Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

although Frank is in shape finally after hearing that he thinks he is superior to Randy Couture is where i draw the line...still gonna be a good fight
Bisping is effing DELUSIONAL if he thinks hes not getting taken down in this fight.


All day.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by ChrisPhenephom

Hope Sexyama uses this same entrance



bas rutten is ridiculous

dude actually started singing to the entrance music.
Man I am so mad I'm gonna be missing this tonight, I asked my g/f for the pass to watch the GSP vs. Penn fight now I have to go to her sisters b-daytonight. FML.

Mir looked good at the weigh in's but Brock with this inflated sense of ego/confidence is not a good thing for Mir. I am hoping Mir gets another W in thisone.

I really want Henderson to kick Bispings *#% all the way back to Britian. Hendo is tops to me right with Machida.

Alves needs to be taken down a peg by GSP in this fight.

I would have rather watch tonight's fight than the lame attempt BJ put up against GSP earlier this year. Oh wells.
Good thing my girl likes watching UFC... There's always a party for the UFC events, and all these broads are in love with GSP

I'm going with Henderson, Thiago, and Mir...

Fight night

That's what I'm hoping for. But I'm afraid it might be


I wanna see Henderson KO Bisping

On the show Bisping talked too much and Henderson was always cool and calm, he stayed quiet because he knows his actions are gonna speak louder then words
Originally Posted by PR0LiFiKz

Are there any live streams for this tonight? If so, could someone PM me? Thanks in advance.

pm me too, need a live stream for the fire house, here workin till tomm
Mir is out of his mind if he thinks he can win a striking match with Lesnar...I really can't see Lesnar making another dumb mistake like last time, if Mirmanages to get Lesnar on his back thats where he might win. Other wise its good night Frankie
Originally Posted by Club29

Bisping is effing DELUSIONAL if he thinks hes not getting taken down in this fight.


All day.
I mean, is supposed to say he's gonna take him down?
Pretty sure he knows at some point he's gonna get taken down.

And I think people are severely underestimating Bisping. Bisping is better at every aspect except wrestling. Hendo won't catch him with the big right hand.Hendo's BJJ is not better then Bisping's. Hendo's GnP, even though he's from Team Quest and he's a wrestler, is not that much of threatbecause he doesn't finish anybody, and I can't remember the last time he's put significant damage to someone with GnP. It's just his damnwrestling and ability to stall on the ground can pull through almost any fighter. I love Hendo, he's probably one of my favorite fighters, but he has a lotof flaws Bisping can take advantage of. I still see Hendo taking a decision though, because I don't see Bisping finishing him, but I think Bisping willmake it VERY intresting.

And holy crap at the shape Mir is in. Mir is the more technical striker, as long as he doesn't stand in front of Brock and makes use of his footwork, hecan pick Brock apart. I'm just not sure if he can do it for 5 rounds, he's gonna have to finish Brock. I'm taking Mir to finish Brock. I have afeeling Brock's too much of a hot head to follow through with whatever game plan he's thinking of. Mir already won the mental aspect from looking atthe previews and other stuff.

Oh yeah, GO ALVES. Hopefully.
Might be a dumb question but if you're really trying to get into UFC (MMA, in general) This would be the perfect event to order, correct?

I've always been a casual fan, watched events whenever I can, even keep up on what's goin' on but it's never really been my choice of sport. Icome into this thread sometimes, and you cats are so scientific, ya'll might as well be in the fighter's corners.
But i'm actually eager to learn more about the sport...

P.S. Is it me or does Mir seem a little too cocky? Has he always been this way? Might just be on the preview show...
man the more i think about it, the more i get nervous for the GSP Alves fight. Alves is a is GSP its going to be a warrrrrr
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

man the more i think about it, the more i get nervous for the GSP Alves fight. Alves is a is GSP its going to be a warrrrrr

I thought of this, then I watched him against Jon Fitch and realized GSP is going to take him down and destroy him on the ground. If GSP stands up with him itcould be a war.
Originally Posted by Dips3tRydah

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

man the more i think about it, the more i get nervous for the GSP Alves fight. Alves is a is GSP its going to be a warrrrrr

I thought of this, then I watched him against Jon Fitch and realized GSP is going to take him down and destroy him on the ground. If GSP stands up with him it could be a war.
That Fitch fight was 3 years ago. Alves is much better at defending the take down. If he fights Fitch now he would destroy him IMO. I would haveto say his fights against Kos and Hughes are a better indication.

Might be a dumb question but if you're really trying to get into UFC (MMA, in general) This would be the perfect event to order, correct?

I've always been a casual fan, watched events whenever I can, even keep up on what's goin' on but it's never really been my choice of sport. I come into this thread sometimes, and you cats are so scientific, ya'll might as well be in the fighter's corners.
But i'm actually eager to learn more about the sport...

P.S. Is it me or does Mir seem a little too cocky? Has he always been this way? Might just be on the preview show...
Perfect card. Big names, great match ups.

And Mir has always been that way. I LOVE his attitude.
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