Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I would love for Jefferson to get on that Spurs squad. Let him get a crack at the Championship.

So much respect for Jefferson. He's been a pro from day 1. Playing on those bad Boston teams then getting traded to a then bad Minnesota team while Boston wins the Championship. No complaints from him at all and nothing but a positive attitude. :pimp:
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Shumpert looked like Gucci Mane on in that startling lineup graphic.

Time for the epic battle of DeAndre vs Tyson :pimp: :pimp:
Mr Bigshot
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Now if the spurs can nab al Jefferson it will def shake up the West!!!!
This. But I think they would have to give up splitter and Jackson. Waiting on input from anti or doo.
I would not like to see Splitter go thats for sure. Outside of our Big 3, Splitter, Leonard, and Green are untradeable in my book. Management would do it in a heartbeat though, and I really couldnt blame them for it. My issue with it is that Splitter is our hardest working player, now that Blair has regressed drastically. I'm not liking our big play at the moment, that Pistons game was the last straw for me. Our bigs outside of Duncan and Splitter play too smart. No ones physical in the post besides them
I would love for Jefferson to get on that Spurs squad. Let him get a crack at the Championship.

So much respect for Jefferson. He's been a pro from day 1. Playing on those bad Boston teams then getting traded to a then bad Minnesota team while Boston wins the Championship. No complaints from him at all and nothing but a positive attitude.
I agree with this. Hes a good guy, one of the guys I'm always rooting for to play well.

I feel like this game is going to get really ugly for the Clippers

"Chauncey Billups, finals MVP" That just sounds wrong
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Am I the only one that thinks this, "So and so went to work with Olajuwon" is overblown? Especially when most of them spent 1 day there.

Saying Dream deserves the credit for these dudes new post moves disrespects the assistant coaches that work with these dudes every day

But of course it isn't marketable to say that an assistant coach worked with one of his players. Give all praise/credit to the former player
Gotta think about it, Hakeem's Footwork was NASA especially for a big man to move like that. He's a HOF he has a chip it's only out of respect that most players get that footwork technique down packed, sad to say a lot of players in the league don't.
Am I the only one that thinks this, "So and so went to work with Olajuwon" is overblown? Especially when most of them spent 1 day there.

Saying Dream deserves the credit for these dudes new post moves disrespects the assistant coaches that work with these dudes every day

But of course it isn't marketable to say that an assistant coach worked with one of his players. Give all praise/credit to the former player

Amare spent almost a month with Hakeem in Houston. Javale spent like a week :lol:
[quote name="DCAllAmerican"]Am I the only one that thinks this, "So and so went to work with Olajuwon" is overblown? Especially when most of them spent 1 day there.[/quote] how do you know the only spent 1 day w/ him?
In STAT's case I have to credit The Dream. Amar'e been with our big men assistant coaches for like 3 years now and he never had this skill set with his back to the basket. One summer with Hakeem and dude has a consistent hook shot and lil back down move.

I agree in general cuz I tend to ask myself how much are these dudes retaining from what's taught in one summer to the point their footwork improves that well? But results are results.

I like to look at Kobe for this cuz his footwork was always good but one summer with Dream and there was those few seasons before he got older and less athletic that his footwork was remarkably better.
Am I the only one that thinks this, "So and so went to work with Olajuwon" is overblown? Especially when most of them spent 1 day there.

Saying Dream deserves the credit for these dudes new post moves disrespects the assistant coaches that work with these dudes every day

But of course it isn't marketable to say that an assistant coach worked with one of his players. Give all praise/credit to the former player

Amare is the one who has been saying it though since the summer. He stayed away from working with anyone in the Knicks org for a while IIRC. In his case, it's not disrespect to the asst coach.
Gotta think about it, Hakeem's Footwork was NASA especially for a big man to move like that. He's a HOF he has a chip it's only out of respect that most players get that footwork technique down packed, sad to say a lot of players in the league don't.
But there are assistant coaches that DRILL players DAILY with the same moves. So we can't just say it is because of Dream that these players have better post games.
its not overblown..they pay handsomely to work out with hakeem(50k a week) and even tho its just a day, they record every angle...they got tape to practice those moves...

im sorry but those assistant coaches aint the cant duplicate that kind of knowledge...

i think it deserves the attention it gets.
Amare is the one who has been saying it though since the summer. He stayed away from working with anyone in the Knicks org for a while IIRC. In his case, it's not disrespect to the asst coach.
Since the summer cool. But before that point, his years before that. Maybe he just got the confidence to apply what he has learned. I think it is foul man. I think it is just a talking point.

Now, I am not saying that Dream didn't help and maybe HIM passing a certain message makes those players use the moves more efficiently (maybe not who knows), but let the media tell it and all credit goes to Dream.
Let DC think what he wants. :lol: If he wants to think that working with Chris Mihm for a day and then the assistant coaches for 2 months will produce the same results as working with Hakeem for a day and then the assistant coaches for 2 months, let him think that. :lol:
im sorry but those assistant coaches aint the cant duplicate that kind of knowledge...
I disagree. I am pretty sure he isn't showing them things they never seen before.

It is just the messenger. I don't think the content is new, I think the person who is giving the content has more cred.

You have to remember that these coaches watch dozens of hours of film weekly. They have been around the game for years. They know what they are doing.
Let DC think what he wants. :lol: If he wants to think that working with Chris Mihm for a day and then the assistant coaches for 2 months will produce the same results as working with Hakeem for a day and then the assistant coaches for 2 months, let him think that. :lol:
You know damn well that isn't what I am saying man. Come on now. Don't misquote me. :lol:
Practicing a move and having the confidence to do the same move on the court and in a game is 2 completely different things.
Practicing a move and having the confidence to do the same move on the court and in a game is 2 completely different things.
That confidence to try the move comes from within the player. The player has to determine that they feel comfortable enough to try that move in a game.

And that comes from countless hours of practicing a move.
I forgot to ask, so far who yall got for defensive player of the year s far?

It's not Dwight or Tyson.
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