Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Knicks chances of going to the ECF>>>Wiz chance of making the playoffs.

That fact that you find solace in that shows just how embarrassing your franchise is :lol:

Knicks fans talk alot of smack for a franchise that hasn't won a playoff series in almost 13 years now. Look at the team's payroll in that span and it's even more laughable. :lol:
How can anyone look at that Knicks squad and even remotely think they are going to make some noise in the East? Dysfunctional and old. But yea...they're contenders.

*Yawn* The old thing is so overhyped. The starting 5 isn' old, the core rotation has a couple old guys and those guys are still effective players.

Kidd, Felton
Shump, Jr
Melo, Brewer, Novak
Amar'e, Kurt
Tyson, Camby

Those are the guys who will play this season. And please tell me how they are dysfunctional? They were one of the better teams in the East when Woodson took over and Melo started actually trying again.

Knicks chances of going to the ECF>>>Wiz chance of making the playoffs.

Lol ok, but I'm not sure why this has to degrade into a "yeah my team has problems but they are still better than your team" argument. FACT the Knicks are old. FACT they werent exceptionally good last year. FACT their most dynamic player in the regular season last year is gone. FACT their best perimeter defender and starting SG (Iman Shumpert) is injured

There is still enough talent on that team to beat some good teams, and to crush the bad ones, but to act like their age isnt an issue is just ridiculous
The lack of spacing on the floor by the Knicks will rival the Wizards. :x
even I have already come to accept, and expect, to lose KD in 2016 if we don't win a title by then. He goes to LA, teams up with Dwight, owns the NBA


We accept your prediction. Please keep him healthy until that day, we promise to send you a nice parting gift for your consideration. Until then, good luck with your squad, you all have a bright future.

More than likely this:

They are literally the oldest team in NBA History :lol:


Bro, I swear I'm waiting for the day when they sign Kevin Willis to a 10-day contract.

It's all good, I've came to realize people love to laugh at the Knicks and we sure have given them a lot of ammo. I really do believe that this team can be the second best team in the East this year and that Melo will shut up a lot of people. But y'all will continue to make your jokes anyway.

Once again, show me someone besides a bench player who is actually old. All our bench players are still effective basketball players in certain stituation. Camby still defends will/rebounds, Kidd is a second coach/can still run a team amazingly well/defend. The only weak spot will be the Camby/Wallace backup spot. Rotations come playoffs don't go more than 8 or 9 so once gain our roster really isn't as old as it appears. We have athleticism still its not like we are last years lakers squad where Kobe was the most athletic player left on the team.

And I never took solace in anything, I could care less about the Wiz, DubJ's just loves to hate on Melo/Knicks but its whatever.

Boston is an older team than the Knicks in reality. They have multiple core guys who are 34+ but yet their touted as the second best team in the East. With medicine and modern sports training guys play better late into their career than ever but keep making Knicks jokes about how old our 10-15 spots are like that really matters.
NY can't make it past boston who IS older but you think they can be 2nd in the east....seriously

Indy will be 2nd in the east before NY sniffs anything higher than #7 bro ...all bs aside
It's all good, I've came to realize people love to laugh at the Knicks and we sure have given them a lot of ammo. I really do believe that this team can be the second best team in the East this year and that Melo will shut up a lot of people. But y'all will continue to make your jokes anyway.

Once again, show me someone besides a bench player who is actually old. All our bench players are still effective basketball players in certain stituation. Camby still defends will/rebounds, Kidd is a second coach/can still run a team amazingly well/defend. The only weak spot will be the Camby/Wallace backup spot. Rotations come playoffs don't go more than 8 or 9 so once gain our roster really isn't as old as it appears. We have athleticism still its not like we are last years lakers squad where Kobe was the most athletic player left on the team.

And I never took solace in anything, I could care less about the Wiz, DubJ's just loves to hate on Melo/Knicks but its whatever.

Boston is an older team than the Knicks in reality. They have multiple core guys who are 34+ but yet their touted as the second best team in the East. With medicine and modern sports training guys play better late into their career than ever but keep making Knicks jokes about how old our 10-15 spots are like that really matters.

The 2nd best team in the East? Better than Boston, Indy, Chicago (with Rose, since I'm assuming you mean NY with Shump), New Jersey?

