OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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Russ rebounds are leading into fastbreak points.

Russ leaving his man to chase rebounds.

Both things can be true.
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There’s visual evidence of Russ leaving defenders open to chase rebounds, statiscal evidence showing OKC isn’t playing fast, and statistical evidence that Russ isn’t great in transition.

But we need to watch more basketball

He's also the reason their half court offense has sucked since Durant has been there.
What's failed to be mentioned is the reason okc half court offense is buns, or why they have been close to the bottom years in a row in overall passes made...

Because Russ only pass for assists. Same with Wall :lol:

People always reference how their assist numbers are so high but fail to mention how they stagnate the flow of their respective offenses.
Literally lead the league in uncontested threes so he could chase rebounds yet we need to watch games.

Guess the commentary of one of the brightest minds in basketball means nothing also right?

Lowe: "If you don't think Russell Westbrook is stat padding his rebounds, you're just blindfully ignorant or not watching.

"He is stat padding his rebounds. So if you really care enough about 2 defensive rebounds to make that the deciding factor in who you vote for, more power to you. If you vote for Westbrook, you should not do it because of the triple double. Period."

Or does he need to watch more games?

He stat pads the rebounds. It can not be refuted. He does it and we all see it.
No it's literally on blog boy.

Also on there: Russ is 1st in transition poss/gm and 2nd in ppg behind Giannis. He's getting much of those by getting the board and going.

This is actually a fair point, brethren. Hold this rep.
Literally lead the league in uncontested threes so he could chase rebounds yet we need to watch games.

Guess the commentary of one of the brightest minds in basketball means nothing also right?

Lowe: "If you don't think Russell Westbrook is stat padding his rebounds, you're just blindfully ignorant or not watching.

"He is stat padding his rebounds. So if you really care enough about 2 defensive rebounds to make that the deciding factor in who you vote for, more power to you. If you vote for Westbrook, you should not do it because of the triple double. Period."

Or does he need to watch more games?

Zach Lowe has never played competitive basketball so his analysis is invalid.
Zach lowe is the definition of a blog boy
But again, the argument is if Russ’ stat padding rebounding affects the team positively, not himself.

OKC is 15th in fast break points according to my “blog” but MVP’s blog might read differently
Also y'all continue to use 'stat padding' as a negative connotation, but only when it comes to Russ. Even though OKC is winning 70+% of the games in which he records one these past 2 seasons. And their record is bottom 8 in the league when he doesn't during that same time period. But let Joker, Harden or Bron have a little streak and it's the greatest thing since the wheel.
Because Russ only pass for assists. Same with Wall :lol:

People always reference how their assist numbers are so high but fail to mention how they stagnate the flow of their respective offenses.
Really annoying that Wall has drifted towards this tendency as well. And standing around too.
No it's literally on blog boy.

Also on there: Russ is 1st in transition poss/gm and 2nd in ppg behind Giannis. He's getting much of those by getting the board and going.

And how many of his league leading turnovers come in those transitions?

Westbrook may be fast. He might even be the fastest player in the league. But no way in hell can he run faster than a ball can be thrown for him to justifiably pad those rebounds.
Also y'all continue to use 'stat padding' as a negative connotation, but only when it comes to Russ. Even though OKC is winning 70+% of the games in which he records one these past 2 seasons. And their record is bottom 8 in the league when he doesn't during that same time period. But let Joker, Harden or Bron have a little streak and it's the greatest thing since the wheel.

That record is misleading as hell. They’re only really beating bad teams when he records those crazy triple doubles.

@9:25 mark of this video

But again, the argument is if Russ’ stat padding rebounding affects the team positively, not himself.

OKC is 15th in fast break points according to my “blog” but MVP’s blog might read differently

Yea you need a new blog.


Tied for 3rd in FBPTS and the %FBPTS that account for their total points.
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