Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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"Outside of Game 1" - there have only been three games. Three. So, 33% of the time, Chris Paul ***** all over Mike Conley. Two turnovers prior to last night. But hey, Chris Paul had a bad night, let's all act like Mike Conley is on his level all of a sudden.

"He locked up Chris Paul." - Once.

If the guy that Memphis fans have been yelling about trading hadn't showed up last night, they would have lost, simple as that. Can't wait for ZBo to regress back down to normal ZBo levels (and the refs to swallow their whistles (lol @ the officiating last night).

Feel kinda bad for Chris Paul. Makes a franchise his *****, has a bad game, gets called out over it. But that's the NikeTalk way! Prisoners of the moment.
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Nah he's known for putting up garbage stats ever now and then, it's only expected with him. 

Plus he forces the shot in the fourth trying to be the hero. But he's the leader so I guess that should be expected. 

Best PG in the west he is not. 

Wait, what? Who do you think the best pg in the west is?

Thank god for Zach Randolph. Z-Bo and Marc make them special, it gives them a punchers chance in every series, you break that up an they are just another team.
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"Outside of Game 1" - there have only been three games. Three. So, 33% of the time, Chris Paul ***** all over Mike Conley. Two turnovers prior to last night. But hey, Chris Paul had a bad night, let's all act like Mike Conley is on his level all of a sudden.

"He locked up Chris Paul." - Once.

If the guy that Memphis fans have been yelling about trading hadn't showed up last night, they would have lost, simple as that. Can't wait for ZBo to regress back down to normal ZBo levels (and the refs to swallow their whistles (lol @ the officiating last night).

Feel kinda bad for Chris Paul. Makes a franchise his *****, has a bad game, gets called out over it. But that's the NikeTalk way! Prisoners of the moment.

You know how stupid it sounds to say "33% of the time, Chris Paul ***** all over Mike Conley"? :rofl:

It just hurts your little feelings that he has matched Paul in this series outside of Game 1 (which was very un-Grizz like) I didn't say he locked up Paul either, because it was combination of Conley, TA and Pondexter.

Its ok, Chester. Just hope Paul completely outplays him in Game 4, so that would be 50% of the time Paul has beat out Conley :lol: . According to you, Paul should **** on Conley every game since he sucks, right?

And nice to see you complain about the officials the one night Memphis wins. The officiating has been bad throughout the entire series, but you did not hear me complaining about it in the first two games we lost? Clippers could have probably won the game if their superstar stepped up and they didn't get out hustled. Same thing that happened to us in Game 1, but I didn't complain about officials ***.

And thank God for ZBo for finally playing well. Yep, we would be just another team without Zach Randolph because he's played so well after the Rudy Gay trade, no wonder why we won 56 games with him playing beastly. :lol:
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yo nt fam this has always been pondering in my head for a while but what are the requirements for a team to wear there alternate jerseys? i know lakers wear the whites for sunday games. But what about the clippers and there blue jerseys, atl and the reds, i dont know if miamis are black or red anymore, minny as well. 
Saying Westbrook is a better PG than CP3 is ridiculous......and I'm a OKC fan.

I'd take Paul AND Curry over Westbrook in the west.

I don't understand how WB gets a pass, but y'all fry cats like Jennings and Ellis on the daily when he jacks up more shots than anybody not named Kobe and only plays 34 minutes a game.
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This dude gets infinite passes. I was actually going to wait until he got bounced in the second round to say this but when are we going to start playing blame on Chris Paul and judging him for his shortcomings like everyone does to Melo. All he does is lose in the post season. Never seen the WCF.

He should be getting the same amount of slander everyone else gets.

He gets way too many passes especially when he goes up against elite pg's In the league. Far too many games where he does this. Did this against rose last year, Westbrook this year, Parker this year, and a few others. As far as straight out basketball players go (not leader) I would take all those guys before Paul.

I also have no idea why Lionel just didnt start the series off with tony on Chris full time instead of conley.
Westbrook is not the best point guard in the West

No reason for him to take and miss more shots than Durant and still end up with less points

Who is to say he is even top 3? With that athleticism his FG% should be superior to Tony Parker for example :lol:
Did you guys see that article on Durant being obsessed with analytics and lebrons box score?