And I dont really thing Melo has to "shut anybody up". People know how good he is on the offensive end of the floor, and respect that part of his game. The biggest criticism on Melo is (1) he doesnt do much else besides score (2) The chemistry between him and Stat. It honestly seems like when Melo is on the floor, Stat goes into hibernation or something
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*Yawn* The old thing is so overhyped. The starting 5 isn' old, the core rotation has a couple old guys and those guys are still effective players.
Kidd, Felton
Shump, Jr
Melo, Brewer, Novak
Amar'e, Kurt
Tyson, Camby
Those are the guys who will play this season. And please tell me how they are dysfunctional? They were one of the better teams in the East when Woodson took over and Melo started actually trying again.
Knicks chances of going to the ECF>>>Wiz chance of making the playoffs

It's been pointed out, but look at what you said :lol:

You really want me to tell you why this team is dysfunctional? You're going off of a small-sample size of games (with Woodson as coach) as your rationale as to WHY things will work for your squad? C'mon man. You even said it. Melo started TRYING AGAIN!!! LMAOOOOO Let that marinate for a second. Your answer as to why your team is dysfunctional starts and ends with #7.

Knicks were in the honeymoon stage w/ Woodson. Let's see how they do when the ebbs and flows of an NBA season take course. You'll have between 40-45 wins and a first round exit.


Second best team in the East???!!!????


:lol: :smh:
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Ever since the Melo trade my expectations and best case scenario for the Knicks has been

- Try not to be completely dysfunctional

- get to the 5th-6th seed

- get lucky and have another star get injured (I'm not hoping for this but it's one of the many things that has to happen)

- another big star has a very bad series

- Amare and Melo take turns carrying the team through big games

- all while staying very healthy and fresh

Play the season and playoffs ten times in a row and odds of Knicks making noise and getting to the Finals are slim. We just haven't seen enough of this team working well together for me to be really confident about even getting to the Conference Finals to be honest. But.. stranger things have happened. Stars get hurt, have a bad season, teams get out of sync, miss a couple big shots in the playoffs, etc. I won't be confident of Amare and Melo working well together in the first place.. so everything else is influenced from that.
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Ever since the Melo trade my expectations and best case scenario for the Knicks has been
- Try not to be completely dysfunctional
- get to the 5th-6th seed
- get lucky and have another star get injured (I'm not hoping for this but it's one of the many things that has to happen)
- another big star has a very bad series
- Amare and Melo take turns carrying the team through big games
- all while staying very healthy and fresh

Play the season and playoffs ten times in a row and odds of Knicks making noise and getting to the Finals are slim. We just haven't seen enough of this team working well together for me to be really confident about even getting to the Conference Finals to be honest. But.. stranger things have happened. Stars get hurt, have a bad season, teams get out of sync, miss a couple big shots in the playoffs, etc. 

I think this is so key man. Its well known that both of them are very capable, and very streaky scorers. So if Melo is shooting 2-10 or something, I would love to see him have the maturity to defer to his All Star power forward. If Amare is getting locked up, I would love to see him defer to his All Star small forward.
-we got better defensively
-replaced Dantoni
-replaced Bibby with Kidd
-replaced Jeffries with Camby
-pretty much kept all of our core players
-replaced 1 PG (Lin) with 3 (Felton, Kidd, Pablo)

No idea how we didnt get better.
The Knicks surely have a bunch of talent and big names on their roster and the potential is there for them to have a great season, no doubt. Fans should definitely be optomistic based on that.

You can't really argue about how they'll be good based on a stretch at the end of the season, though. Almost every team has a good stretch but a lot of times it doesn't mean much - the Rockets won 20+ straight games one year but didn't make any real noise after. If you're gonna dig in the past for evidence, all the evidence so far points to the Knicks not being able to put it together for the long haul and flailing in the playoffs... Not saying that's how it will be this year
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Ever since the Melo trade my expectations and best case scenario for the Knicks has been
- Try not to be completely dysfunctional
- get to the 5th-6th seed
- get lucky and have another star get injured (I'm not hoping for this but it's one of the many things that has to happen)
- another big star has a very bad series
- Amare and Melo take turns carrying the team through big games
- all while staying very healthy and fresh

Play the season and playoffs ten times in a row and odds of Knicks making noise and getting to the Finals are slim. We just haven't seen enough of this team working well together for me to be really confident about even getting to the Conference Finals to be honest. But.. stranger things have happened. Stars get hurt, have a bad season, teams get out of sync, miss a couple big shots in the playoffs, etc. 

I think this is so key man. Its well known that both of them are very capable, and very streaky scorers. So if Melo is shooting 2-10 or something, I would love to see him have the maturity to defer to his All Star power forward. If Amare is getting locked up, I would love to see him defer to his All Star small forward.

you don't need to feel bad for saying its gonna happen regardless
I just love how people act like the Knicks are composed of some bums. Really the East is like this.

1st group
- Miami

2nd group
- Boston

3rd group
- Pacers
- Knicks
- Nets
- Sixers

Bulls are not in it this year...Their strength was their bench and now that is gone. Rose is out for at least prolly half the season, I just don't see how they are a top 5 team in the East. Every team has issues. Why would anybody assume Bynum would stay healthy? Pacers are ok but they have a ceiling. They got dismantled by a seriously hobbled heat team and their best player is still Danny Granger.

