Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Hakeem stuff always tells me those guys hit a point where they want to put in the work on that aspect of their game. Hakeem isn't teaching anything ground breaking or revealing secrets. I think it's more of a product of the result of honing that aspect, not the teacher.
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:lol: @ how things have changed. Jason Sudekis gets mentioned over Ben Stiller. He was literally sitting adjacent talking to him.
Could you imagine Blake Griffin with Hakeem's footwork :x
Unfair. Lets hope Blake spends his money on other things until he's old.
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Black with dream footwork :x is right

and prolly ibaka or sanders this year
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Could you imagine Blake Griffin with Hakeem's footwork :x

Who gets credit for the Rebound when Chandler tips it back? He better not be getting those phony *** rebounds lol.

The Point God out there doing work :pimp:

Pretty entertaining game so far. I expect NY to come out on a run to start the 3rd.
As with most awards, whoever the media wants to promote as the DPOTY award is who will get it. Just like Rose winning MVP over LeBron that year.
Who gets credit for the Rebound when Chandler tips it back? He better not be getting those phony *** rebounds lol.

The Point God out there doing work :pimp:

Pretty entertaining game so far. I expect NY to come out on a run to start the 3rd.

Point God is in the bldg
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DC: no, Hakeem is not teaching the same thing as the assistant coaches. They're not on his level.

I can go to a culinary school and practice the excellent advice and skills they will teach me, but that will not yield the same results as going to a culinary school and then spending a day with Emeril Lagasse and then going back to culinary school to practice the top notch advice and skills he showed me.

Approach angles, foot positioning, ball height, finger placement, shoulder/knee relationships... yes, he has more to offer on the minute details of the game.

the reason Jerry Rice is better than Michael Crabtree even know they both wear cleats, catch a football, and play on a 100-yd field is because Jerry knows what to do with those things better than Crabtree. you can go to Crabtree's assistant coaches and get a wealth of professional knowledge, but yes, if you go to Jerry, you will be advised better.

And even if you just grab the advice for a day and then go back to Crabtree's assistants and practice the advice you got from Jerry, the credit for your improvement still goes to Jerry.
DC: no, Hakeem is not teaching the same thing as the assistant coaches. They're not on his level.

Approach angles, foot positioning, ball height, finger placement, shoulder/knee relationships... yes, he has more to offer on the minute details of the game.
And why exactly are you assuming the coaches are not supplying the players with that information?
[quote name="DCAllAmerican"][quote name="DarthSka"]DC: no, Hakeem is not teaching the same thing as the assistant coaches. They're not on his level.

Approach angles, foot positioning, ball height, finger placement, shoulder/knee relationships... yes, he has more to offer on the minute details of the game.[/quote]And why exactly are you assuming the coaches are not supplying the players with that information?[/quote]Why are you assuming they are?

A guy sees a positive, upbeat Mike Tyson interview and assumes that Mike Tyson is in a happy place, and you contend that's too far an assumption... but you feel it safe to assume that all NBA assistant coaches are teaching the same methods that a legend teaches?

If you're going to play it safe and only assume what is explicitly told to you, then how can you assume something that wasn't explicitly told you you?
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How can a man as seemingly as dumb as Magic Johnson be SO successful in his business ventures? Whoever is advising him isn't making nearly enough money. He's the WORST "analyst" on TV.
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