Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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the lockout season was so damn engaging because every game mattered in that it decided in the end who got in or not and which seed. :pimp:

82 games is just long and ridiculous when the top teams rest their stars the last games because nothing would happen to their playoff chances except seed change.
:lol: So that's another article. That wasn't even the one I saw. :smh: People want to change an entire system over one damn crybaby. Good God.
I agree that 82 is too many. Selfishly I like it because there's more basketball to watch but I'm not sure it's the best thing for the product. How about 58 games. Each team plays every other team twice. No back to backs.
It's got nothing to do with Pop, but a general criticism of the league.

Shortening the season is an interesting idea to improve the quality of play and interest in the regular season.

If people have reasons for 82 being an ideal number other than "that's how it's always been", I'd like to hear it
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Im calling it, Bucks and Lakers should mingle:

Pau Gasol
Earl Clark


Ersan Ilyasova
Drew Gooden
John Henson

Bucks get the low post presence they desire ever since they traded Bogut away plus a young swing in Clark, Lakers get TWO stretch 4s who can bomb 3s and flourish under Pringles' system and prospect in Henson who could backup Dwight in the future.
you actually haven't seen Ersan or Drew play when they get consistent min right? Those two dudes would help the Lakers a lot. You just can't see it this year because Skiles is ***** moron when it comes to rotations/decisions.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the game that Tim and Tony sat out was a secret suspension enforced by Pop. That's totally out of character for both of them and a bad representation of the Spurs organization and the city of San Antonio.
The 4 games in 5 nights and Pop's history are dealbreakers but that's an interesting take on it.
EDIT: I think for sure we need to get rid of back to back games. I notice my wolves are playing a back to back home game this year. Which seems a bit odd.

Time for Pau to be moved?
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i'm speaking in terms of salary dollars, not actual play

sanders is making $2m/2yr.

Ersan $7.9m/5
Drew $6.6m/3
John $1.8m/4

plus the Bucks got SJax Trade Exception of 2.5

Pau $19m/2
Clark $1.2m/1

Problem is that Ersan can't be traded until Jan 15th due to his new contract.
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sanders is making $2m/2yr.
Ersan $7.9m/5
Drew $6.6m/3
John $1.8m/4
plus the Bucks got SJax Trade Exception of 2.5
Pau $19m/2
Clark $1.2m/1

they'd be taking on $20M on a 32 year old player. and then there's still the option of re-signing jennings at the end of the season. IMO, it doesn't make sense for the bucks. small market teams aren't trying to spend that bread on declining players

add to that you'd be dumping young talent for no real reason at all. if Ersan has permanent "odomitis" you have a 21 year PF waiting in the wings. you can trade Ersan for picks, not a mentally fragile-32 year old veteran
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The Lakers still say no unless Ilyasova starts showing a pulse. Plus his contract runs past what the Lakers would prefer. They'd probably want Dunleavy too.


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I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the game that Tim and Tony sat out was a secret suspension enforced by Pop. That's totally out of character for both of them and a bad representation of the Spurs organization and the city of San Antonio.
So Pop sat Manu and Green because...? He said he made the decision in July when he looked at the schedule.
they'd be taking on $20M on a 32 year old player. and then there's still the option of re-signing jennings at the end of the season. IMO, it doesn't make sense for the bucks. small market teams aren't trying to spend that bread on declining players
add to that you'd be dumping young talent for no real reason at all. if Ersan has permanent "odomitis" you have a 21 year PF waiting in the wings. you can trade Ersan for picks, not a mentally fragile-32 year old veteran

true but looks like the Bucks don't even want Jennings back. They'll probably try to trade him by the deadline or something.
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