Official N.Y. Yankees 2012 SEASON THREAD (45-28) Vol. 6/25-27 vs CLE .. CC to the DL, & now Andy too

Yanks have always had problems with's because guys like Tex and Arod are done when it comes to hitting for average. These guys need to get their heads out of their @sses and stop relying on the 3 run hr...Robbie needs to wake up too 
^ donnie baseball

good win , need a sweep here, stick our chests out a lil bit .....
Originally Posted by Ballerific703

We look good tonight, still having problems with RISP. Tex and Cano with bombs. Nova is pitching ok, good game so far for us.

agree with all of this
Excited for this series with the Angels. Weaver just twisted or tore his knee while pitching though. He's out for the game in the first.

Digging the Stars and Stripes fitteds this year too
Trout is gonna be a special player, tough West Coast loss - those are the games you're mad you stayed up to watch
I think we should have went after Oswalt, we don't have +##+ as far starting pitchers. I know he has back issues but I'm sure he could do better than Kuroda and Phil.

Very disappointed with Phil giving up all those runs in the first and then Wade giving up the walk off HR.
I agree, I like Oswalt, and for half a season at like 8 Mil - probably should have been considered. He may get shelled in the AL though.
Oswalt would have been a horrible fit at $8 million prorated. I was barely sold on him getting $5 million prorated.
Bright side.. Only a game and a half back... With our rotation is a feat of great standards

hit the back wall with the retired #'s
I want to get high on Hughes... But I know if not the next start.. The start after he will be shelled out there...

I'm praying he will be consistent..
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