Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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That and health. They'll have some problems if either Kobe, Nash or Dwight miss a lot of games for health reasons. But I guess you can say that about pretty much every team.

Dwight's back is nothing really to worry about dude was already starting to work out yesterday.

He'll be out the whole pre season.But I'm pretty sure dude will be playing opening night against the Mavs or will miss maybe 1 or 2 weeks.

Nothing like how Ric "Hooker" Bucher was reporting right after the trade went down that he would miss the first month or possible even first 2 months of the season.
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Deron Williams>>>Westbrook
So it's not close?

Russy took a huge step this past season. Explosiveness is unmatched. Nobody finishes with their left (weak) hand at the rim. Mid-range J is money. Scary that he's still learning the PG position. Unnatural to him.

Deron's three-point shooting is probably tops for elite PGs, bar none.
Its close but Deron Williams is better and i dont think Westbrook will be better than him. i dont see how CP3 is rated so much higher than Deron when hes not even much better if at all. Its like a draw IMO but of course Deron being on the losing Nets while CP3 is on the winning Clippers has to do with it.

If the Nets become a top team in the east this season then im sure we will see some things change and more people will start talking about Deron being a top PG where he belongs.
Its close but Deron Williams is better and i dont think Westbrook will be better than him. i dont see how CP3 is rated so much higher than Deron when hes not even much better if at all. Its like a draw IMO but of course Deron being on the losing Nets while CP3 is on the winning Clippers has to do with it.
If the Nets become a top team in the east this season then im sure we will see some things change and more people will start talking about Deron being a top PG where he belongs.
I'm okay with 1A and 1B evaluations of CP3 and Deron.

What about Russy's defense giving him an edge over Deron?
Deron has been down the last 2 seasons but because he was playing for a non playoff team in Jersey nobody noticed. Lead the league in turnovers, routinely gave up massive scoring games to also rand point guards, people are just ranking him where they rank him off reputation. Hell, look at his head to head #s against some of these others pgs, especially Russ.
Per Ken Berger, the NBA is working on implementing penalties for flopping this season:

Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS
News: New policy in the works to combat #NBA flopping.

Article says floppers will be subject to fines assessed post game, rather than any kind of in-game penalty.
:lol: good

$10k for every flop

that will add up quickly for some players so maybe they will stop doing it.
Per Ken Berger, the NBA is working on implementing penalties for flopping this season:

Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS
News: New policy in the works to combat #NBA flopping.

Article says floppers will be subject to fines assessed post game, rather than any kind of in-game penalty.

I'm changing my projections then, Spurs 10th in the West. :smokin
#NBArank: 2012 NBA Player Rankings

ESPN & TrueHoop Network
Glad O.J. is gonna get some freedom down there in Dallas... Looking forward to seeing what he can do on that squad :smokin

Hell yeah :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

With that freedom, his rookie and sophomore numbers are definitely more than obtainable. He was flirting with 20 ppg as the guy his rookie year in Memphis, and with Dallas needing that production from him, that's more than feasible.

That plus an in shape Dirk gives you two guys who are at or above 20 ppg and that gives you a chance to win night in night out. Still think they'll fall between 6-8 seed though with a first round bounce though.
shhhh.. don't start the PG debate again. we had enough of that in the previous thread. I don't have any major problems with the ESPN ranking, although going off the last season alone, kobe should have replaced rose for #5 spot..
Amazing read on Keyon Dooling and his decision to walk away from the NBA.

For over 30 years, he took on everyone else’s problems and internalized his own. The pillar of resiliency had cracks, too. He was just too strong to notice them as he focused on his career and the needs of others.

Then, after re-signing with the Celtics in July and beginning preparations for another season, Dooling realized he didn’t want to play any longer.

“I was talking about it with my wife and with my pastors and all the people that are in my life, and nobody wanted me to retire. Nobody wanted me to retire,” he said.

Years of repressed emotions came rushing back during this realization. Memories that Dooling had tried to bury were flooding out.

"I actually had such a meltdown that I had to get professional help and I ended up in the hospital," said Dooling.

"It just all came to a head. To be honest with you, I blocked a lot of things out of my life. I’m a man who’s been abused, sexually, emotionally, mentally. I’ve been abused in my life, and there’s so many guys around the NBA who have been abused and I know it because I’ve been their therapist. I didn’t even have the courage because I blocked it out so much that I couldn’t even share that . . .


Props to him for coming out and saying this. Took a lot of courage.
Amazing read on Keyon Dooling and his decision to walk away from the NBA.

