Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Not saying that they're getting blown out. Just wondering if he's ever had a monster game against a great team and still won the game.
I might be a little old school, but I still think he's a one-trick pony. All he does is dunk and without CP3, he wouldn't be getting the kind of "production" he gets.

He was 20/10/4 assists without CP3 his rookie year though.
Lawler is okay, Mike Smith is the one that pisses me off the most.  He needs to get off CP3 and Blake's nutsack.
Chauncey with the 2nd worst inbounds pass ever behind that Ron Artest one. 
Lol at NYCknicks' lack of basketbally knowledge being exposed.

Go back to the knicks season thread :lol:
Lol bobcats jerseys just say "cats" lol I never noticed that (or them for that matter). That dunk is the highlight of that franchises career.
On Hedo Turkoglu (and other none resident players): "They’ve got to know that he’s a [darn] flopper. That’s all Turkododo do. Flopping shouldn’t get you nowhere. He acts like I shot him…That’s not basketball, man. That’s not defense. That’s garbage, what it is. I’m glad I don’t have too much of it left…Let the Golden Child [LeBron James] do that, or one of the NBA Without Border kids do that, it’s all fine and dandy."

did rasheed wallace really say this? :rofl:
JJ Redick playmaking ability :smokin

He's made strides since entering the League. He has become a better dribbler, can create his own shot, isn't just a perimeter shooter anymore, is a decent defender, and still can shoot the lights out. Having him and Afflalo is a bit redundant, but they are tough out there together.
Aaron Afflalo is a nice player. He does a lot of things well. I'm a fan of his.
And people thought JJ and Ryan Anderson were only products of Dwight. Orlando as a whole has looked pretty good, I like Jaque Vaughn's style.
Lakers sweep clippers by a margin 25+ each game?

The same Lakers that can't beat the Kings and Magic?

Oh ok.
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