Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I'm not sure why Knicks get so defensive.

#1 you dont actually play for the team
#2 For example, I'm from Pittsburgh. After 20 straight losing seasons, I dont expect the Pirates to suddenly win the NL. Same thing with the Knicks, what do you really expect from these guys? What have they shown you that makes you believe that they will be better than teams that were better than them last year?

2 words

false hope
bulls will prbly have a better record that the manhattan knicks worldbfreeg
True, and we all know he won the Nuggets a bunch of rings lol
Same amount lebron got for Cleveland. Soooooo, idk where this point is going.

The sum of the parts

Melo + Stat + Chandler = No ring

Bron + Wade + Bosh = Championship

Not to mention, look at the state of the franchises after each player left. Cleveland imploded, Denver is better than ever....and this is coming from a Heat hater
Basically the Knicks are the epitome of what you don't want in the NBA.
Old, expensive, middling talent that's ceiling might by the conference finals.

Eh, that's such a Lakers mentality. Winning a chip or getting to the finals is VERY hard, if your ceiling is conference finals, that's pretty damn good - no reason for fans to be mad at that. Plus, I KNOW people said worse things about the Dallas Mavericks the same year they won the chip.

You don't want your ceiling to be first round, maybe 2nd round if chips fall your way - THATS the epitome of what you don't want in the NBA.

The Knicks certainly have the talent to do big things but for whatever reason, it never clicks for them. I'm NOT confident that it'll click this year because I think they got worse from last year.
Do Knicks have the talent to make the Finals? Yes. Their starting lineup is very good. Could make argument of Top 5-7. Their bench despite being very old.. Is still decent.

Will they? No. There's too much about this team that is underachieving and chemistry issues.
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Not to mention, look at the state of the franchises after each player left. Cleveland imploded, Denver is better than ever....and this is coming from a Heat hater

Hmmm...Melo got traded, the Nuggets got a lot of talent back. Bron left...The Cavs got nothing back. So, yeah it would make sense the Cavs suck while Denver is good. If Denver didn't get Gallo/Chandler/Felton/Mosgov/draft picks, they certainly would not be the squad they are right now.

Nuggets are better than ever? Well considering under Melo they went to the playoffs every year and before that they had an irrelevant history I would slow down with that better than ever. Melo did take a team to an ECF did he not?

And PMatic, you say the best case scenario ECF is the worst situation to be in? Huh? Unfortunately, we are in a conference with the best team in the league and the best player since MJ. There are realistically only 3 teams that could prolly win it all this year. So how would finishing in the EFC be horrible. Would we rather be where the Bucks or Warriors are. Your one of the smarter posters on here but that comment reeks of douchey Lakerness.

We ran into the Heat at the one time all playoffs that they were at full strength and we were pretty beyond depleted. Tyson was sick the first two games, Amar'e punched glass, Shump injured his knee, Lin ditto. Our team was basically just Melo and we still managed to get a game, the same amout the Thunder managed to get.

So if the Knicks at full strength, are a worse squad this year? Jason Kidd and Marcus Camby can't be effective players in 20 minute a game spurts? We don't have a deep bench with JR, Novak, Brewer, Kidd, Camby? Got 'cha.

Everybody just laughs at the Knicks and expects the worst without reasonably thinking about other teams? What makes you think KG/Pierce will continue to play at as high level as they did last year? The fall off for them is coming sooner than later.

Indiana isn't some juggernaut. They have nice depth but aside from Hibbert who is limited himself they don't even anything that really resembles an all-star player. Depth is nice but you need fire power come playoff time and they have none of it. Knicks beat them 2/3 times they met last year. We match up well against those teams.

Bulls...Rose might be gone half the year, Brewer, Korver, Asik, I think it is unreasonable to expect them to be the same team they've been the past two years especially when the guy they rely on most won't be full strength prolly until the spring.

Philly is relying on Andre Bynum...a guy who has played 60 games once in the past 5 years to be their superstar. I'm sure that will work out great.

Besides the Heat, every team has flaws. The Knicks could easily end up in 6th just like they could easily end up in 2nd. The Heat is the only given there is in the conference.
You make valid points about the other teams in the conference, but the construction of the Knicks is flawed and will show before the ECFs.
Funny thing about the C's is even with all their in-fighting, they were STILL a cohesive bunch on the floor. "Cohesion" is the operative word when discussing other supposed playoff-bound teams in the East NOT named the Knicks. Cohesion is the reason why I'd say that teams like Indy, Boston, and Miami will be seeded higher than the Knicks when the playoffs roll around. The 4-7 seedings will come down to the Nets, Bulls, Knicks, and 76ers. There are a lot of unknowns with the teams that I mentioned in that 4-7 range, but ON PAPER, I like their potential to play as a cohesive unit more than the Knicks - and that's for a number of reasons.
That cohesion **** is cool during the regular season but I'll take the talent word to last playoffs.

Heat were hardly a cohesive unit before the playoffs? Are Westbrook/Durant a perfectly cohesive match? If your going to say they are than you are rewriting what everybody's perception about those two teams were last season. At the end of the day, talent wins out in the NBA.

I find it hilarious how you make the assumption that the Celtics and Pacers are locked into the 2/3 spots. Like anything can happen in the NBA...I said I think the Knicks very well could end up in the ECF. But what happens if Wade goes down with a knee injury for the whole year? Whole complexion changes. Anybody in the league is an injury away from a season going awry.

Cohesion...that's what its about? So the Knicks actually have great relationships with each other, everybody on the team is friends and gets along with each other. The only problem last year was D'antoni chemistry wise. Now he's gone and we bring in great chemistry guys, Camby, Kidd and Sheed (Yes sheed brings good chemistry, the guys in Boston all like him) and then age is a serious issue.

Dwight would be in his 13th year by 2016, carrying around a 7ft frame - that doesn't always lend itself to aging well. I realize he acts like a big *** kid so that might make him seem younger but he better win now with Kobe if he's collecting multiple rings in LA.

The Indiana Pacers are irrelevant come playoff time. The new Atlanta Hawks.

Knicks can't win with Mike Woodson until he figures out how to utilize everyone on offense. Throwing Melo the ball and asking everyone to get out of the way while Miami can run multiple defenders at him through the course of the game will get the Knicks nowhere. D'Antoni had is own issues but this coaching change is an upgrade on one side of the floor and a downgrade on the other IMO. A wash.
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You're actually going to sit there w/ a straight face and tell me that the Knicks are a cohesive unit? Oy vey...

What good is all that "talent" if no one plays for each other? Let me know when you see that out of the Knicks. 1 playoff win in the past 8-10 years or whatever it is, and we're now all of a sudden that this Knicks team "gets it." Call me a pessimist, but until the organizational structure and culture changes for the Knicks, it will be the same old song and dance year in and year out.
That cohesion **** is cool during the regular season but I'll take the talent word to last playoffs.
Cohesion...that's what its about? So the Knicks actually have great relationships with each other, everybody on the team is friends and gets along with each other. The only problem last year was D'antoni chemistry wise. Now he's gone and we bring in great chemistry guys, Camby, Kidd and Sheed (Yes sheed brings good chemistry, the guys in Boston all like him) and then age is a serious issue.

The Heat and Thunder don't have pieces that are perfect fits, but that doesn't mean they can't be cohesive. They were cohesive because KD could flourish while sharing the floor with Russ, who was flourishing as well. Their games don't exactly compliment each other, but they are "cohesive" in that they can both operate to their fullest while on the court. Same with Wade and Lebron.

The Knicks don't seem to have that. It's always a question mark whether Stat and Melo will both get it going in any given game.
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