Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Troll or not I agree with him. Golden State is already the 4th best team in the conference right now and I wouldnt object if someone went as high as third. Their core is young and they will have a decent amount of money to play with. I can definitely see them taking over the conference down the line.
Troll or not I agree with him. Golden State is already the 4th best team in the conference right now and I wouldnt object if someone went as high as third. Their core is young and they will have a decent amount of money to play with. I can definitely see them taking over the conference down the line.

I'd pump the brakes on that, with the new CBA as we've seen with OKC these prognostications can be a bit premature. Even though Jack is more sabotage than good at times they have to try and bring him back and Landry was an important piece as well. A lot can change and we'll see if they're willing to pay they're three budding stars like the Thunder weren't willing to do.
Anti, i hear you. I'm not trying to hate on the Warriors at all, love the squad and what they did. I just wish there was more sensible basketball discussion in this thread rather than kneejerk claims and ****** talking out of their ***.
Troll or not I agree with him. Golden State is already the 4th best team in the conference right now and I wouldnt object if someone went as high as third. Their core is young and they will have a decent amount of money to play with. I can definitely see them taking over the conference down the line.

I'd pump the brakes on that, with the new CBA as we've seen with OKC these prognostications can be a bit premature. Even though Jack is more sabotage than good at times they have to try and bring him back and Landry was an important piece as well. A lot can change and we'll see if they're willing to pay they're three budding stars like the Thunder weren't willing to do.

100% this.
In the NBA these days; you need at least 4 years of building a solid-core of players to compete for a championship - GS lacks a bit veteren leadership and experience that would make them a contender right now - but another year or two - they may acquire that veteren leadership - but would the same core of players on board now be on the squad than?

It seems like an endless cycle of rebuilding every 3 or 4 years for teams nowawdays.

It's very difficult to win a championship in this league man. I've accepted the fact I may just die and never see my team win a 'ship.. :x
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In this new NBA there's really only two maybe three ways to stay a perennial contender:

A. Hope that 2/3 superstars are willing to take a lot less money than the max to play together (ie Miami)
B. Luck up with some trades for another superstar and end up paying astronomical luxury tax (ie Lakers)

other than that by the time your young core is done developing they'll all be looking for that payday. That's why I believe that it was crucial that OKC didn't win the title last season, because the money constraints are real out there and the windows are a lot smaller than they used to be.

Or you could have a come out of nowhere year and win the chip like Dallas did in 2011 and maybe Memphis this season, but as Cuban proved it's difficult to parlay that into sustained success cause everyone still wants to get paid and these dumb GMs will throw max contracts at anyone today.
Troll or not I agree with him. Golden State is already the 4th best team in the conference right now and I wouldnt object if someone went as high as third. Their core is young and they will have a decent amount of money to play with. I can definitely see them taking over the conference down the line.
I'd pump the brakes on that, with the new CBA as we've seen with OKC these prognostications can be a bit premature. Even though Jack is more sabotage than good at times they have to try and bring him back and Landry was an important piece as well. A lot can change and we'll see if they're willing to pay they're three budding stars like the Thunder weren't willing to do.
You see, thats precisely why I think G State will make it, becuase they saw what OKC did and how it blew up in their face and they wont make the same mistake. OKC thought they didnt need all their guys to win a chip, I dont think G State management is that silly. They need at least 3 if not 4 of those core players (with Lee being the least important but hes locked in anyways) I dont think theyll hesitate to give them what they ask for when that time comes for two reasons: One because the team hasnt had sustained success in so long and both Joe Lacob and Mark Jackson made lofty promises when the 2011-2012 season started, and because they have the money to do it. Golden State is like the 8th richest team in the league from what I remember, they can afford to take a cap hit here and there, and with that new arena coming I expect a few more streams of income to follow. A new arena almost guarantees a Jersey change along with all of the other merchandise which we'll all have to buy, plus now that the team is going to be good, they can get some endorsements other than Supercuts behind them.