Interesting insight into how he's wired.

Durant has hired his own analytics expert. He tailors workouts to remedy numerical imbalances. He harps on efficiency more than a Prius dealer. To Durant, basketball is an orchard, and every shot an apple. “Let’s say you’ve got 40 apples on your tree,” Durant explains. “I could eat about 30 of them, but I’ve begun limiting myself to 15 or 16. Let’s take the wide-open three and the post-up at the nail. Those are good apples. Let’s throw out the pull-up three in transition and the step-back fadeaway. Those are rotten apples. The three at the top of the circle — that’s an in-between apple. We only want the very best on the tree.”

This quote made me immediately think shots fired at melo and JR Smith hahahahaha
No reason for him to take and miss more shots than Durant and still end up with less points

Who is to say he is even top 3? With that athleticism his FG% should be superior to Tony Parker for example
There are a bunch of factors that cause this.  But of course, your extensive analysis of simply looking at their PPG and FGA wouldnt see that.  Your second sentence is just as laughable.
Paul is better at playing the position, but Westbrook is the better overall player. Aside from his offensive skills, RW0 can also change the game defensively.
I also have no idea why Lionel just didnt start the series off with tony on Chris full time instead of conley.

I agree. Go with Conley guarding Billups because he's not going to do **** anyway. Then, switch Conley to Paul when Crawford comes in and let TA guard Crawford. That's similar to what we did last night and TA has shown to be able to lock Crawford up when given the opportunity. He guarded Crawford the majority of the 2nd half in Game 2 and only scored 2 points (had 15 in the 1st half).

You have to play the best perimeter defender in the league on the best perimeter players. Its that simple.
yo nt fam this has always been pondering in my head for a while but what are the requirements for a team to wear there alternate jerseys? i know lakers wear the whites for sunday games. But what about the clippers and there blue jerseys, atl and the reds, i dont know if miamis are black or red anymore, minny as well. 
We had this conversation before and the general consensus was that it's left up to the team to decide every time with the exception of the holiday games.

Did you guys see that article on Durant being obsessed with analytics and lebrons box score?

Interesting insight into how he's wired.

Durant has hired his own analytics expert. He tailors workouts to remedy numerical imbalances. He harps on efficiency more than a Prius dealer. To Durant, basketball is an orchard, and every shot an apple. “Let’s say you’ve got 40 apples on your tree,” Durant explains. “I could eat about 30 of them, but I’ve begun limiting myself to 15 or 16. Let’s take the wide-open three and the post-up at the nail. Those are good apples. Let’s throw out the pull-up three in transition and the step-back fadeaway. Those are rotten apples. The three at the top of the circle — that’s an in-between apple. We only want the very best on the tree.”

This quote made me immediately think shots fired at melo and JR Smith hahahahaha
that excerpt is all that I've seen is there more of it?
Paul is better at playing the position, but Westbrook is the better overall player. Aside from his offensive skills, RW0 can also change the game defensively.

Exactly. CP is the better pg from a traditional sense, but no one, especially from the pg position can stop russ. The same cant be said for CP. Yeah he shoots more, but that's exactly why and he still manages to get almost 8 assist a game and has a very solid ast/to ratio. Russ is easily the better player.
I think CP3 has such a dominant court presence and methodical pace, that you have to play his way. Russ gives you more versatility. If CP is like a scalpel cutting your arteries, then Russ is a machine gun that might miss, but if it hits you're dead and done all the same. It's different strokes, but try and say Russ is better right after CP cuts your femoral in the 4th.


You mean 66%.

Flip Saunders lol.
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Westbrook is not the best point guard in the West

No reason for him to take and miss more shots than Durant and still end up with less points

Who is to say he is even top 3? With that athleticism his FG% should be superior to Tony Parker for example :lol:
No reason for Chris Paul to be hailed as the holy grail of point guard play and only been out the first round 1nce. All I'm saying is when he has bad games, which is kind of frequent, there's no First Take topic, "Is Chris Paul the reason the Clippers won't win the title," "Is Chris Paul holding Blake Griffin back," or negative articles from the press blaming him for every loss. CP3, DWill, and Derrick Rose get almost no negative coverage ever regarding their performance. But when they have a good game, everyone can gush about them on ESPN/TNT infintely.
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