For over 30 years, he took on everyone else’s problems and internalized his own. The pillar of resiliency had cracks, too. He was just too strong to notice them as he focused on his career and the needs of others.

Then, after re-signing with the Celtics in July and beginning preparations for another season, Dooling realized he didn’t want to play any longer.

“I was talking about it with my wife and with my pastors and all the people that are in my life, and nobody wanted me to retire. Nobody wanted me to retire,” he said.

Years of repressed emotions came rushing back during this realization. Memories that Dooling had tried to bury were flooding out.

"I actually had such a meltdown that I had to get professional help and I ended up in the hospital," said Dooling.

"It just all came to a head. To be honest with you, I blocked a lot of things out of my life. I’m a man who’s been abused, sexually, emotionally, mentally. I’ve been abused in my life, and there’s so many guys around the NBA who have been abused and I know it because I’ve been their therapist. I didn’t even have the courage because I blocked it out so much that I couldn’t even share that . . .


Props to him for coming out and saying this. Took a lot of courage.

Thanks for posting this, and you're right, it took alot of courage to talk about that. I heard he id really smart and has a bright future in coaching
#NBArank: 2012 NBA Player Rankings

ESPN & TrueHoop Network

Kobe at 6....??? :x ...someone at espn must be on the salts.....besides that what's with rondo talking about there's only 5 real contenders for the title, I mean we all know for sure Mia and okc, Lakers Celtics.....whose really 5th Spurs ...Clippers doubt it.
Kobe at 6....??? :x ...someone at espn must be on the salts.....besides that what's with rondo talking about there's only 5 real contenders for the title, I mean we all know for sure Mia and okc, Lakers Celtics.....whose really 5th Spurs ...Clippers doubt it.

Kobe at 6 this year is fair....

Last year at 7 it wasn't fair
nba all star team east

deron,wade,bron, melo, bynum


Damn @ that Keyon Dooling read

He trolling w/ those Rondo comments tho. Said he's the second best player in the league behind KD
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Wade should be #10, Westbrook #9 and Williams #8

only other problem i would have which isnt a big deal is just switch Rose and Kobe around.
Breakout cats:

Kyrie Irving - As a rookie, he looked nothing like it. He showed he can score it, pass it, create for himself and others, and showed he could be a leader. If he improves just a little bit, he's a 20 and 7 guy and one of the best points in the L if he isn't already.

John Wall - The theory on John Wall was that the reason for his underwhelming career thus far was because he played with guys who couldn't play. That's changed a bit, and he has full reigns of the team. I'm not sold on Wall, but his attributes can't be denied and if he can bring those gifts together cohesively, he could be a force.

Mario Chalmers - I've loved Rio for the past two years. He's extremely confident, and very underrated to me. He can shoot it, can get to the rim, is a thief, and can create his own shot. Obviously, the team he plays for doesn't allow him to showcase that to the extent by which I think he can, but he's improved every year that he's been in the L and i'm looking forward to what he brings this year. Speaking of Fowards...

Mike Beasley - He's got the gifts on the offensive end, I think everyone can see that. He can shoot it, and create with the best of him. Can't really make plays for other, but regardless he can put that ball in the hoop and is a deft rebounder when he wants to be. Phoenix is his squad, so we'll see if he can finally live up to his potential.

Stephen Curry - When steph is on the floor, he's borderline an elite point. Lights out shooter who with his slick ball handling can create with the best of them. Not as athletic as most of the other points in the L, but more than makes up for it with his craftyness around the rim. Breakout year for him if he can somehow stay on the floor.

O.J. Mayo - As most know, i'm a huge O.J. guy. As a starter with memphis in his first two years of the L, he flirted with 20 ppg (especially his rookie year when for most of the year, he was over 20 a game) but the last two years have seen a totally different story. With several scorers on memphis plus the coming off the bench thing, he produced off the bench, but not at the level that he's shown he can. With Dallas giving him the reigns and them needing another scorer to go along with Dirk, i'm betting we'll see good things from him this year.

Other notables: Kemba Walker, DJ Agustine, Jerryd Bayless, Tyreke Evans,
Kobe at 6....??? :x ...someone at espn must be on the salts.....besides that what's with rondo talking about there's only 5 real contenders for the title, I mean we all know for sure Mia and okc, Lakers Celtics.....whose really 5th Spurs ...Clippers doubt it.

Lol 6 is just right imo. If anything he should be lower. Russell and Klove was better than Kobe overall last year.
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