Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Its about being fair. I would say the same thing if it wasnt DBD that got banned. People are trolling and ruining the thread in many people minds, and somehow are allowed to stay, yet one person was singled out. If it was to make an example of someone it sure as hell didnt work cause the same people are running around doing the same stuff with no fear of reprisal. It isnt ok, bans need to happen or DBD needs to be unbanned.
the only way you can get banned for trolling is if you trolled so hard you disrupted this board. im sure no other niketalker has been reported more for trolling in the sports forum than your friend. he had many times where he could have just shut his mouth and stopped his obsessive trolling and been ok but he just could not do it. matter a fact i bet hes already trolling with another name. just look for a new member who just became a member bashing the lakers. chances are its him

the only person troll wise that comes close to him in the sports forum is quik.

if you have a problem with other trolls in here then report them. but if nobody reports them then there wont be anything done about them.

your friend was previously banned for sexually harassing me. now hes banned again. there comes a time where you have to learn your lesson

ive been warned before for calling someone "dumb"
ive seen people being called worse and not be warned. but like i said not everything is reported so if you have a problem with trolls in here report them.
didnt dbd get warned multiple times until he got on skas last nerve?

is acb that runningfishy guy?
Wheres the warnings for anyone else whos been in this thread since week 2 doing stuff? Nowhere? Yup, nowhere. This isnt a shot at the moderation or anything because I have 0 issues with them, its just that we all see the same comments about the same people ruining this thread every day, and it just goes on and on, yet DBD got banned for essentially the same thing.

Is this the Maybach Margiela guy? Oh ok.... Yet DBD is banned
You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

And I don't mean that disrespectfully, like "Man, shut up. You're stupid and have no idea what you're talking about."

Never that.

I mean... that the topic you are talking about... has information you are uninformed of. You don't know what you're talking about.

Do you know how many times DBD was warned, talked to, and defended? In this thread, other team's threads, in other forums, through PM... do you know? Nope.

Do you know how LONG his antics were put up with, when we first started getting multiple complaints/reports of his posts? Do you know? Nope.

You want to sit and act like he just had a bad couple days and that was that... *BANNED*, but...

... you have no idea what you're talking about.

Saying he was given ample opportunity to stop, saying he was given many explanations about how he was disrupting the board, saying I took up for him to MANY NTers calling for his head... saying those things is a GROSS understatement; they are all undeniably true.

Saying that I only ban people when it is PLAINLY obvious as the only solution is also an understatement. I wish I could say that I wait until it's something that is universally agreed upon, but I can't, because there will always be a couple dudes screaming "Injustice!!"

You're in that group. Understandably so, but talking about fairness when you don't know all the facts is... well, it's unfair.

Do you.

Yes, we have our eyes on certain people. The report buttons still work. We still see the annoyances you see, but just because you don't see people being banned left and right doesn't mean DBD was done wrong. He wasn't banned in the midst of a wholesale banning, so don't expect some new annoyance to get axed like that.

Meanwhile, back in the NBA thread...
Fair enough.
Saying "my friend got banned for trolling so either ban other trolls or let my friend go" is like saying "I know my friend was speeding officer, but so were the people in front of either take back his ticket or give everyone else on the highway one."

You can't get to everyone at once. We all know the rules, when we break them numerous times with weeks worth of "warnings," we get what we deserve.
The others who are being disruptive are also going to get warnings and eventually banned if they keep trolling. You can't excuse one person though just because others haven't been addressed yet, otherwise no one would ever be in trouble for their actions.
Thats keeping up with the flow of traffic. I would agree with them
LeBron wearing the "Fairfax High School" LeBron VI's
Man the Grizzlies do make the game ugly. 22-25 17 minutes in.

And what's the story on this dude bhz?

[quote name="MJGREATXII"][quote name="ScottHallWithAPick"]Explain what's so funny. I'd say the same to the Heat haters, Clipper haters, Knicks haters, not too many other teams get hated on but you get the message. If 'hate' wasn't in sports LA-Celtics tickets wouldn't cost $10000000 and Lakers-Grizzles tickets would be like $40 if it was only the love of the game. And you can't compare me to the other guys cause I don't complain about ABC, Noble Kane, Delta or the other LA trolls. It's expected and I welcome it. Trolls usually talk long enough to make a fool of themselves.[/quote]
Its funny cuz you're a laker hater talking about another laker hater[/quote]Close. More accurately, "It's funny cuz you're a laker hater talking about another laker hater... being banned for hating the Lakers.."


it's like some drunk dude standing on the corner proclaiming that all cops do is arrest all drunks. :lol:
Idk anytime I see miami down in the first half they always come back. Usually around the 3-4 minute mark of the 4th they take the lead so until its over...its not over
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