OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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Ahh FINALLY some confirmation. This feels good. Now the Sixers should smarten up and rest him.
yeah ... regarding what ive said in the past hour . proof was needed. we got proof some type of it so cool. they need to shut him down and should of shut him down to begin .
sixers management and medical staff looks like trash if they dont shut him down and he really is injured.
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lol fulz retweeted the article on twitter
man is crying out for help

Philly has no problem sitting their top draft picks if they’re injured. Why start playing dudes that are hurt now? Makes sense something is wrong looking at those free throws, but if he continues to play, imma say ain’t **** wrong with his shoulder. It’s just an agent going to bat for his #1 overall client.
detroit main problem is no one wants to see that team. if they had a star or had a good squad hockey arena or not it would be poppin
"Markelle had a shoulder injury and fluid drained out of the back of his shoulder," agent Raymond Brothers told ESPN. "He literally cannot raise up his arms to shoot the basketball. He decided to try and fight through the pain to help the team. He has a great attitude. We are committed to finding a solution to get Markelle back to 100 percent."

Just sit the kid out til he straight. :lol:
Philly has no problem sitting their top draft picks if they’re injured. Why start doing it now? Makes since something is wrong looking at those free throws, but if he continues to play, imma say ain’t **** wrong with his shoulder. It’s just an agent going to bat for his #1 overall client.
You really look at the two scenarios, and your conclusion is it's more likely that he suddenly woke up and forgot how to shoot, but a shoulder injury is too outlandish?
it was so ******* obvious since game 1, why even put him out their who cares what everyone has to say bout another #1 sitting
There had to be pressure from the fanbase or front office to not draft someone highly again and have them sit the entire rookie season due to injury. Looks like the updated shooting form was the work around that concern for Fultz.
The thing is I felt like the Sixers and fultz wanted to keep this injury under wraps. But why though?

Fultz out there with no shoulder sleeve or patch for the pain during games. Tryna low key pretend like there is nothing wrong
Said nothing about a shoulder injury being outlandish. Actually, it’s safe to say I’ve never used the word “outlandish” in my life. I said if he continues to play, ain’t **** wrong with him. That statement is just an agent doing his job.

That or he is actually hurt and is just stupid, along with his agent. Throw the 6ers in that stupid category too for having ignored what they did with their top picks in consecutive drafts out the window and playing a guy who they know is hurt.
It's very clear the kid is hurt. His own unwillingness to sit speaks more to him just wanting to play than some indication that it's a farce. You don't shoot a certain way your entire life, get injured, recover and then suddenly change EVERYTHING because you're fine. That's not even slightly logical. He's probably going to have to be forced to sit it seems.
Markelle: My shoulder is bothering me still. I'm having some trouble raising my arms to get into shooting form. Maybe I should sit and rehab for a couple of weeks...

Sixers Medical Staff: Nah fam, you good. Just take 2 advil and raise your arms real slow before you shoot.
Ay I mentioned you in the fantasy football thread

How you feel about Tyler Kroft vs the Colts this weekend as a bye week fill-in?
I'm not watching them until they fire Marvin, but Colts suck and Kroft seems to be getting targets consistently without Eifert there.
It's very clear the kid is hurt. His own unwillingness to sit speaks more to him just wanting to play than some indication that it's a farce. You don't shoot a certain way your entire life, get injured, recover and then suddenly change EVERYTHING because you're fine. That's not even slightly logical. He's probably going to have to be forced to sit it seems.

I don't know man. The #1 way to tell if someone is hurt is facial expressions...and he hasn't made any.
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