Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I was more so talking about people like Dwight working with Ewing.

I was speaking of Kobe having Kareem on the staff for all of those years.

I never assumed ALL coaches are giving these players the same knowledge.

We have to also factor in the natural growth/improvement a player will show for the sake of getting older in the league. Being more comfortable playing against NBA talent.

My issue is simply this. Dream can't get all of the credit and the reason why he does is because it is a nice talking point. Not saying he didn't give these players knowledge/confidence but if there is an assistant out there putting in work with a player each and every day, that assistant needs to get some credit as well.

Not giving Dream all of the credit. Which is what all of this has turned into.
How can a man as seemingly as dumb as Magic Johnson be SO successful in his business ventures? Whoever is advising him isn't making nearly enough money. He's the WORST "analyst" on TV.
He just can't speak as "good" as most successful tv personalities. Doesn't mean he can't make strong "bidness" moves.

yea because Pop is on the floor right? Parker been doing the exact thing hes been doing his entire career.

Parker may not have played this well if he wasn't playing for Pop. Everybody on that team pitches in. he finds a way to use all of them hes the most valuable on that team yes but the record wouldnt be there if they didnt have Pop as coach in my opinion.
He just can't speak as "good" as most successful tv personalities. Doesn't mean he can't make strong "bidness" moves.

Nothing really to do with his speech...he just seems REALLY dumb. For a man as legendary as Magic Johnson, I would hope that he could state more than just the obvious (and even that is being generous) when giving his insight. He SHOULD know basketball...
Nothing really to do with his speech...he just seems REALLY dumb. For a man as legendary as Magic Johnson, I would hope that he could state more than just the obvious (and even that is being generous) when giving his insight. He SHOULD know basketball...
Again, you are basing that off of him not being able to coherently put successful thoughts together through speech.

Nothing he does on tv makes me question what he can do when it comes to making $.

Just think about WHY you think he doesn't SEEM smart.

yea because Pop is on the floor right? Parker been doing the exact thing hes been doing his entire career.

Parker may not have played this well if he wasn't playing for Pop. Everybody on that team pitches in. he finds a way to use all of them hes the most valuable on that team yes but the record wouldnt be there if they didnt have Pop as coach in my opinion.

Again, you are basing that off of him not being able to coherently put successful thoughts together through speech.

Nothing he does on tv makes me question what he can do when it comes to making $.

Just think about WHY you think he doesn't SEEM smart.

I thought I made it clear.

For a man as legendary as Magic Johnson, I would hope that he could state more than just the obvious (and even that is being generous) when giving his insight. He SHOULD know basketball...

His speech as little-to-nothing to do w/ why I think he's dumb.

*I'll check out the twitter link you posted.....also, you should learn to use the multi-quote. Took you 5 years to figure out how to embed, your learning curve shouldn't be as steep.
How can a man as seemingly as dumb as Magic Johnson be SO successful in his business ventures? Whoever is advising him isn't making nearly enough money. He's the WORST "analyst" on TV.

i cringed when he said 'the knicks have a defense problem and it isnt making defense'  or something like

magic is that dude tho..good personality, bad analyst. 
I thought I made it clear.
His speech as little-to-nothing to do w/ why I think he's dumb.

*I'll check out the twitter link you posted.....also, you should learn to use the multi-quote. Took you 5 years to figure out how to embed, your learning curve shouldn't be as steep.
I multi-quote often. Sometimes it is after the fact and I don't want to edit a post if it is more than a minute in an active thread.

And the embed code has changed numerous times in the history of NT.
But it's not even substantial discussion. You're straight up WRONG about this whole Hakeem thing.
I am wrong for saying that assistant coaches deserve more credit? Really not sure how that is a wrong statement but ok.

Like I said, stop crying dude. Watch your team get another L.
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