Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Am I late with the LeBron comments about the dunk?

"LeBron just lowered boom on J. Terry (again): "The fact that (the dunk) happened to J.T. made it that much sweeter...he talks too much.""
Am I late with the LeBron comments about the dunk?

"LeBron just lowered boom on J. Terry (again): "The fact that (the dunk) happened to J.T. made it that much sweeter...he talks too much.""
Nah you aren't late, just happened this morning.
but Memphis is back in the underdog role again. They feel like no one really believes in them and I see nothing wrong with that . I waited til after a bigger sample size to judge the team and they may very well finish 3rd. Just have to wait and see.

But, they will be heading into the playoffs in the underdog role and that's when they perform their best.

:lol: How long are you gonna keep playing this card? If MEM is an underdog what does that make DEN? Plenty of teams are slept on. Doesn't matter.

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

I don't hear many people talking about Denver right now. Suppose to be such a great team I thought?

I don't see them containing our bigs in the playoffs unless we go away from them like we have a tendency to do sometimes


Icing on the cake would've been a still of Jason Terry at the end "RIP 19whatever - 2013"
"Living in a hateful world....sending em' straight to hell" 

This is too much 
I've asked this before but in all seriousness, what is The Manimal's ceiling? Dennis Rodman with offense? He's one of my favourites because you can see that every possession he hustles, plays with heart, and does the little things 
I'm hoping some of you with these declarations actually manage to stick around when it goes sour in the playoffs. You always tend to disappear in May and reappear in November.
Wilson Chandler separated his shoulder last night. I don't know when he is supposed to be back
Damn dude can never catch a break

*Sigh*...I hate the playoff format of the NBA..The west is easily the better of the two (by a wide margin at that) and it is not fair that teams who are above .500 are fighting for a playoff spot while in the east Philadelphia is 9th with a 26-40 record, 8 games behind Milwaukee who is at 34-32..They should change that by looking at the NBA teams as a whole, come playoff time..The best sixteen are to participate in the playoffs. 
HEY! YOU LEAVE MY SIXERS OUTTA OF THIS! :lol: We dont even wanna be the 8th seed anyways cause then we'll basically be forfeiting a borderline lottery pick to Miami cause of the trade for Moultrie (who should be playing more than that bum Lavoy Allen)

Its gonna be a Denver v. Miami finals. You heard it here first. This probably the best Denver team in the last 10 years.

But I already said it earlier in the thread tho..... :nerd:

EDIT: :smh: :lol: at that CP3 flop
Can you imagine DMC reaction if he got called a "foul" for that **** tho?? Woulda been pure lulz
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Y'all need to leave CP3 alone. Dude hasn't gotten fined or warned for flopping... Thus he isn't a flopper.
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anyone remember the ginobili and raja bell double flop?
i think manu got the call which solidified him as the flop god during that year
You guys can continue sleeping on Denver, I however will not. As far as I am concerned they are the biggest threat to a Spurs finals trip. They will beat Memphis regardless of home court, thats a foregone conclusion in my mind and I mean that with no disrespect. If the brackets break out the way I expect them too and the west looks like


then I will not be happy because then we will have to play them in round two. I would honestly like to avoid playing them at all in the playoffs as should any other team, theyre that good. Spurs will still win, it would just be a tough series.

It will be interesting to see if Denver can somewhat keep this pace up in the playoffs. I love watching that team play. When they get going at home they know how to put their foot on teams neck. Whenever they play the Spurs or OKC in the playoffs I can see them being down 0-2 then tying the series when they go back home. Anything can happen after that. Ty Lawson can make some big shots, Andre Miller is the smart veteran, Iggy is versatile and a bunch of athletes everywhere.

Much like Lebron, Chris Paul is too good to for the theatrics.

True. :smh:
But one person was deemed to be such a "problem" that he was banned, why should the other people simply get put on ignore? Either bring that person back or ban everyone else.

dog let it go. quit trying to get your buddy back. im sure hes already back on a new screen name. if you miss him that much get his phone number...
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