For all the hate Melo gets...Deron Williams shot 40 percent from the field last year. And basically hasn't been very good since he has came East. But yea, they are leagues better than the Nets. You guys just love looking for anything to make the Knicks look dysfunctional. Teams have ****** coaches and quit on them all the time. It happens. Woodson isn't a great coach but he isn't trying to impose any system upon anybody. Melo has the ability to be a top 5 player in the league. Stat can be a top 5 PF. Tyson top 5 center. WIll all those prolly happen? Prolly not, but they certainly have the talent this year. The question will be can they mesh together. I believe why it is still not the best fit, these guys all realize the perception of them by people like yoiu in the media and are ready to mesh and win this year. Having veterans like Kidd, Sheed and Camby who have been there to help drill that into them can only help. But yea, we are bums who will get swept in the first round again.
I just love how people act like the Knicks are composed of some bums. Really the East is like this.

1st group
- Miami

2nd group
- Boston

3rd group
- Pacers
- Knicks
- Nets
- Sixers

Bulls are not in it this year...Their strength was their bench and now that is gone. Rose is out for at least prolly half the season, I just don't see how they are a top 5 team in the East. Every team has issues. Why would anybody assume Bynum would stay healthy? Pacers are ok but they have a ceiling. They got dismantled by a seriously hobbled heat team and their best player is still Danny Granger.

For all the hate Melo gets...Deron Williams shot 40 percent from the field last year. And basically hasn't been very good since he has came East. But yea, they are leagues better than the Nets. You guys just love looking for anything to make the Knicks look dysfunctional. Teams have ****** coaches and quit on them all the time. It happens. Woodson isn't a great coach but he isn't trying to impose any system upon anybody. Melo has the ability to be a top 5 player in the league. Stat can be a top 5 PF. Tyson top 5 center. WIll all those prolly happen? Prolly not, but they certainly have the talent this year. The question will be can they mesh together. I believe why it is still not the best fit, these guys all realize the perception of them by people like yoiu in the media and are ready to mesh and win this year. Having veterans like Kidd, Sheed and Camby who have been there to help drill that into them can only help. But yea, we are bums who will get swept in the first round again.

as long as you realize
Knicks are still not in that upper echelon defensively that's for sure, they showed signs of playing solid defense and should be improved up front, but they are relying on a PF who has a chronic back issue in STAT to bring them over the top which is scary (and he plays zero defense). I don't see any leadership defensively on the court, just seems like a weird mix of guys who are talented.

They will still be one of the better teams in the East, perhaps 3-6, they have potential but I need to see it to believe it. Woodson has some god awful offensive sets and they were destroyed by Miami.

PG and SG position is very weak, Shump needs to come back 100% asap so JR "there isn't a jumpshot I dont like, I'll outshoot Melo/Stat" Smith can be limited, and not sold on Felton.

Knicks would have to face teams like Sixers/Pacers etc in the playoffs to have a good solid shot of advancing, since they match up well with those kinds of teams.
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Knicks are still not in that upper echelon defensively that's for sure, they showed signs of playing solid defense and should be improved up front, but they are relying on a PF who has a chronic back issue in STAT to bring them over the top which is scary (and he plays zero defense). I don't see any leadership defensively on the court, just seems like a weird mix of guys who are talented.

They will still be one of the better teams in the East, perhaps 3-6, they have potential but I need to see it to believe it. Woodson has some god awful offensive sets and they were destroyed by Miami.

PG and SG position is very weak, Shump needs to come back 100% asap so JR "there isn't a jumpshot I dont like, I'll outshoot Melo/Stat" Smith can be limited, and not sold on Felton.

Knicks would have to face teams like Sixers/Pacers etc in the playoffs to have a good solid shot of advancing, since they match up well with those kinds of teams.

doesn't make sense to pay your players all that money and only make it the 2nd round
Speaking of the Knicks.

This might be one of the greatest videos on the web ever

no intended shots
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Basically the Knicks are the epitome of what you don't want in the NBA.

Old, expensive, middling talent that's ceiling might by the conference finals.
I just love how people act like the Knicks are composed of some bums.

But yea, we are bums who will get swept in the first round again.

bulls will prbly have a better record that the manhattan knicks worldbfreeg
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I'm not sure why Knicks get so defensive.

#1 you dont actually play for the team
#2 For example, I'm from Pittsburgh. After 20 straight losing seasons, I dont expect the Pirates to suddenly win the NL. Same thing with the Knicks, what do you really expect from these guys? What have they shown you that makes you believe that they will be better than teams that were better than them last year?
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