I can see why everyones worried, everyone thats really important to the roster is going to command a double digit salary, but all of the players that contribute to their depth; Ezeli, Rush, Landry, and Bazemore( I think hes going to start getting PT soon) wont be seeing more than $6 a year hopefully. Honestly Bogut is really the only piece I'm unsure about, hes going to be looking for a payday that he simply isnt worth and they might have to let him go.

Anti, i hear you. I'm not trying to hate on the Warriors at all, love the squad and what they did. I just wish there was more sensible basketball discussion in this thread rather than kneejerk claims and ****** talking out of their ***.

In the NBA these days; you need at least 4 years of building a solid-core of players to compete for a championship - GS lacks a bit veteren leadership and experience that would make them a contender right now - but another year or two - they may acquire that veteren leadership - but would the same core of players on board now be on the squad than?

It seems like an endless cycle of rebuilding every 3 or 4 years for teams nowawdays.

It's very difficult to win a championship in this league man. I've accepted the fact I may just die and never see my team win a 'ship..
Stuff like this makes me realize how forunate I've been as a fan. My teams been good for as long as I've been seriously watching basketball.

Dont sleep on David Lee though, hes a leader, and him doing what he did this post season will get everyone behind him.
In the NBA these days; you need at least 4 years of building a solid-core of players to compete for a championship - GS lacks a bit veteren leadership and experience that would make them a contender right now - but another year or two - they may acquire that veteren leadership - but would the same core of players on board now be on the squad than?

It seems like an endless cycle of rebuilding every 3 or 4 years for teams nowawdays.

It's very difficult to win a championship in this league man. I've accepted the fact I may just die and never see my team win a 'ship.. :x

True AT. I also think luck plays a huge part in getting that ring. If you luck out, you'd definitely get one.
I'm so ******g ready for this series. Having season tickets finally coming in handy. I'm able to have WCF tickets for face value :lol:
Anti that all sounds good and well, but that repeater tax for being over the cap is going to discourage even the wealthiest of owners from going all in for long periods of time. I say Golden State is at the point where OKC was when they lost to the Lakers in 2009. They progressively got better and went farther each season but didn't win the chip in 3 years time. If the Warriors don't do the same, I see the exact same thing happening, cause the penalties money wise are going to be way worse than 3 years ago. Not to even mention as great of a player as Steph is, we all know his ankles are made of graham crackers. It's not guaranteed that they'll just magically keep progressing, it'll take getting some guys to sacrifice money and a lot of luck.
^^^Thing is there's so many variables that come into play, its really hard to predict that a team is going to be good and stay good for a while. So much player movement these days. I think G-State has a great nucleus and should be among the top West teams for a while, but to say they're going to be "running the West" for the next few years is a bit premature. The Thunder and Memphis aren't going anywhere and both have very good, young core players. Plus, there's the chance that other, already good teams could improve. For example, if the Clippers re-sign CP3 and upgrade at coach, 2 and/or 3 and center (which is a lot, I know), they'll still be right there. You've also got the prospect that Dallas and/or Houston could get better this off season. And if Minnesota can finally have a season when all their players are healthy, they could be pretty good too.

Then you have the added, more intangible factor, that Golden State is now going to be facing a totally different type of expectation and pressure than they were this season. They're now going to be expected to be really good and won't catch teams by surprise anymore. Steph has now gone from a good player that could really shoot, to a bona fide superstar that teams are going to really game plan for now. We'll see how the Warriors react to being in that position. Remember that everyone though the Grizzlies were going to be running things when they beat the Spurs in the playoffs a few years ago, but its taken a few years and a major trade for that to really pan out.

So, let's see what happens this off season with the Warriors and everyone else before we dub GSW kings of the West for the foreseeable future.
Enjoy your night in the sun SA cause after this year, the west will be run by GS.

win the division first before you start yappin about pseudo-West Conf takeovers :smh:

Your team couldn't even get past the first round :lol:

Congratulations on playing 6 more games than us in the posteason. :pimp:

I'll bring the cookies you bring the milk. :lol:

Just funny how you were talking all year long only to have a piece of that humble pie :lol:
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I like this new cba. It gives the smaller market teams a bigger chance instead of the usual teams every year
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