything like that, though. Like I said before, not everything is black and white; not everything is "Either you like him or you don't like him." No.

But whatever. Now dudes are going to quote me for the next __ years every time I say anything remotely negative about Lebron, asking "I thought you said it's not that you don't like him. Sure, buddy."

Spoiler [+]
The cynic in me did question MJ's flu game; the experiential side of me that remembered the flu thought that maybe he was legitimately @!$@$@ up, because he was acting how I remember acting. Kobe's flu games? Don't remember, but that's not really fair to ask me, because that is a guy I don't like. Never have, and have never made it a secret. Bron's elbow? LT's ankle? Don't remember.
Didn't call you a villain. 
I think it's fair to question whether LeBron was acting...I just wanted to know if you're just generally cynical (which it seems like you are since you questioned MJ's flu game) or if it was just extra salt towards him. That's fine.
Bron's elbow = his very last playoff series as a Cav and LT = wearing a parka + helmet on the sideline while his team lost to the Patriots....both got called out for being overdramatic 
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Serious question why are dudes so tight about people not liking Lebron?

I get the whole people trying to undermine his play and whatnot but you got Captain-Save-A-Lebrons showing up left and right and they ain't even Heat fans.

Hell at least the Kobe stans were Laker fans.
Seriously. Got dudes out here showing more love for him than the teams they supposedly root for.
*shots fired*

They might not be as dramatic as the "I'll never give LBJ credit and wish he dies" simpletons but they're not much better than them. Opposite sides of the spectrum screaming at each other over how wrong the other side is.

EDIT: I just realized my 1st statement could be interpreted for JD but that's my guy. He's good people.

Say names b. If you scared go to church tomorrow's Sunday.
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