Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

has anyone been to a ufc event? do they search you for cameras? i'm going to the TUF finale in vegas next month and was wondering if i can bring my nikondslr camera?

i heard point and shoot are ok
Originally Posted by biff lawson

Brock > Kimbo just off the strength of NCAA national championship win..dude is the real deal
Come on, Lets get this threw peoples head. Kimbo is a joke, he was a promo stunt to make the eliteXC some money and get some ratings.
Originally Posted by Cluex

has anyone been to a ufc event? do they search you for cameras? i'm going to the TUF finale in vegas next month and was wondering if i can bring my nikon dslr camera?

i heard point and shoot are ok

You can bring anything you want.. I was at UFC 67 and I had my dslr.
Finally got my internet back up working.

Randy didn't look right. He looked.....sickly...

Lesnar>Mir in a rematch and Nog>Lesnar.

After BJ/GSP II, lets see BJ/KenFlo and GSP/Alves.

If Machida wins, whenther it be by TKO, submission, or dec., he better get a title fight against Forrest (you know who I'm picking).
Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

Finally got my internet back up working.

Randy didn't look right. He looked.....sickly...

Lesnar>Mir in a rematch and Nog>Lesnar.

After BJ/GSP II, lets see BJ/KenFlo and GSP/Alves.

If Machida wins, whenther it be by TKO, submission, or dec., he better get a title fight against Forrest (you know who I'm picking).


Oh wow. I'm actually looking for something to disagree with you on, but I can't lol. You pretty much nailed everything I'm thinking.

I was telling everyone after the first round that Randy didn't look sharp at all. He wasn't moving as well as he did against Sylvia, his stand upwasn't as good as it was against Gonzaga, and he looked a little timid, like he knew he was eventually gonna get tagged.

I'm glad the ref let it go as long as he did, I was hoping Randy would recover and pull guard, but after a few of those hammer fists, I knew it was gonnabe over. Tough to see Randy go out like that.
Cluex who's that chick in your avy? And yeah I'm glad all the kimbo hype is over..wats the card for UFC 92 look like?
Originally Posted by biff lawson

Cluex who's that chick in your avy? And yeah I'm glad all the kimbo hype is over..wats the card for UFC 92 look like?

  • Champ Forrest Griffin vs. Rashad Evans (for UFC light heavyweight title)
  • Champ Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. Frank Mir (for interim UFC heavyweight title)
  • C.B. Dollaway vs. Mike Massenzio
  • Quinton Jackson vs. Wanderlei Silva
  • Mustafa Al-Turk vs. Cheick Kongo
  • Dean Lister vs. Yushin Okami
  • Mark Burch vs. Antoni Hardonk
  • Reese Andy vs. Matt Hamill
  • Brad Blackburn vs. Ryo Chonan
  • Pat Berry vs. Dan Evensen
Watch out for Pat Berry. Straight beast at striking.
I aint gonna lie. I'm a huge GSP fan but Alves is dangerous. The guy hits very hard. His kicks can make you go limp.

UFC 92

[h3][edit] Preliminary card[/h3]
Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:02 pm EST
[h4]UFC's White is ready to bring Carano into the fold[/h4]
By Steve Cofield

In a sudden change of heart, UFC president Dana White said that he's willing to promote women's fighting. Neil Davidson of the Canadian Press reported that White told fans during a Q & A session in Toronto that he is interested female fighter Gina Carano. White said that he would welcome Carano (pictured on the right) to fight under Zuffa's World Extreme Cagefighting banner:
"Gina Carano is a star, I think she's talented. I think she's got all the tools, so what I'm willing to do is bring Gina into the WEC. We could do fights whenever there's a challenger for Gina. That's how I'll test the waters and see how it goes."

In the past, White has consistently said that he wasn't interested in promoting female MMA:
"I'm not a huge fan of women fighting. Period. Not to say that I don't acknowledge that there are amazing female athletes out there in every sport. I just think right now we had a hard enough time getting over the stigma of the men"

This could be a huge boost for Carano and the WEC. She gets to continue fighting on free television on Versus and the WEC could see a nice ratings boost.

