OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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Lmaooooo thats actually not a good thing.

They have no type of offense hahaha. Its legit freelance. Who's okay with d.rose doing whatever he wants hahaha


The lord is my shepherd

The mistake your making is comparing simple +/- across teams. Simple +/- is a good stat to make a comparison for TEAMMATES.

If you want to make a comparison across teams, than RPM is what you use.
Some people call it adjusted real plus minus.

RPM is a Player's estimated on-court impact on team performance, measured in net point differential per 100 offensive and defensive possessions. RPM takes into account teammates, opponents and additional factors

Brandon Paul is a plus defender for the Spurs and is better than J.Simmons IMO. Murray is a terror to guard and Anderson is slow Mo effective.

Spurs gonna Spur

murray/green/kawhi can all guard with length and can switch pretty much everything. very warriors like
i wonder if this is finally the year pop puts tony on the bench. he was solid last yr, but there were many that thought patty was outplaying him
Mysonne just told us about this man.

Not a great answer but football has been racist from the jump, most don't care.
You can't really compare Melo and PG's situations. Melo had (some) choice in coming to OKC and he knows it's his last shot to win. Plus his legacy as a #1 pretty much is what it is.

On the flipside PG didn't go to OKC by choice and he still has a lot more to prove.

On the other flipside, Nate McMillian's comments made me think PG might not mind being in a #2-#3 type role. And IMO he's much better suited for that role anyways.
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