OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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You all remember a year or two ago when people thought that Klay Thompson would be a good number one option a good team?

Dude is struggling to be a consistent number two option nowadays. Maybe we've been under estimating Steph Curry's impact even more than we thought. Draymond and Klay are both looking like straight role players, not all NBA players lately.

Remember when everyone was applauding Durant as a great two-way player? Look at their defensive stats with Curry out. They've been a bottom five team.
Yeah apprently this is about webber’s game “Was very close to being one, but the Bullets had the tiebreaker due to divisional record so even if they lost they would have made the playoffs”
You all remember a year or two ago when people thought that Klay Thompson would be a good number one option a good team?

Dude is struggling to be a consistent number two option nowadays. Maybe we've been under estimating Steph Curry's impact even more than we thought. Draymond and Klay are both looking like straight role players, not all NBA players lately.

Remember when everyone was applauding Durant as a great two-way player? Look at their defensive stats with Curry out. They've been a bottom five team.

Per SoHi, we gonna need sample sizes, b.
I think it's gonna be interesting to see what happens to Klay in free agency next summer. Is he gonna give the Warriors a discount and stay or is he gonna want Super Max money (which he's eligible for)? Is he even worth the SuperMax? For a long time he's gotten by with his "best 2 guard in basketball", "great two way player" rep but is he really that good?
Brett Brown had no bench, his rotations were a product of having to use players like Jared Bayless, TJ McConnell, Justin Anderson, etc.

Bringing in Ersan and Marco has completely changed this team along with Fultz taking TJ McConnell's spot
damn, so TJ is now not good enough
TJ was getting gassed up by 76er fans not that long ago
Listening to a lot of these podcast & noticing how much a lot of these guys who have actual votes rely on advanced statistics to choose the awards. I don't know How the players union decided to allow player incentives to be focused around these awards smh. a cool 80% of the convos are strictly stat based.
Lmao idk who’s a better troll:
Erupt or leemelone
Erupt makes you laugh
Leeme makes you mad


He's a troll. I bring happiness.
damn, so TJ is now not good enough
TJ was getting gassed up by 76er fans not that long ago

gassed up? y'all really overreact

TJ is a end of the bench player at best on a championship team who might see 5-10 minutes but in reality his role is on a team that hovers between the 6th-8th seed who needs depth which is what he was before the Sixers added some pieces to become a better squad

people like him because he has been around through the process and everybody said he had no business in the NBA, he has proven he is an NBA player
Listening to a lot of these podcast & noticing how much a lot of these guys who have actual votes rely on advanced statistics to choose the awards. I don't know How the players union decided to allow player incentives to be focused around these awards smh. a cool 80% of the convos are strictly stat based.

I agree with the notion of writers dictating players bonuses is absurd but the vast majority of voters don’t use advanced stats.
Tj is a nice bench/rotation piece. He can run an offense, shoot, etc. what’s goin on in here?
gassed up? y'all really overreact

TJ is a end of the bench player at best on a championship team who might see 5-10 minutes but in reality his role is on a team that hovers between the 6th-8th seed who needs depth which is what he was before the Sixers added some pieces to become a better squad
well damb
TJ deserves better than this fur real
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