Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I actually agree with ESPN's top 6 exactly.

Love is way too high IMO and Carmelo is way too low. Still think DWill > Russy but not for much longer.
Just checked the channel guide on Directv for NBATV for next Monday and it says Media Day Coverage starts at 11AM to 1PM for the Eastern Conference teams and 1PM to 4PM for the Western Conference.

That is Pacific Time.
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The Heat, Celtics, Mavs and Clippers are having their Media Days today.



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I like what the Nets are going for with their colors and style.. Maybe make one or two changes, but I like it overall
Deron has been down the last 2 seasons but because he was playing for a non playoff team in Jersey nobody noticed. Lead the league in turnovers, routinely gave up massive scoring games to also rand point guards, people are just ranking him where they rank him off reputation. Hell, look at his head to head #s against some of these others pgs, especially Russ.

It's true he's been down shooting wise but I think it's unfair to completely knock him for it because of the teams he had around him. No PG is going to defend well without good help defenders around them. TOs are going to pile up when you have bad teammates and you need to force it more often/your passes can't be handled. His FG% has clearly taken a hit due to him taking a ton of 3s (not a bad thing) and being option 1, 2 and 3 on most nights.

Still though, he put up 21 and 9. He had the highest scoring game of the year and the highest assist game of the year. After he got traded to the Nets, he averaged nearly 13 assists in the 12 games he played. I still think he's the most versatile PG in the league in terms of being able to play on the ball, off the ball, create for others, play SG, guard bigger players, post up, etc.

This is a big year for him, he needs to up his FG% to at least 45%, his 3PT% needs to get closer to 40% and the Nets need to start winning.

im kinda excited to see Rasheed back even tho he probably wont do anything.
Sheed is 38 years old and would still only be the fourth oldest player on the team if he were to sign with the Knicks. :lol:
They're going to have to provide 'Sheed with one of those magical undershirts from the NBAtv infomercial to hide his gut at media day.
Heat need to pick up Oden man. F_ the injury history. All they need is 15-20 mins of play, 4 pts, 6 or 7 rebounds and a block or two.
Sheed being back :nthat:

He can still help a team out... Im sure he won't get big minutes, but he'll be able to still hit that spot up 3 off the bench.

His Knicks PE Air Forces are about to be serious though :smokin
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