Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Did you guys see that article on Durant being obsessed with analytics and lebrons box score?

Interesting insight into how he's wired.

Durant has hired his own analytics expert. He tailors workouts to remedy numerical imbalances. He harps on efficiency more than a Prius dealer. To Durant, basketball is an orchard, and every shot an apple. “Let’s say you’ve got 40 apples on your tree,” Durant explains. “I could eat about 30 of them, but I’ve begun limiting myself to 15 or 16. Let’s take the wide-open three and the post-up at the nail. Those are good apples. Let’s throw out the pull-up three in transition and the step-back fadeaway. Those are rotten apples. The three at the top of the circle — that’s an in-between apple. We only want the very best on the tree.”

This quote made me immediately think shots fired at melo and JR Smith hahahahaha

That's interesting. I wonder how many players do this? I know Shane Battier loves his analytics.
About time somebody calls cp3 out. Him and durant keep getting passes whenever they play bad. Paul does this every year tho n noone says ****. If that was melo/kobe/lebron/rw it wouldve been pages of slander
About time somebody calls cp3 out. Him and durant keep getting passes whenever they play bad. Paul does this every year tho n noone says ****. If that was melo/kobe/lebron/rw it wouldve been pages of slander
Those dude get slandered even after great games
Ya'll act like little girls on here sometimes.

Ya'll get so caught up in who gets "slandered" and who doesn't that ya'll create your own little division between players in your heads.

*See's Melo get slandered...let's go say something bad about KD just so he doesn't get left out*

*See's Westbrook get slandered...let's go say something bad about Rose or CP3 so they don't get left out*

It's ******g ******ed.
Exactly. CP is the better pg from a traditional sense, but no one, especially from the pg position can stop russ. The same cant be said for CP. Yeah he shoots more, but that's exactly why and he still manages to get almost 8 assist a game and has a very solid ast/to ratio. Russ is easily the better player.
We had this conversation before and the general consensus was that it's left up to the team to decide every time with the exception of the holiday games.
that excerpt is all that I've seen is there more of it?

“That’s my guy,” Durant says. “I looked up to him [James], and now I battle him.”

“I don’t watch a lot of other basketball away from the gym,” Durant says. “But I do look at LeBron’s box score. I want to see how many points, rebounds and assists he had, and how he shot from the field. If he had 30 points, nine rebounds and eight assists, I can tell you exactly how he did it, what type of shots he made and who he passed to.” Durant and James take flak for their friendship, but it is based on a mutual appreciation of the craft. They aren’t hanging out at the club. They are feverishly one-upping each other from afar. “People see two young black basketball players at the top of their game and think we should clash,” Durant says. “They want the conflict. They want the hate. They forget Bird cried for Magic. A friend was getting on me about this recently, and I said, ‘Calm down. I’m not taking it easy on him. Don’t you know I’m trying to destroy the guy every time I go on the court?’ ”

It’s one thing to pay lip service to the shot charts and numbers; it’s quite another to employ a personal stat geek and to memorize situational shooting statistics. Durant, we find out, has done both of those things, and more.

Kevin Durant sat in a leather terminal chair next to a practice court and pointed toward the 90-degree- angle at the upper-right corner of the key that represents the elbow. “See that spot,” Durant said. “I used to shoot 38, 39 percent from there off the catch coming around pin-down screens.” He paused for emphasis. “I’m up to 45, 46 percent now.”

KD tracks his numbers in his head obsessively throughout games, down to turnovers, assists, what he’s shooting from the floor, rebounds and of course, points. I remember a game last season where Durant threw a half-oop, half-shot out of bounds. He came over to the scorekeeper and asked him if he had scored it a turnover or a shot attempt. The scorekeeper said turnover, to which Durant said, “Good, I’d rather have a turnover than a miss."

Durant has hired his own analytics expert. He tailors workouts to remedy numerical imbalances. He harps on efficiency more than a Prius dealer. To Durant, basketball is an orchard, and every shot an apple. “Let’s say you’ve got 40 apples on your tree,” Durant explains. “I could eat about 30 of them, but I’ve begun limiting myself to 15 or 16. Let’s take the wide-open three and the post-up at the nail. Those are good apples. Let’s throw out the pull-up three in transition and the step-back fadeaway. Those are rotten apples. The three at the top of the circle — that’s an in-between apple. We only want the very best on the tree.”

I see good and bad coming from that mind set. The good is obvious. Pick good shots. But someone needs to explain to him that HIS "bad apples" are better than most of his teammates "good apples". Especially in the 4th

I think getting to obsessed with stats can be a detriment. But the fact that he is doing everything he can to get better at his craft should be commended.

Plus I think working out with lebron was dumb and naive. I wouldn't want lebron having that much insight into me as a player.

Plus there are so many variables. if you have 2 big men that are around the hoop a bad shot isn't all that bad because they will just clean up the glass. flow to a game. Being "hot". I really believe in that when it comes to basketball. Not so much any other sport except maybe the QB position
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Westbrook is not the best point guard in the West

No reason for him to take and miss more shots than Durant and still end up with less points

Who is to say he is even top 3? With that athleticism his FG% should be superior to Tony Parker for example :lol:
No reason for Chris Paul to be hailed as the holy grail of point guard play and only been out the first round 1nce. All I'm saying is when he has bad games, which is kind of frequent, there's no First Take topic, "Is Chris Paul the reason the Clippers won't win the title," "Is Chris Paul holding Blake Griffin back," or negative articles from the press blaming him for every loss. CP3, DWill, and Derrick Rose get almost no negative coverage ever regarding their performance. But when they have a good game, everyone can gush about them on ESPN/TNT infintely.

Why should there be any topics like that? Almost every point that team gets comes from CP. If they don't win the title it won't be cuz CP screwed it up. He had a terrible game but that happens to everybody.
Why should there be any topics like that? Almost every point that team gets comes from CP. If they don't win the title it won't be cuz CP screwed it up. He had a terrible game but that happens to everybody.

You could say the same thing for Lebron, but that did not stop people from heavily criticizing him.
seen Rachel Nichols tweet the same thing....

NBA Guru @NBAGuru
Thunder PR report Russell Westbrook will undergo surgery to repair a meniscus tear in his right knee. No timetable for his return.

Metta was back in 10 days with his torn Meniscus. Just saying.

Then again Metta is crazy.

Time for Durant is do it, lets see how great he is.
Patrick Beverley is going to need armed guards if that series gets back to OKC. :lol:
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