OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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"no reason"

asking dudes to take pictures with you like a groupie. :lol: sorry but i dont know these dudes. i dont go crazy or even care if i see "famous" people in public. no head nod , hi nothing . they dont know you.then getting upset cause they dont want to play your game. little kids i understand but grown men acting like that . nah.....

embiid has the biggest mouth for some dude who is on a minutes restriction and cant play back to backs. just shut the f up already.
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He just gonna have a minutes restrictions for 1 game?

I don't have the answers for how many games he'll have some type of minute restriction.

Sixers is wildin with all of these minutes restrictions

I’ve never seen this amount of fragile players on a nba roster


It's not the players, it's the training staff/coaching staff/front office/whoever the **** is making these decisions of minute restrictions and holding players out. Any other team, if a player is healthy enough to play they're going to play them just like any other player. Embiid is in bubble wrap and they won't let him take it off. I've read plenty of quotes from inside sources saying this whole minute restriction BS pisses him off more than anything and he wanted the Sixers to put out last year that he had a minor MCL sprain and let him play after 2-3 weeks. He wants to play every game and play the whole thing and he feels healthy enough to do so...they just won't let him and I don't know how long they're going to keep this **** up.
i knew you would approve that groupie behavior with your nba player cake fetish.

how is not wanting to act like a groupie hating something. i dont get it.

Asking for a pic isn't groupie behavior. Fawning over someone, following them around being persistent even when you get turned down is groupie behavior.

There are actually quite a few celebrities that enjoy pics with people.

You always take it to another level. "I don't even acknowledge their presence, no head nod"
I swear our entire training staff should be unemployed right now though.

One thing that boggled my mind last year is how on earth did they allow Simmons to gain 35 pounds of muscle in as little as a month and a half and not expect him to get hurt. Reading up on his muscle gain was a red flag to me and I'm not even close to being an expert, he was hurt as soon as summer league started and was really no surprise.

I do agree that their health staff is not the best and having Colangelo consistently lie to the media does not help at all.

I mean how did they not notice how hurt Fultz was even if he was brushing it off.
i f with that. asking a grown man you dont know to take a pic with you. :sick: thats bird behavior.

Yup. I actually had dinner two tables away from Justin Trudeau (prime minister of Canada who is super photogenic), we were the only people at the restaurant (including our wives), didn't feel right to ask him for a photo since he was spending quality time with his wife and so was I. We made eye contact, I raised my glass at him and he did the same.

I must admit, the only person I'd actually go and ask for a photo would be Allen Iverson. He's been too influential during my childhood to not do so. However, I won't just go and take a photo like he's some sort of object, I'd try to speak with him, tell him how I appreciated his time in the NBA and how he influenced me then I'd ask for a photo.
Yup. I actually had dinner two tables away from Justin Trudeau (prime minister of Canada who is super photogenic), we were the only people at the restaurant (including our wives), didn't feel right to ask him for a photo since he was spending quality time with his wife and so was I. We made eye contact, I raised my glass at him and he did the same.

I must admit, the only person I'd actually go and ask for a photo would be Allen Iverson. He's been too influential during my childhood to not do so. However, I won't just go and take a photo like he's some sort of object, I'd try to speak with him, tell him how I appreciated his time in the NBA and how he influenced me then I'd ask for a photo.

If I saw President Obama I would ask for his picture. Without a question.

That's probably the only person I'd be compelled to because I really wanted it rather than to have a quick social media share or something
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