Carano's previous promoter, EliteXC went out of business three weeks ago. Unless there's some unforeseen legal hurdles, Carano is a free agent. On CBS, she was a ratings monsters drawing a combined 10 million-plus viewers in two fights against Kaitlin Young and Kelly Kobold that ranked amongst the top 10 highest viewed fights in mixed martial arts history.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

I just saw the fight and how did Randy get knocked down from that little hook from Lesnar that barely touched him??

exactly!! i don't know what fight you guys were watching ... maybe thas why i just got glasses .... b/c i saw a phantom punch .... did any1 watchit in slow motion ... he didn't hit him ... he went down ... took the money and had a big smile on his face ...

fight was a joke
^ i actually thing that they should treat those 'behind the ear' shots like a groin shot. it obvious from this and the gsp/serra 1 fiught that it'sa vulnerable spot and it's actually a more vulneranble spot than the back of the head.

gina carano needs to get in there with tara larosa.
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

I just saw the fight and how did Randy get knocked down from that little hook from Lesnar that barely touched him??

exactly!! i don't know what fight you guys were watching ... maybe thas why i just got glasses .... b/c i saw a phantom punch .... did any1 watch it in slow motion ... he didn't hit him ... he went down ... took the money and had a big smile on his face ...

fight was a joke

Are you insane?

With the loss he may have forfeited a good MILLION dollars he would have received with a fight against Fedor down the line.
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

I just saw the fight and how did Randy get knocked down from that little hook from Lesnar that barely touched him??

exactly!! i don't know what fight you guys were watching ... maybe thas why i just got glasses .... b/c i saw a phantom punch .... did any1 watch it in slow motion ... he didn't hit him ... he went down ... took the money and had a big smile on his face ...

fight was a joke
I'm not sure how many of you have ever taken a punch to the chin or back of the ear before, but it really doesn't take much... Especiallywith a guy like Lesnar who's hands are the size of boulders and hits that hard.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

I just saw the fight and how did Randy get knocked down from that little hook from Lesnar that barely touched him??

exactly!! i don't know what fight you guys were watching ... maybe thas why i just got glasses .... b/c i saw a phantom punch .... did any1 watch it in slow motion ... he didn't hit him ... he went down ... took the money and had a big smile on his face ...

fight was a joke

Are you insane?

With the loss he may have forfeited a good MILLION dollars he would have received with a fight against Fedor down the line.

watch the fight over in slow motion and i don't think you would think i'm insane... i'm not saying lesnar is not a beast .. i'm saying that wasa flop for the ages whether he got hit or not ... ive never seen someone so happy after a loss ... the fight seemed suspect ... disagree w/ me if you want ...that is what i mean that he took the $$$
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

I just saw the fight and how did Randy get knocked down from that little hook from Lesnar that barely touched him??

exactly!! i don't know what fight you guys were watching ... maybe thas why i just got glasses .... b/c i saw a phantom punch .... did any1 watch it in slow motion ... he didn't hit him ... he went down ... took the money and had a big smile on his face ...

fight was a joke

Are you insane?

With the loss he may have forfeited a good MILLION dollars he would have received with a fight against Fedor down the line.

watch the fight over in slow motion and i don't think you would think i'm insane... i'm not saying lesnar is not a beast .. i'm saying that was a flop for the ages whether he got hit or not ... ive never seen someone so happy after a loss ... the fight seemed suspect ... disagree w/ me if you want ... that is what i mean that he took the $$$
Yes... he took the money when he could've won $200,000 more plus a future fight with Fedor. And guess what, Fedor is now looking for a fightwith Brock... I hate this mindset with people have actually have never, ever fought before. A hit to the chin or behind the ear is gonna rock anyone.

And upon further viewing in slow-mo in HD he did in fact hit him behind the ear with a right hand.
Oh, and while I'm not a fighter or never intend on being a fighter, I've recently starting taking Muay Thai. I've never done anything like this,and as expected, I completely suck.

