Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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In a game like last night he should have taken more shots. who did you want to shoot the ball on that last possession?
for example, the laker defense is probably the worst in the league. however kobe now and then will shoot them back into and win games.

kd needs to want to take more shots. your jumper is wet and you can get to the hoop and get contact if not the bucket. you are a superstar. go into kobe mode and destroy thsat team.

we arent talking about samuel dalembert here.

kd was 12 for 16 last night

shoot the damn ball more!!

He tried to take the last shot, he lost his handle on the ball and passed it. You really think that play was drawn up for him to pass it to jackson? :lol:

When Kobe was in "Kobe mode" this season the Lakers were losing left in right. They didnt pick up steam until he started PASSING and improved his shot selection.

KD led the Thunder in Points, Assists and Rebounds, while spending half the night double teamed. There's 4 other players on the court at any given time that need to contribute. Kevin Martin and Reggie Jackson both missed at least 4 wide open 3's which came from KD being double teamed. Those are shots they should (and normally do) make. If they make those shots, Thunder win by 10, and nobody questions Durant's shot selection. But because they missed them everybody is all "KD has to put up more shots" "why is KD passing" :lol:

Y'all don't know nothing bout basketball man.
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That's because he shot I think 18 freethrows off that stupid thing he does where he throws his arms into the defender

I hate that play and I couldn't believe they called the one where he hit parsons with the ball and lost it before hitting parsons arm. he didn't even have the ball anymore at that point smh



I imagine defenders want to beat his or the refs *** every time that's called (more than likely the latter) :lol:

Fam, that call was such bull.

Refs need to do a better job paying attention man, all these random replay reviews and unecessary foul-calling - I understand they want their 15 minutes of fame too, but they can't intefere with the game speed. Brooklyn vs Chicago's game was stopped at least 4 times in 5 minutes of gameplay because the refs couldn't make the right call.

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Reggie is a 16.6% 3pt shooters outside of the corner. At one point, he took 3 straight. And yea, I hate the rip through too but let's not act like James Harden's entire game isn't based on just jumping into defenders and getting his arms tangled with their's. It's the same thing, just moving. It works so I mean it's smart because it works, but it's tough to watch and not "real" basketball IMO, but still doesn't bother me as much as charges do.

And if you really want to piss people off playing pickup ball, while technically being right at the same time, call a technical foul and for the ball back when they put their hand in your face while you are shooting. It's illegal but never enforced
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Did Broussard start his rant with "My sources tell me..."?

I forgot where I heard it but people say that he has somebody give him Lebron's game stats and he studies everything. Points, Rebounds, Assist, FG% etc. It's like an obsession. KD needs to chill and just play his game. Him and lebron are 2 different players.

I have no problem with how he played last night though. He was efficient, got to the line a lot, what more do you want?

to tell his teammates to shove off cuz hes taking most of the shots.

he needs to ask himself what would westbrook do?

:lol: Sometimes he does.

The last play broke down though, they had to go to plan B. Jackson got off a decent shot. If Ibaka makes that easy put back the sweep is probably complete.
Did Broussard start his rant with "My sources tell me..."?

I forgot where I heard it but people say that he has somebody give him Lebron's game stats and he studies everything. Points, Rebounds, Assist, FG% etc. It's like an obsession. KD needs to chill and just play his game. Him and lebron are 2 different players.

I have no problem with how he played last night though. He was efficient, got to the line a lot, what more do you want?

I agree with bolded but I also feel that him being a student of his craft is not a bad thing especially the quality over quantity tid bit. I commend him for that approach versus the bryant "chuck anything from anywhere" approach. I have watched kd since Texas and at that time I knew he would be a star and I'm almost certain he could take and make most of those dumb shots bryant takes if he wanted to.

Salute to dude for wanting to be an efficient player.
Everyone wants to say the thunder lost to the heat because James harden disappeared.

No one wants to acknowledge that they would have lost to the spurs if it weren't for James Harden showing out.

Lol man this is ridiculous!

Smh and a lot of yall still don't think this is wwe huh? Like I said...explain the main differences? This crap here is ruining the game. These refs have extensive training and are paid well and no way should this get past three refs as not being a bs no call.
SportsVU data :smokin

“How much does the Thunder miss Russell Westbrook? In the last two games, OKC has scored a total of 15 fast break points. Fifteen! This coming from a team that has averaged 16.6 fast break points this season, fifth most in the league. In the first two games, the Thunder scored 45 points in transition. The team had 21 in Game 2 alone. Brooks has made it a point to slow down the offense, but the Thunder either is no longer getting as many opportunities or simply turning them down. In each of the past two games, the Thunder has had just four fast break opportunities. After two nip-and-tuck affairs perhaps it’s time to go back to the drawing board. Instead of slowing the game down, maybe the best way for the Thunder to overcome Westbrook’s absence is to speed the game even more. Shift it into overdrive and stop putting so much additional pressure on role players to perform in halfcourt sets that, historically, haven’t been the Thunder’s strong suit even when healthy.”
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I hate the new nba. ****** too buddy buddy. Even if u do study lebron keep that **** to yourself. Yeah bryant chucks or whatever but thats his game. He always been that player thats what makes u love/hate him. He didn't watch video in 2000 to learn how to crossover like ai or shoot like ray
I'm much more offended about the reffing than the players being best buddies. Simply because the NBA has the power to get better refs. And cut down on the foolishness. In the Internet age and with the AAU these guys are simply gonna be friends unless you have a **** the world mentality like Kobe and Garnett.

To be fair you can be best buddies and go at each others throats. Magic used to kiss isiah on the cheek before games lol.

The super team joining up is annoying but I think that's over with the new CBA.
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I hate the new nba. ****** too buddy buddy. Even if u do study lebron keep that **** to yourself. Yeah bryant chucks or whatever but thats his game. He always been that player thats what makes u love/hate him. He didn't watch video in 2000 to learn how to crossover like ai or shoot like ray


There should be test before you're allowed to post in this thread.
I hate the new nba. ****** too buddy buddy. Even if u do study lebron keep that **** to yourself. Yeah bryant chucks or whatever but thats his game. He always been that player thats what makes u love/hate him. He didn't watch video in 2000 to learn how to crossover like ai or shoot like ray

Agree with first sentence.

Bryant Studied MJ voraciously (even stole a couple moves) while they both were playing and tried to be buddy buddy with him though, ijs!
^funny because I was just watching some old AI highlights and I realized kobe used to have that same hanging crossover :lol:. Kobe admits that he steals moves from everybody
Y'all don't know nothing bout basketball man.

oh please teach me all that you know most knowledgeable and great basketball wizard.... we are not worthy of typing in your presence what with all your nba experience....

Nah you really dont know basketball if you have a problem with kd attempting only 16 shots in which he made 12 of. He had 15 free throw attempts to go along with that too, you're just typing just to type fam
^funny because I was just watching some old AI highlights and I realized kobe used to have that same hanging crossover :lol:. Kobe admits that he steals moves from everybody

That irritated me to know end... the fact that they began calling carry on Iverson but Kobe could bring the ball over his shoulders and it be deemed perfectly legal :smh:
I hate the new nba. ****** too buddy buddy. Even if u do study lebron keep that **** to yourself. Yeah bryant chucks or whatever but thats his game. He always been that player thats what makes u love/hate him. He didn't watch video in 2000 to learn how to crossover like ai or shoot like ray

What about Kobe stealing dirk's fadeaway the year after he was swept?
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