OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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i still prefer a burger from the good ol mom and pops hood burger spots.
always hook it up with extra steak fries too.

Tam's :pimp:
Fred's :pimp:
Tom's :pimp:
Alberto's :pimp:
El huero :pimp:

Still think it was a ploy between Bron and Kyrie to get him out of town. Ever since Windhorst single handily got Draymond Green suspended from game 5, by being Brons sounding board that night, I really believe Bron gives him narratives to run with.

Windhorst = Huckabee
Pop gon have secret service on his *** after those Trump comments. :lol:

My Lakers :pimp::pimp:
My Thunders :pimp:

The deadline to get on the BBB train ends before game 1 on Thursday. We not accepting any of y'all afterwards for when the ascension begins.

For the people in the back.
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