"Gentlemen, I've found the greatest young pitcher I ever saw. Isuppose this sounds like the same old stuff to you, but I want you tobelieve me. This boy I found out in Iowa will be the greatest pitcherthe world has ever known"---Cleveland Indians scout Cy Slapnicka, speaking to the Cleveland Indians Board of Directors, spring 1936
One more thought on Bob Feller: Thenewsreel footage I posted below shows him throwing an estimated 98.6MPH, which would be well over 100 MPH on a modern gun that measures thepitch at release and not at home plate. That measurement was done in1946. His contemporaries felt that Feller threw harder when he wasyounger, and that his peak velocities were when he first reached themajors in 1936 and 1937. If he was throwing, say, 102 MPH in 1946, whatwas he throwing in 1936...?
Bob Feller's signing bonus was $1.
Ifthere was a high school kid available for the 2011 draft who wasthrowing consistent 100-104 MPH fastballs, who also had a goodcurveball, who had an incredible work ethic, and was a fine overallathlete to boot, how much money would he make on draft day?