It's fun as hell, though. I just wish I had more time in my life to dedicate to it.

You know those fat guys in your gym that are just horrible, uncoordinated and nonathletic? I'm just a little better than that guy.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

I just saw the fight and how did Randy get knocked down from that little hook from Lesnar that barely touched him??

exactly!! i don't know what fight you guys were watching ... maybe thas why i just got glasses .... b/c i saw a phantom punch .... did any1 watch it in slow motion ... he didn't hit him ... he went down ... took the money and had a big smile on his face ...

fight was a joke

Are you insane?

With the loss he may have forfeited a good MILLION dollars he would have received with a fight against Fedor down the line.

watch the fight over in slow motion and i don't think you would think i'm insane... i'm not saying lesnar is not a beast .. i'm saying that was a flop for the ages whether he got hit or not ... ive never seen someone so happy after a loss ... the fight seemed suspect ... disagree w/ me if you want ... that is what i mean that he took the $$$
Yes... he took the money when he could've won $200,000 more plus a future fight with Fedor. And guess what, Fedor is now looking for a fight with Brock... I hate this mindset with people have actually have never, ever fought before. A hit to the chin or behind the ear is gonna rock anyone.

And upon further viewing in slow-mo in HD he did in fact hit him behind the ear with a right hand.

rip brock, it been great hating you. Brock isn't going to last more than 2 mins it wasn't in octagon. If it happens Fedor take it in a min.
[h1]UFC drops Fitch, AKA fighters[/h1]
By Kevin Iole, Yahoo! Sports 28 minutes ago

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More From Kevin Iole

A bitterly angry Dana White said Wednesday the Ultimate Fighting Championship has cut highly regarded welterweight contender Jon Fitch and is not going todo business with any fighters who are part of the American Kickboxing Academy team in San Jose, Calif.

The outspoken UFC president said shortly after landing in Hawaii on Wednesday that he no longer wants to work with AKA fighters or those represented byDeWayne Zinkin and Bob Cook.

White said he excepted AKA welterweight Mike Swick from that group because he said Swick called him and told him he wants to fight for the UFC. But Fitchand heavyweight Christian Wellisch were cut on Wednesday, and heavyweight prospect Cain Velasquez and welterweight Josh Koscheck could be next.

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"We're looking for guys who want to work with us and not against us, and frankly I'm just so [expletive] sick of this [expletive] it's noteven funny," White said from Honolulu, where he flew Wednesday from Toronto to hold a news conference to announce the B.J. Penn-Georges St. Pierre fightfor UFC 94 on Jan. 31 in Las Vegas.

"Affliction is still out there trying to build its company. Let [Fitch] go work with them. Let him see what he thinks of those [expletives].[Expletive] him. These guys aren't partners with us. [Expletive] them. All of them, every last [expletive] one of them."

Fitch said Wednesday the dispute was over his reluctance to sign a lifetime contract to allow his name and likeness to be used in a video game the UFC isplanning with THQ. He said the dispute has nothing to do with money and that he never caused a problem during his time in the UFC.

He said he simply didn't understand the need to sign a lifetime contract, particularly since it would not pay his family in the event of his death.

"Working for free and selling our rights away for lifetime, that's a little different," said Fitch, who said he hasn't spoken with Whitebut plans to call him. "We tried to negotiate five- or 10-year deals with them, but it wasn't good enough. It was all or nothing. He wanted ourlifetime. He wanted our souls forever."

White said the AKA fighters "aren't partners with us" and said they don't understand what the UFC is trying to do for the sport. Whitesaid the UFC's current success was because of long hours he and partner Lorenzo Fertitta have put in trying to build the

company and the sport of mixed martial arts.

White complained that he has to make frequent sacrifices in his personal life and is away from his family for long stretches because of his commitment togrowing the UFC. He said the AKA fighters don't understand the things UFC management is trying to do and said they'll learn how tough things are in thepoor economy.

