Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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that rudy for avery and jeff green trade makes the most sense for both teams and is probably the best offer they'd get.
That's like me saying you only liked lebrons because you just finally posted in his shoe thread. Smh. Been a fan of Clips in the darrkest moments. Been laughed at for years, idc, still a fan.
does pau contract end at the end of this season or next?

next. small market teams are going to keep trading their best players to major markets as long as the cba stays as is. I'm just kinda tired of hearing that Pau won't be traded for anything decent because he's soft as flamingo feathers. his game is completely irrelevant the only thing that matters is his contract.

people thought the kwame trade would hurt memphis and the harden trade would hurt okc. eventually they will see it is an effective strategy. the wolves are somewhere between where memphis was when they traded gasol and where orlando was when they traded dwight
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Love's heart looks like it out of minny already. Better for them to shed him now to build a better cohesive unit for the future.

I would do:


Send all the rumored would be trade assets to LA. Lineup of Nash, Mamba, Gay, Love, Howard. Develop williams at natural pos. SF.

Minny gets a legit big to pair with rubio and pek. Plus a go to scorer with gordon. He would have to finally play better since this is a better situation than NOLA. Lineup of Rubio, Gordon, AK, Gasol, Pek.

Memphis gets an outside threat in Anderson and a promising player in Davis to be mentored by Zbo and Gasol. Lineup of Conley, Allen, Anderson, Zbo, Gasol.

NOLA get veterans in MWP, Roy, Luke, Duhon to mentor their young core and a promising defensive minded player in Dante. And they still get the all star game next year. Lucky pelicans. Lineup of Vasquez, Rivers, MWP, Dante, Lopez.

Great deal for everyone. :pimp:

Someone should shoot you in the face.

How could you truly believe that this trade makes sense?

and why would Nola want ANY of that crap, especially giving up Davis?
It was a damn joke. Geez. :smh: NTers today have lost a sense of humor. But I do believe in the L should contract some teams.
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It was a damn joke. Geez.
NTers today have lost a sense of humor. But I do believe in the L should contract some teams.
Contract who though? During the lockout people were screaming contract G state and now Look. People wanted to contract the Kings and now look. Arguments for teams that will be bad forever like the Wizards can be made but their fanbase is strong. Contraction could never happen IMO.
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The Kings are allegedly being sold for $500 million...contraction isn't happening. League and players won't have any of it, dilution be damned.
My bad if it was a joke. You never know, some Laker fans actually believe they can pull things off like that.
19 million dollar expiring contract in a league where everyone is trying to avoid paying the ridiculous luxury tax. See: James Harden trade. forget about Pau Gasol, it doesn't matter how he's playing it doesn't matter who the player is, it could be Kwame Brown again, right now today it doesn't matter as long as he is attached to 19 million that has crazy value all around the league. Love's situation is so similar to Dwight's in Orlando it almost seems staged. it may or may not happen but it's more likely than people want to admit

His contract expires next year. There's some value in that but not the crazy amount that you think, especially since there are a ton of other options for immediate cap relief. Gasol's contract is nothing like the Kwame situation.

I'm sure the Knicks would be happy to trade Amare for Gasol though :lol:

All be gone with them.

Um the Kings were a Western Conference power just a few years ago and the Raps play in one of the biggest markets in the world

Plus I would never want to see any fans lose their team
I'm disappointed at this thread.  I thought their would be more legit NBA basketball talk.  Not a bunch homers and dudes insulting other homers.  Who cares what team you like.  Bring some decent discussion about players, teams, and current events in the league.  C'mon man ya'll are better than this.

We were invaded by their kind, and can't exterminate them. Half the regs from this thread have left and never returned. :smh:
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