"There are a lot of guys who help us and work with us and are great partners with us, and they're the ones we're going to remember and takecare of," White said. "Do these guys understand what is going on in this world? I'll tell you, this economy is [expletive] up. It's totally[expletive] up. It's bad, real, real bad. The [television] networks are in trouble and don't have money. The sponsors are in trouble. and they have nomoney. If they don't have money, they go out of business.

"It's a whole other world out there, believe me, and let these guys go out there and see what they find."

White said he took great care of Fitch and said with bonuses and purse, Fitch made $169,000 for his welterweight title fight loss to St. Pierre at UFC 87 inMinneapolis in August. Fitch (17-3 with 1 no-contest) did not dispute that salary figure. He said the UFC "has taken care of me and you've never heardme complain about money. This is a respect thing."

Fitch said he thought there should room to negotiate on these contracts but said the UFC would not budge.

He said he understood it was highly unlikely that another company would want to put him in a video game but said it was only reasonable that he not tie hisrights up for life.

White said he flew to San Jose in the summer to talk with the AKA fighters, but Fitch said the discussion was about a merchandising agreement.

"He wanted us to sign that merchandising agreement, and it was not a very good agreement," Fitch said. "There was not really a reason for usto sign it. The first thing they brought to us was for us to sign all of our rights away for everything forever. It was for very small compensation, and therewas no compensation for family members if we were to die.

"We could die and they could make memorial figurines and stuff and make thousands, millions of dollars, and our families wouldn't see a penny ofit. The way they bring the contracts and stuff to us, I don't know, it's just not how business is done."

Zinkin also represents UFC light heavyweight Chuck Liddell, though Liddell does not fight for AKA. White said he has been "beefing with Zinkin foryears" and said he had to call Liddell, one of his closest friends, and tell him to get Zinkin to back off.

According to White, Liddell said Zinkin represented him on sponsorships and he would negotiate his own deals with the UFC.

Fitch said he has been a loyal UFC employee and said, "I'd only like a little bit of respect for the blood I shed for this company."

White said he has sacrificed more than anyone to build the UFC into the powerhouse it has become and that he's tired of athletes who don't want to"get with the program."

Velasquez, one of the sport's rising stars, clearly is on the outs with White. White said Zinkin wanted standard language that is part of every UFCfighter's contract removed from Velasquez's deal.

"Can you believe that?" White said. "Chuck Liddell has that language in his contract. Randy Couture has it. Anderson Silva has it. And Cain[expletive] Velasquez, with two [expletive] fights, wants us to change it for him? That's [expletive] nuts. He can get the [expletive] out.

"I'm not a douche bag and I do a lot for these guys, a lot more than any of you will ever know. We're in a horrible time in the economy now,and every guy with two nickels to rub together is making a run at us. We've worked too hard, given too much, to let certain guys come in and [expletive]with that."

Fitch said he's not trying to mess with anything and that he simply wants to fight. He said he always has been respectful in all his dealings with theUFC and said he can't understand the position he finds himself in without ever having spoken to White.

He plans to call White to discuss the situation but wasn't sure what move to make.

"I'm more than willing to work with them, but I don't see why we have to give up our whole lives for this," Fitch said. "Why not atime limit? If we did a 10-year deal with them, is that that unreasonable? I don't understand how this happened, honestly. It's tough."
It would be a shame if Dana cuts Cain Velasquez. He looks like he has a bright future ahead of him. I remember seeing him demolish some dude on the Silva/Irvin card.
^ damn. On the other hand, if GSP wins over Penn, Confirmed he will get Anderson Silva. If Penn wins, he will get to defend both belts. Sorry if this is late.
Originally Posted by piczon1983

^ damn. On the other hand, if GSP wins over Penn, Confirmed he will get Anderson Silva. If Penn wins, he will get to defend both belts. Sorry if this is late.

Confirmed from where?! As far as I know, Alves is next in line for a WW title shot.
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